[cfe-dev] parsing of self-referring vardecls

Ted Kremenek kremenek at apple.com
Tue Sep 11 11:28:49 PDT 2007

I'm not certain if vardecls are being correctly parsed.  Consider the  
following program (self-decl.c):

#include <stdio.h>

int foo(int var)
   {  // note the extra scope
     int var = var+1;
     return var;

int main() {
   return 0;

The output of this program is not what you might expected:

(kremenek at grue:tmp)$ gcc -o self-decl self-decl.c
(kremenek at grue:tmp)$ ./self-decl

What happens is that the declaration of "var" at label "L1" refers to  
itself, and thus is undefined.  This is because "var" comes into scope  
before its initialization.  I wrote a checker to look for such cases,  
but it isn't flagging any warnings because the initialization is  
falsely referring to the decl in the enclosing scope.  This can be  
seen from a dump of the AST:

int foo(int var)
(CompoundStmt 0x710fd0 </tmp/self-decl.c:3:18, line:8:1>
   (CompoundStmt 0x710f60 <line:4:3, line:7:3>
     (DeclStmt 0x70f210 <:0:0>
       0x710f00 "int var =
         (BinaryOperator 0x710ee0 </tmp/t2.c:5:15, col:19> 'int' '+'
           (DeclRefExpr 0x70ec50 <col:15> 'int' ParmVariable='var'  
           (IntegerLiteral 0x710ec0 <col:19> 'int' 1))")
     (ReturnStmt 0x710f50 <line:6:5, col:12>
       (DeclRefExpr 0x710f30 <col:12> 'int' BlockVariable='var'  

Notice the "DeclRefExpr" refers to the ParmVariable, not a VarDecl  
(the choice of using a parameter in this case just easily  
disambiguates this case, but "var" could have been a variable declared  
in any enclosing scope).

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