[cfe-dev] How to preserve struct member identifiers?

Steve Mokris smokris at softpixel.com
Mon Feb 7 12:41:38 PST 2011

I'm working on a set of function libraries which I'd like to be as self-documenting as possible --- so that, for example, if only the bitcode were available to the end user, the end user could readily deduce how to use these functions.

I'd like to define some C structures to use as arguments.  If I define a structure as follows:
	struct stringStructure {
		char *stringVariable;
Clang produces the following IR:
	%struct.stringStructure = type { i8* }
...which represents everything in my structure definition except the variable identifier `stringVariable`.

I'd like to find some way to export the identifier into the generated LLVM IR, so that I can refer to it by name.

I've tried adding the `annotate` attribute, as follows:
    char *stringVariable __attribute__((annotate("stringVariable")));
...but the annotation doesn't seem to make it through (the structure is still just defined as type { i8* }, and the literal "stringVariable" still appears nowhere in the IR).

Why is this?  Can I entice the `annotate` attribute on structure members to survive through to the generated IR, or is there some other way I can force structure member identifiers to be exposed?  (I'd prefer not to have to include full debug info just to get this comparatively small piece.)


(Also posted on stackoverflow --- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4918001 --- but I'm thinking cfe-dev might be a more appropriate forum.)

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