[cfe-dev] Introduce the -f[no-]address-sanitizer-dynamic-runtime option

Ted Kremenek kremenek at apple.com
Fri Aug 24 07:49:36 PDT 2012

On Aug 24, 2012, at 7:45 AM, Alexander Potapenko <glider at google.com> wrote:

> You are right, but we'd like to keep mach_override until it's possible
> to run something heavy (e.g. Chromium) under both versions and make
> sure everything is fine.

Right, makes sense.  That's what I meant by "staging implementations."

> In fact adding a separate flag for the dynamic runtime isn't really
> needed for this -- we can live with -lclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic
> instead.

Ultimately, if we bundle the dylib with the compiler, I would expect that "-faddress-sanitizer", when passed to clang for linking a framework/executable, would automatically imply -lclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.  I'd rather that build systems or users didn't need to know about such esoteric details, and passing "-faddress-sanitizer" to clang for linking does "the right thing".

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