[cfe-dev] Learning how to use clang

Ted Kremenek kremenek at apple.com
Thu Apr 17 09:29:08 PDT 2008

On Apr 17, 2008, at 2:48 AM, Paolo Bolzoni wrote:

> The university of Parma is working to a C language static analyzer.
> At the moment we use a home cooked C parser, we'd like to pass to  
> Clang and
> use its AST output as input to our simplifier.
> I am in charge for the project, I am wondering what is the best way  
> to begin
> to study the Clang source in order to understand how it works.
> Thanks and keep the good job.
> PB

Hi Paolo,

Clang consists of a set of libraries and a command-line driver.  You  
are free to use the libraries in your static analyzer to do parsing,  
semantic analysis, etc., without having to use the clang driver.  You  
are also free to add functionality to the clang driver (the easiest  
way is to add additional ASTConsumers).

Probably the most direct way to get familiar with the clang source is  
to try and do something simple.  It can be a toy example such as  
printing out all the variables of each function in a parsed file (you  
could write an ASTConsumer do this and add it to the driver).  You  
could also add simple checks to the semantic analyzer; for example we  
have a check right now that does some simple (and quick) analysis when  
we build ASTs that looks for cases where you are returning the address  
of a stack variable.  This code was added as simple routine in the  
Sema library.  Doing well-defined, small, encapsulated tasks makes it  
much easier to get traction, as it allows you to plug in to existing  

The clang driver also supports various debugging options.  For  
example, the -ast-dump and -ast-print allow to both pretty-print  
parsed code and provide a visual dump of the ASTs that can help you  
understand the internal representation of parsed code.  There is also - 
dump-cfg and -view-cfg if you are interested in using clang's CFGs  
(which are built on top of the ASTs, and are optional if you want to  
use them).

I would also focus on the libraries that are of interest to you; if  
you are interested in the details of the parser, the AST library (and  
maybe the Analysis library) would probably be of most interest to  
you.  Some parts of clang are better documented than others (we are  
gradually working on this), but the ASTs in the Stmt.h and Expr.h  
files have a fair amount of comments.  The Analysis library contains  
both a basic flow-sensitive dataflow solver (and a LiveVariables and  
UninitializedValues analysis built on top of it) as well as a path- 
sensitive dataflow solver (useful for writing analyses to find  
software bugs) that is under heavy development.


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