[cfe-dev] Clang warning verbosity issue/question

Douglas Gregor dgregor at apple.com
Fri Sep 3 08:57:44 PDT 2010

On Sep 3, 2010, at 8:15 AM, Romain Pechayre wrote:

> Hello all, 
> I've been using clang for a few days to build c++ code at work, and I really enjoy it !
> I am almost ready to drop my gcc build config (debug), but I am having a lot of warning !
> As I am manually passing path to the right includes using -I/path-to-stl-headers, I get a few warning on stl headers that are repeated again and again.For example, I get a warning for some template specialisations saying that a struct is already declared whereas it is a template specialisation. 
> Is this something expected ? Can I fix it by hardcoding the path as explained on clang website ? 

You can use -isystem instead of -I.

> In addition to that, I get a lot of warning from boost macros, since clang is telling me that an argument (say "weights") is unused, whereas it is actually used as part of the name of a struct. So I was wondering it these warnings where real ones or it there was something wrong ...

Can you show us the specific warning that you're seeing?

	- Doug

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