[cfe-dev] Source code cross reference tool based on libclang

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Mon Feb 7 11:35:49 PST 2011

On 2011-02-07 14:03, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
> Hi all,
> We're thinking about building a web-based source code cross reference 
> tool based on libclang, which uses type information, call graphs, 
> etc.  So before we start writing this tool, I wanted to ask you guys 
> if you know of any such tool which is already available.  I have not 
> been able to find one, but I'm sure that you guys should know about it 
> if one exists.

Hi Ehsan,

I have been working on Synopsis (http://synopsis.fresco.org), which 
started as a source code documentation tool (similar to doxygen), but 
with many more features. In particular, at some point we introduced an 
"SXR" mode (akin to LXR: http://lxr.linux.no). In contrast to LXR, 
however, Synopsis / SXR will use actual type and symbol information for 
the cross-referencing, so instead of just looking up via text matching, 
Synopsis supports C++ symbol lookup.

I have been working on a new version of Synopsis that uses libclang as 
its CPP/C/C++ parser, and hope to be able to announce a first version 
with that new frontend soon after an LLVM version is released that 
contains all the required bug fixes and feature additions to CLang that 
Synopsis depends on. (I'm right now working off LLVM trunk.)

I'd be happy to discuss details concerning what features you are 
interested in, to see how much of it is already supported, and how hard 
it is to implement the remainder.


PS: Unfortunately the Synopsis website is partly broken right now, since 
the old server was replaced and I haven't managed to set up and adjust 
all the services yet that it relies on.


       ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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