[cfe-dev] linking and stripping compared to GCC 4.4

Eric Christopher echristo at apple.com
Mon Nov 29 14:43:13 PST 2010

On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:35 PM, Luc Bourhis wrote:

>>> Also, it looks like you're comparing Mac OS X to Linux. The binary format on each is very different.
>> Also you're creating a bundle rather than a dylib. You want -dylib not -bundle.
> Could you explain how a dylib would be superior to a bundle for the binary size problem at stake?

Should be nothing here, but bundles aren't quite dylibs (they can be unloaded etc) and as you were creating an elf dso I thought I'd mention it.

Mostly this appears to be a linker problem and I'm not sure why - a testcase would help immensely.

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