[cfe-dev] Getting started with clang
Robert Wuest
rwuestfc at wuest.org
Tue Aug 18 10:56:28 PDT 2009
This does the trick. At least for assembly output. Thanks.
On 08/18/2009 12:53 AM, Daniel Dunbar wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> The problem you are seeing is that -arch is not supported on
> non-Darwin platforms, and the driver just ignores it.
> -arch implies more than just a way to target a different architecture.
> My long term goal is to add a '-triple' option which will be the user
> level option for targeting a separate architecture, portably. You can
> see my basic plan at:
> llvm.org/PR4127
> For now, although I hate to recommend this, it is possible to use the
> '-ccc-host-triple' to do what you want:
> --
> ddunbar at giles:tmp$ echo "void f0(){}" | clang -ccc-host-triple
> powerpc-unknown-unknown -x c - -S -o -
> .file "-"
> .text
> .global f0
> .type f0, @function
> .align 2
> f0:
> blr
> .size f0,.-f0
> --
> but this was never really the purpose of -ccc-host-triple...
> The real purpose of -ccc-host-triple, lest anyone care, was to have a
> way to tell the driver to pretend that it was on a different host
> system, for testing purposes. So you can also just tell the driver it
> is on Darwin and then -arch will work. :)
> --
> ddunbar at giles:tmp$ echo "void f0(){}" | clang -ccc-host-triple
> i386-apple-darwin9 -arch ppc -x c - -S -o -
> .machine ppc
> .section __TEXT,__textcoal_nt,coalesced,pure_instructions
> .section __TEXT,__picsymbolstub1,symbol_stubs,pure_instructions,32
> .section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
> .globl _f0
> .align 4
> _f0:
> blr
> .subsections_via_symbols
> --
> this only works up to a point, of course...
> - Daniel
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Robert Wuest<rwuestfc at wuest.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm just getting started with clang and having some problems. I'm
>> trying to build a compiler to run on x8_64 and gen code for the
>> powerpc. My goal is to make some changes to the ppc code generator, but
>> I'm not off to a very good start.
>> I have the latest source tree of llvm and clang from subversion and
>> followed the build instructions. This definitely produces a working
>> native compiler as seen here:
>> $ clang hello.c
>> $ ./a.out
>> Hello, world
>> However, when I try the '-arch ppc' option, it still only produces
>> x86_64 code:
>> $ rm a.out
>> $ clang -arch ppc hello.c
>> clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-arch ppc'
>> $ ./a.out
>> Hello, world
>> I am also seeing different output than that shown in the
>> DriverInternals.html document that comes with clang. In the "Driver
>> Stages" section, there is an example I followed and get very different
>> result from the doc:
>> Trying to get identical output, I broke hello world into 2 source files.
>> It's trivial source; main() just calls hello() in f_hello.c. I know they
>> compile:
>> $ rm a.out
>> [rwuest at garion hello]$ clang main.c f_hello.c
>> [rwuest at garion hello]$ ./a.out
>> Hello, world
>> However, the print-phase option with arch statements has no "bind-arch
>> in the output (as indicated in the DriverInternals.html doc):
>> $ clang -ccc-print-phases -c -arch i386 -arch x86_64 main.c f_hello.c
>> 0: input, "main.c", c
>> 1: preprocessor, {0}, cpp-output
>> 2: compiler, {1}, assembler
>> 3: assembler, {2}, object
>> 4: input, "f_hello.c", c
>> 5: preprocessor, {4}, cpp-output
>> 6: compiler, {5}, assembler
>> 7: assembler, {6}, object
>> Have I missed something?
>> Robert
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