[cfe-dev] RE : AST Transformation

David Chisnall csdavec at swan.ac.uk
Mon Apr 4 10:38:32 PDT 2011

On 4 Apr 2011, at 17:27, Argyrios Kyrtzidis wrote:

>> A good project for someone interested in AST transforms would be a subclass of RecursiveASTVisitor that generated a copy of the AST by walking each node in turn and adding an equivalent node to a new AST. Users could then subclass this and use it to generate a new AST that differed from the original in only the specific ways that they desired.  
> I think this is basically the functionality of TreeTransform, any effort should be directed at improving that one IMO.

I'd not noticed TreeTransform.  Is there a reason why its header is not public?  


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