[cfe-dev] [PATCH] Driver modifications for cross compilation

Roman Divacky rdivacky at freebsd.org
Fri May 27 01:46:26 PDT 2011

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 01:13:10PM +0100, James Molloy wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that the Clang driver requires the user to set "-ccc-host-triple"
> for cross-compilation (if not using the -arch behaviour on Darwin). I
> thought this was a little strange as the option is not documented in the
> --help, is nonstandard and nonobvious.
> I delved a little deeper, and found a bunch of FIXMEs in the driver wanting
> to tablegen lots of if/else statements selecting specific architecture
> options (AddARMTargetArgs being the worst culprit). Adding to that, some of
> these monolithic functions were duplicated with static linkage in multiple
> files.
> I've factored most of these if/else blocks into one tablegen file, which
> when #included forms an "architecture definition database" from which one
> can query default CPUs for given architecture/OS, which architecture a CPU
> belongs to, and any other target-specific feature of the CPU defined in the
> .td file.
> The tablegen file is a list of known architecture variants and CPUs for
> different platforms; we are happy to maintain the ARM part of this.
> The upshot of this is that several monolithic functions have disappeared:
>   * Tool{s,Chain}.cpp:GetARMTargetCPU          (replaced with
> Arch->DefaultCpu)
>   * Tool{s,Chain}.cpp:getLLVMArchSuffixForARM  (replaced with
> Arch->Properties["LLVMArchSuffix"])
> And "Tools.cpp:Add{ARM,Sparc,MIPS,X86}TargetArgs" have been simplified to
> contain fewer if/elses.
> The above was all just general tidyup; after this refactor, a 3 line change
> in Driver.cpp now causes autodetection of the host triple from any -mcpu= or
> -march= options passed. For example:
>     clang -mcpu=cortex-a8 test.c -o test.o -c
> will set the HostTriple to "armv7--", which obviously then enables
> AddARMTargetArgs to be called instead of AddX86TargetArgs, and correct ARM
> code is produced.
> I feel that this is a much more sane behaviour than mandating the use of
> -ccc-host-triple (although the behaviour of that option has not been altered
> and overrides any auto-detection); if a user specifies a CPU which is
> obviously part of an architecture, or a
> -march=something-that-isn't-the-host, the HostTriple should be detected
> automatically.
> As a result of this, taking the line of thought that -ccc-host-triple should
> be optional and should be able to be fully functionally replaced by
> -mcpu=/-march= and friends, I realised there was no way to dictate the host
> OS without use of -ccc-host-triple. So I added a -mos= option, which sets
> the OSAndEnvironment part of the llvm::Triple. This way, almost all
> functionality offered by overriding the triple (still wanted for power
> users) is available via more recognisable command line options.
> The patch I have attached is the entire patch + testcases, so is rather
> large. If accepted, I intend to send to the commit list in several chunks:
>   1. Tablegen file, new files ArchDefs.h and ArchDefs.cpp   (+ new tablegen
> backend to llvm-commits)
>        - This patch should not alter the behaviour of Clang at all, hence no
> tests being added.
>   2. First usecase of the ArchDefs class: the ARM target. Removes
> GetARMTargetCPU and getLLVMArchSuffixForARM, and changes the default command
> line behaviour to infer target triple from -mcpu/-march if present.
>        - As there is now a use case for the ArchDefs class, testcases will
> be added to this patch.
>   3. Refactoring intel / mips target specifics to use ArchDefs. This is the
> most likely patch to cause problems with other uses that I haven't forseen.

FreeBSD needs to be able to specify alias for the arch as we want to accept
both "amd64" and "x86_64" in the target triple. Is this somehow possible
with your patch? If not, can it be added?


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