[cfe-dev] Ragel output for LLVM

Giorgio Regni giorgio.regni at scality.com
Wed Jun 16 09:03:53 PDT 2010

Hello to all,

We have been thinking of writing a Ragel to LLVM IR extension, I  
searched if a similar project did exist already and it's listed under http://clang.llvm.org/OpenProjects.html 

Use clang libraries to extend Ragel with a JIT: Ragel is a state  
machine compiler that lets you embed C code into state machines and  
generate C code. It would be relatively easy to turn this into a JIT  
compiler using LLVM.

As anyone started development on this?
Scality has a few developers that could start/help on a Ragel to LLVM  
IR project.

Giorgio Regni
Scality - Simply changing the rule of storage

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