[cfe-dev] (Request for comments) Implicit cast kind for initialization of references.

Ahmed Charles ahmedcharles at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 10:47:22 PDT 2011

a[i] becomes *(a+i), which dereferences the address, i.e. undefined
behavior, in your case.
From: Enea Zaffanella
Sent: 10/24/2011 8:58 AM
To: clang-dev Developers
Subject: [cfe-dev] (Request for comments) Implicit cast kind for
initialization of references.
We would like to hear opinions regarding the introduction of a new
implicit cast kind. In few words, the new cast kind will be used
whenever an lvalue expression initializes a declaration having reference

The simplest example is the following:

  int a[5];
  int *p = &a[5]; // Well-defined behavior.
  int &r = *p;    // Undefined behavior.

Here the sub-expression `a[5]' is an lvalue expression evaluating
off-by-one with respect to array `a', i.e., it is an invalid lvalue.
Its computation is not causing UB: its address is then taken and stored
into `p', which is still well-defined. When later initializing reference
`r' using `*p' we still do NOT read the memory at address `&a[5]', but
we nonetheless obtain an UB due to the binding of the invalid lvalue to
a reference.

In terms of standards, the relevant bit should be C++03 8.3.2 p4:
"[...] A reference shall be initialized to refer to a valid object or
function. [...]"

Similar text is in C++0x 8.3.2 p5.

The new implicit cast kind (whose name could be CK_ReferenceInit) should
be useful by applications such as static analyzers and run-time UB checkers.

In principle, this cast will only have to be added in the following

 - explicit initialization of references, here included the cases of
reference-type structure fields getting initialized using an
InitListExpr node or a constructor initializer;
 - call arguments passed by reference;
 - ... anything else?


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