[cfe-dev] Windows x86_64 ABI issue with va_list

Andrew Fish afish at apple.com
Fri Apr 29 18:10:36 PDT 2011

I think I'm seeing some Windows ABI code gen issues. My guess is it is related to having the va_start key off an argument that is not in a register. Most of my EFI firmware code runs fine, but the new EFI shell crashes all over the place and prints out lots of garbage. Here is the gist of the print function: 

ShellPrintHiiEx (
  int                          Col,
  int                          Row,
  const char           *Language,
  const void           *HiiFormatStringId,
  const void           *HiiFormatHandle,
  VA_LIST           Marker;
  int               Value;

  VA_START (Marker, HiiFormatHandle);
  Value = ReturnMarker (Marker);
  return Value;

The Windows compiler spills the arguments passed in registers back to the the callers stack frame per the ABI. The clang version spills locally?  

_ShellPrintHiiEx:                       ## @ShellPrintHiiEx
## BB#0:
	pushq	%rbp
	movq	%rsp, %rbp
	subq	$80, %rsp
	movq	48(%rbp), %rax
	movl	%ecx, -4(%rbp)
	movl	%edx, -8(%rbp)
	movq	%r8, -16(%rbp)
	movq	%r9, -24(%rbp)
	movq	%rax, -32(%rbp)
	leaq	-24(%rbp), %rax
	movq	%rax, -40(%rbp)
	movq	%rax, %rcx
	callq	_ReturnMarker
	movl	%eax, -44(%rbp)
	movq	$0, -40(%rbp)
	movl	-44(%rbp), %eax
	addq	$80, %rsp
	popq	%rbp

Also I can't figure out what this code is doing in main() 

	movl	$0, -4(%rbp)

Andrew Fish

clang -ccc-host-triple x86_64-pc-win32-macho -S v.c

cl /FAcs v.c

; Listing generated by Microsoft (R) Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.40310.41 

include listing.inc


$SG520	DB	'MARKER', 00H
	ORG $+1
$SG521	DB	'Handle', 00H
	ORG $+1
$SG522	DB	'StringId', 00H
	ORG $+3
$SG523	DB	'Lang', 00H
PUBLIC	ReturnMarker
; Function compile flags: /Odtp
; File c:\work\loki\toolchain\bin\x64\winddk_amd64\v.c
Marker$ = 8
ReturnMarker PROC NEAR

; 65   : {

  00000	48 89 4c 24 08	 mov	 QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx

; 66   :   return VA_ARG (Marker, int);

  00005	48 8b 44 24 08	 mov	 rax, QWORD PTR Marker$[rsp]
  0000a	48 83 c0 08	 add	 rax, 8
  0000e	48 89 44 24 08	 mov	 QWORD PTR Marker$[rsp], rax
  00013	48 8b 44 24 08	 mov	 rax, QWORD PTR Marker$[rsp]
  00018	8b 40 f8	 mov	 eax, DWORD PTR [rax-8]

; 67   : }

  0001b	c3		 ret	 0
ReturnMarker ENDP
PUBLIC	ShellPrintHiiEx
$unwind$ShellPrintHiiEx DD 011601H
	DD	06216H
xdata	ENDS
$pdata$ShellPrintHiiEx DD @imagerel($LN3#)
	DD	@imagerel($LN3#+64)
	DD	@imagerel($unwind$ShellPrintHiiEx#)
; Function compile flags: /Odtp
pdata	ENDS
Value$ = 32
Marker$ = 40
Col$ = 64
Row$ = 72
Language$ = 80
HiiFormatStringId$ = 88
HiiFormatHandle$ = 96
ShellPrintHiiEx PROC NEAR

; 78   : {

  00030	4c 89 4c 24 20	 mov	 QWORD PTR [rsp+32], r9
  00035	4c 89 44 24 18	 mov	 QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8
  0003a	89 54 24 10	 mov	 DWORD PTR [rsp+16], edx
  0003e	89 4c 24 08	 mov	 DWORD PTR [rsp+8], ecx
  00042	48 83 ec 38	 sub	 rsp, 56			; 00000038H

; 79   :   VA_LIST           Marker;
; 80   :   int               Value;
; 81   : 
; 82   :   VA_START (Marker, HiiFormatHandle);

  00046	48 8d 44 24 68	 lea	 rax, QWORD PTR HiiFormatHandle$[rsp+8]
  0004b	48 89 44 24 28	 mov	 QWORD PTR Marker$[rsp], rax

; 83   :   Value = ReturnMarker (Marker);

  00050	48 8b 4c 24 28	 mov	 rcx, QWORD PTR Marker$[rsp]
  00055	e8 00 00 00 00	 call	 ReturnMarker
  0005a	89 44 24 20	 mov	 DWORD PTR Value$[rsp], eax

; 84   :   VA_END(Marker);

  0005e	48 c7 44 24 28
	00 00 00 00	 mov	 QWORD PTR Marker$[rsp], 0

; 85   :   
; 86   :   return Value;

  00067	8b 44 24 20	 mov	 eax, DWORD PTR Value$[rsp]

; 87   : }

  0006b	48 83 c4 38	 add	 rsp, 56			; 00000038H
  0006f	c3		 ret	 0
ShellPrintHiiEx ENDP
$unwind$main DD	010401H
	DD	08204H
xdata	ENDS
$pdata$main DD	@imagerel($LN3#)
	DD	@imagerel($LN3#+78)
	DD	@imagerel($unwind$main#)
; Function compile flags: /Odtp
pdata	ENDS

; 91   : {

  00080	48 83 ec 48	 sub	 rsp, 72			; 00000048H

; 92   :   return ShellPrintHiiEx (1, 2, (void *)"Lang", (void *)"StringId", (void *)"Handle", "MARKER", 7, 8);

  00084	c7 44 24 38 08
	00 00 00	 mov	 DWORD PTR [rsp+56], 8
  0008c	c7 44 24 30 07
	00 00 00	 mov	 DWORD PTR [rsp+48], 7
  00094	48 8d 05 00 00
	00 00		 lea	 rax, OFFSET FLAT:$SG520
  0009b	48 89 44 24 28	 mov	 QWORD PTR [rsp+40], rax
  000a0	48 8d 05 00 00
	00 00		 lea	 rax, OFFSET FLAT:$SG521
  000a7	48 89 44 24 20	 mov	 QWORD PTR [rsp+32], rax
  000ac	4c 8d 0d 00 00
	00 00		 lea	 r9, OFFSET FLAT:$SG522
  000b3	4c 8d 05 00 00
	00 00		 lea	 r8, OFFSET FLAT:$SG523
  000ba	ba 02 00 00 00	 mov	 edx, 2
  000bf	b9 01 00 00 00	 mov	 ecx, 1
  000c4	e8 00 00 00 00	 call	 ShellPrintHiiEx

; 93   : }

  000c9	48 83 c4 48	 add	 rsp, 72			; 00000048H
  000cd	c3		 ret	 0
main	ENDP

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