[cfe-dev] Can no longer build Clang with MSVC

Cédric Venet cedric.venet at laposte.net
Tue Jun 30 01:14:00 PDT 2009

Olaf Krzikalla a écrit :
> Chris Lattner schrieb:
>> AFAICT, this patch hasn't been applied and doesn't apply anymore.  Is 
>> it still needed?
>> -Chris
> Well, 'needed' is carrying things too far. But it would be nice, definitely.

I can commit something if there is an agrement, I just need the list of 
warning to disable (I don't have the time to sort them at the moment).
Perhaps more important, the build is currently broken on windows. should 
one of the proposed patch be applied, temporarilly?


ps: this was not a svn patch, this is probably why it didn't apply.

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