[cfe-dev] aligned 'new'

Anton Yartsev anton.yartsev at gmail.com
Sun May 29 20:49:28 PDT 2011

Hi all,

I am thinking of the ability of operator new to return memory aligned 
according to the alignment of the type passed to it (at least of AltiVec 
vector types whose proper alignment is essential).
The proposed implementation is:
1) clang: add -fstrict-aligned option. When the option is set it cause 
clang to define the built-in macro "__STRICT_ALIGNED"
2) libcxx: add additional placement new declarations to 
libcxx\include\new with the additional argument - alignment. Make this 
declarations conditionalized on the "__STRICT_ALIGNED". Add new 
definitions to libcxx\src\new.cpp.
3) clang: if -fstrict-aligned option is set, when clang sees a new of a 
type which either has an inherent alignment, or has an explicit 
alignment specified by __attribute__((__aligned__(x))), it will 
transform the standard new call to a call to the aligned version of new.

Am i on the right way? Any thoughts?


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