[cfe-dev] Proposed: change tracking for RegionStore

Jordy Rose jediknil at belkadan.com
Mon Aug 2 18:36:19 PDT 2010

On Mon, 2 Aug 2010 17:33:43 -0700, Ted Kremenek <kremenek at apple.com>
> This is essentially what we are trying to do.  The problem is whether
> map is done as a per-path property or something "global" to the instance
> a Checker or GRExprEngine.  If it is per-path, the map has to go in
> or something similar if that map isn't short-lived.  My suggestion
> was that this map is essentially implicitly defined by the Checkers,
> they are already tracking checker-specific state on the side.  In this
> case, representing this map separately in GRState seems a little silly
> me, and potentially a performance concern when it comes to state

Tracking the map in GRState is probably worse than change markers when it
comes to merging state, so I agree that a path-sensitive map wouldn't buy
us much. The difference between having an explicit map and an implicit one
is really just a time/memory/simplicity tradeoff.

These are the options I see:

Explicit map :
- One place to deal with super-regions.
- No virtual calls except for the checkers who actually said they were
- Backing (proposed): DenseMap<const MemRegion *, vector<Checker *>>

"Interest poll":
- Before each modification, ask checkers if they're interested in the
- After the modification, notify all checkers that said they were
- If we wanted, this would let us ask checkers about certain /kinds/ of
- Downside: (up to) twice as many calls.

- Like ProcessAssume, does no filtering of checkers. Takes a GRState and
the location that changed (SVal or MemRegion?), returns a new GRState.
- Not too hard to add the same sort of respondsToCallback checking as for
Visit*Stmt, meaning we'd at least only get checkers that /can/ track region
- Downside: not context-sensitive at all.

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