[cfe-dev] Installing clang, braindead easy.

Paolo Bolzoni bolzoni at cs.unipr.it
Tue Apr 29 10:25:32 PDT 2008

I made a script to allow installing clang on a Linux computer with extreme
In lab where I work it has been useful, I thought someone other may
find it useful.
Of course, on the other hand, if you feel I made a wrong choice about anything
or there is a bug in the script. Lemme know.

The script downloads the release 50422, adds the required paths to clang.cpp,
compile everything, makes a Makefile for installing and uninstalling.
make install will install in /usr/local and make uninstall will delete every
installed file and removes every added directory (if empty).
If you need updating uninstall, exec the script again, install.

-- copy and paste --

  svn co -r "$destver" http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk llvm \
    || exit 1
  cd "$startdir"/llvm/tools
  svn co -r "$destver" http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk clang \
    || exit 1
  cd "$startdir"
  [ -e src ] && find src -depth -name '.svn' -exec rm -rf "{}" \;
  cp -ra llvm src || exit 1
  cd src/tools

  echo -ne 'e Makefile\n'\
'/bugpoint llvm-bcanalyzer llvm-stub llvmc2/\n'\
'bugpoint llvm-bcanalyzer llvm-stub llvmc2 clang\n'\
'q\n' > p
  cat p | ed || exit 1
  rm p

  cd "$startdir"/src/tools/clang/Driver
  touch empty.c
  echo -ne 'e clang.cpp\n'\
'/FIXME: temporary hack: hard-coded paths./\n'\
'/if (!nostdinc)/\n'\
'/* C paths automatically added. START */\n'> addpaths
  gcc -v empty.c -fsyntax-only &>/dev/stdout | \
    sed -e '1,/#include <...> search starts here/ d' \
      -e '/End of search list/,$ d' | \
    sed -e 's_^ *__' \
      -e 's_.*_  AddPath("&", System, true, false, false, Headers);_' \
      -e 's_\n_ _' >> addpaths
  echo -ne '/* C paths automatically added. END */\n'\
'/if (Lang.CPlusPlus) {/\n'\
'/* C++ paths automatically added. START */\n' >> addpaths
  g++ -v empty.c -fsyntax-only &>/dev/stdout | \
    sed -e '1,/#include <...> search starts here/ d' \
      -e '/End of search list/,$ d' | \
    sed -e 's_^  *__' -e 's_  *$__' \
      -e 's_.*_  AddPath("&", System, true, false, false, Headers);_' \
      -e 's_\n_ _' >> addpaths
  echo -ne '/* C++ paths automatically added. END */\n'\
'q\n' >> addpaths
  cat addpaths | ed || exit 1
  rm empty.c
  rm addpaths
  cd "$startdir"/src

  ./configure -enable-optimized || exit 1
  make || exit 1

  cd "$startdir"
  rm -rf dest
  mkdir -p dest/include
  cp -ra src/Release/bin dest
  cp -ra src/Release/lib dest
  cp -ra src/include/* dest/include
  cp -ra src/tools/clang/include/* dest/include
  find dest -depth -name '.*' -exec rm -rf "{}" \;
  find dest -type d -exec chmod 755 "{}" \;
  find dest -type f -exec chmod 644 "{}" \;

  find dest/bin -type f -exec chmod 755 "{}" \;
  find dest/lib -type f -name '*.so*' -exec chmod 755 "{}" \;
  find dest/lib -type f -name '*.la' -exec chmod 755 "{}" \;

  echo -ne '\ninstall:\n\tcp -r -d --preserve=mode dest/* /usr/local\n'\
'\nuninstall:\n' > Makefile
  find dest -depth -not -type d | \
    sed -e 's_dest_/usr/local_' -e 's_.*_\trm -f "&"_' >> Makefile
  find dest -depth -mindepth 1 -type d | \
    sed -e 's_dest_/usr/local_' \
      -e 's_.*_\trmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "&"_' >> Makefile
  echo -ne '\n\n' >> Makefile

  exit 0
-- copy and paste --

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