[cfe-dev] [LLVMdev] Language-specific vs target-specific address spaces (was Re: [PATCH] OpenCL support - update on keywords)

John McCall rjmccall at apple.com
Thu Mar 3 14:02:25 PST 2011

On Mar 3, 2011, at 8:38 AM, Peter Collingbourne wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 09:02:24AM -0500, Ken Dyck wrote:
>>>> In my opinion, any knowledge that front ends have of address spaces
>>>> should be dictated by the target's back end. Perhaps we should add
>>>> some virtual methods to LLVM's TargetMachine interface so front ends
>>>> can query the back end for the names and numbers of the address spaces
>>>> that they recognize, and expose them to end users in a standard way.
>>>> But having front ends impose the requirement on back ends that they
>>>> recognize some arbitrary set of language-specific address spaces seems
>>>> like a great misuse of the feature to me for reasons that Peter has
>>>> already pointed out.
>>> This makes sense to me.   So the TargetMachine would advertise what
>>> address spaces it has, and how they map to OpenCL address spaces (if at all).
>>> Then Clang could error out gracefully if the user is compiling OpenCL code and
>>> the target doesn't support OpenCL.  That addresses the basic validity issue.
>> On second thought, Clang's TargetInfo class would probably be a better
>> location for this logic, since the TargetMachine object isn't
>> instantiated until back-end code generation, which is too late to be
>> useful for IR generation.
>> Roughly, I'm proposing the following additions to TargetInfo.h:
>> + enum OpenCLAddressSpace {
>> + };
>> ...
>>  class TargetInfo {
>> ...
>> + /// hasOpenCLAddressSpaces - returns true if the target supports a
>> mapping of the OpenCL address
>> + /// spaces (private, global, local, and constant) to address space
>> numbers via getAddressSpace().
>> + virtual bool hasOpenCLAddressSpaces() const { return false; }
>> +
>> + /// getAddressSpace - returns the target-specific address space
>> number corresponding to the given
>> + /// OpenCL address space qualifier.
>> + virtual unsigned getAddressSpace(OpenCLAddressSpace qualifier) { return 0; }
>> Obviously, hasOpenCLAddressSpaces() and getAddressSpace() would need
>> to be overridden for the targets that can support OpenCL.
> I generally agree with the concensus reached in the discussion.
> A few points on the implementation:
> 1. The address space mapping should live in CodeGen, specifically
>   in TargetCodeGenInfo.  This is because the physical address space
>   map is a property of LLVM; other intermediate languages may well
>   have their own address space map.  The indication of whether a
>   given target supports OpenCL should still live in TargetInfo as
>   we will need to bail early if the target doesn't have support.
> 3. Clang's LLVM code generator will need to build pointer types
>   frequently, and requiring that a virtual function be called for each
>   pointer type built may slow it down.  Instead, TargetCodeGenInfo
>   should provide a number of lookup tables in the form of arrays,
>   which would be used to define the logical -> physical mapping.
>   Initially we would have 2 lookup tables, one for C/C++/Objective C
>   (which would normally just contain the single entry "0") and the
>   other for OpenCL.
> Also, to avoid regressions in functionality we should retain the
> ability to qualify a pointer with an LLVM physical address space.
> This can be achieved by allocating another bit in the Qualifiers
> class to indicate whether the address space is a logical or physical
> address space.  Physical address spaces would be accessed using the
> existing __attribute__((address_space)) mechanism, while logical
> spaces would be accessed using language-specific keywords.

If "logical" and "physical" address spaces are exclusive, you can
support this by simply recognizing certain address space numbers
as special.  There's no need to complicate Qualifiers here.


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