[cfe-dev] 2.6 pre-release2 ready for testing

Tanya Lattner lattner at apple.com
Sat Oct 17 11:51:05 PDT 2009


2.6 pre-release2 is ready to be tested by the community.

If you have time, I'd appreciate anyone who can help test the release.

To test llvm-gcc:

1) Compile llvm from source and untar the llvm-test in the projects  
directory (name it llvm-test or test-suite). Choose to use a pre- 
compiled llvm-gcc or re-compile it yourself.
2) Run make check, report any failures (FAIL or unexpected pass). Note  
that you need to reconfigure llvm with llvm-gcc in your path or with -- 
3) Run "make TEST=nightly report" and send me the report.nightly.txt

To test clang:
1) Compile llvm and clang from source.
2) Run make check for llvm.
3) Run make  -C tools/clang-2.6 test VERBOSE=1 (report any failures or  
unexpected passes)

When reporting your results, please provide details on what platform  
you compiled on, and how
you built LLVM (src == obj, or src != obj), clang, and/or llvm-gcc.

Please COMPLETE ALL TESTING BY 5pm PDT on October 21st!

Tanya Lattner

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