[cfe-dev] Clang Static Analyzer: how to use it for C++ application?

Liang Qi cavendish.qi at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 15:50:36 PDT 2011

Hi, Ted,

Yes, it works for me now.

Maybe I found a bug in checker-256, if I have the links of
clang/clang++ in the bin sub directory of that package, it doesn't
work for me. But if I remove them from bin, and add links
clang/clang++, for example, under /usr/local/bin to that
bin/clang-3.0. It works fine.

The log for whole process is this: http://pastebin.com/38zHq6Dc

Yes, now only very few C++ checker, maybe I need to learn how to add
new ones next step.


On 27 April 2011 00:21, Ted Kremenek <kremenek at apple.com> wrote:
> If you run scan-build without an options, it will give you a summary of
> possible command line options.  The most relevant for your question are:
>  A default group of checkers are always run unless explicitly disabled.
>  Checkers may be enabled/disabled using the following options:
>  -enable-checker [checker name]
>  -disable-checker [checker name]
> None of the "experimental" checkers are *listed* under AVAILABLE CHECKERS,
> but you can still enable them.


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