[cfe-dev] [Patch] Fix '-include' Path Search (PR 3395)

Jon Simons simonsj at ccs.neu.edu
Sun Apr 5 02:52:43 PDT 2009

Attached is a patch to fix '-include' for clang (PR 3395).

Currently, paths fed to '-include' are treated as relative to the
compliation unit at hand, instead of to the current working directory
from which clang was invoked.  The patch coerces relative paths into
absolute ones, which seem to be handled just fine by the Lexer and

That said, this feels a bit hackish.  I hate munging paths.  It's
entirely possible someone more familiar could suggest a cleaner way
:).  Nothing is jumping out at me from my cursory, hobbyist readings.

Cool Beans,
-Jon Simons
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