[cfe-dev] query AST for C++ method qualifiers

Jan Bierbaum s3306700 at inf.tu-dresden.de
Sun Sep 12 08:21:33 PDT 2010


How can I correctly determine the qualifiers used in the declaration of
a 'CXXMethodDecl'?

I found
'CXXMethodDecl::isVirtual()' and
to work just fine.

For 'const' and 'volatile' I use 'CXXMethodDecl::getThisType()'
and then check if the type 'isLocalConstQualified()' or
'isLocalVolatileQualified()'. Confusingly I *always* get 'false' from
these two method calls, but according to getThisType's source code
comment it's exactly the method I want to use.

Attached are a small test file, the ASTConsumer code I use for testing
and the output I get. Any idea what might be wrong here?

Regards, Jan.
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