r343048 - [analyzer] Add a testing facility for testing relationships between symbols.
Artem Dergachev via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Sep 25 16:50:53 PDT 2018
Author: dergachev
Date: Tue Sep 25 16:50:53 2018
New Revision: 343048
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=343048&view=rev
[analyzer] Add a testing facility for testing relationships between symbols.
Tests introduced in r329780 was disabled in r342317 because these tests
were accidentally testing dump infrastructure, when all they cared about was
how symbols relate to each other. So when dump infrastructure changed,
tests became annoying to maintain.
Add a new feature to ExprInspection: clang_analyzer_denote() and
clang_analyzer_explain(). The former adds a notation to a symbol, the latter
expresses another symbol in terms of previously denoted symbols.
It's currently a bit wonky - doesn't print parentheses and only supports
denoting atomic symbols. But it's even more readable that way.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D52133
Modified: cfe/trunk/docs/analyzer/DebugChecks.rst
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/docs/analyzer/DebugChecks.rst?rev=343048&r1=343047&r2=343048&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/docs/analyzer/DebugChecks.rst (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/docs/analyzer/DebugChecks.rst Tue Sep 25 16:50:53 2018
@@ -255,6 +255,23 @@ ExprInspection checks
clang_analyzer_hashDump(x); // expected-warning{{hashed string for x}}
+- ``void clang_analyzer_denote(int, const char *);``
+ Denotes symbols with strings. A subsequent call to clang_analyzer_express()
+ will expresses another symbol in terms of these string. Useful for testing
+ relationships between different symbols.
+ Example usage::
+ void foo(int x) {
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x + 1); // expected-warning{{$x + 1}}
+ }
+- ``void clang_analyzer_express(int);``
+ See clang_analyzer_denote().
Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ExprInspectionChecker.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ExprInspectionChecker.cpp?rev=343048&r1=343047&r2=343048&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ExprInspectionChecker.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ExprInspectionChecker.cpp Tue Sep 25 16:50:53 2018
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ class ExprInspectionChecker : public Che
void analyzerPrintState(const CallExpr *CE, CheckerContext &C) const;
void analyzerGetExtent(const CallExpr *CE, CheckerContext &C) const;
void analyzerHashDump(const CallExpr *CE, CheckerContext &C) const;
+ void analyzerDenote(const CallExpr *CE, CheckerContext &C) const;
+ void analyzerExpress(const CallExpr *CE, CheckerContext &C) const;
typedef void (ExprInspectionChecker::*FnCheck)(const CallExpr *,
CheckerContext &C) const;
@@ -60,6 +62,7 @@ public:
+REGISTER_MAP_WITH_PROGRAMSTATE(DenotedSymbols, SymbolRef, const StringLiteral *)
bool ExprInspectionChecker::evalCall(const CallExpr *CE,
CheckerContext &C) const {
@@ -82,6 +85,8 @@ bool ExprInspectionChecker::evalCall(con
.Case("clang_analyzer_hashDump", &ExprInspectionChecker::analyzerHashDump)
+ .Case("clang_analyzer_denote", &ExprInspectionChecker::analyzerDenote)
+ .Case("clang_analyzer_express", &ExprInspectionChecker::analyzerExpress)
if (!Handler)
@@ -264,6 +269,13 @@ void ExprInspectionChecker::checkDeadSym
N = BugNode;
State = State->remove<MarkedSymbols>(Sym);
+ for (auto I : State->get<DenotedSymbols>()) {
+ SymbolRef Sym = I.first;
+ if (!SymReaper.isLive(Sym))
+ State = State->remove<DenotedSymbols>(Sym);
+ }
C.addTransition(State, N);
@@ -295,6 +307,92 @@ void ExprInspectionChecker::analyzerHash
reportBug(HashContent, C);
+void ExprInspectionChecker::analyzerDenote(const CallExpr *CE,
+ CheckerContext &C) const {
+ if (CE->getNumArgs() < 2) {
+ reportBug("clang_analyzer_denote() requires a symbol and a string literal",
+ C);
+ return;
+ }
+ SymbolRef Sym = C.getSVal(CE->getArg(0)).getAsSymbol();
+ if (!Sym) {
+ reportBug("Not a symbol", C);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!isa<SymbolData>(Sym)) {
+ reportBug("Not an atomic symbol", C);
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto *E = dyn_cast<StringLiteral>(CE->getArg(1)->IgnoreParenCasts());
+ if (!E) {
+ reportBug("Not a string literal", C);
+ return;
+ }
+ ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
+ C.addTransition(C.getState()->set<DenotedSymbols>(Sym, E));
+class SymbolExpressor
+ : public SymExprVisitor<SymbolExpressor, Optional<std::string>> {
+ ProgramStateRef State;
+ SymbolExpressor(ProgramStateRef State) : State(State) {}
+ Optional<std::string> VisitSymExpr(const SymExpr *S) {
+ if (const StringLiteral *const *SLPtr = State->get<DenotedSymbols>(S)) {
+ const StringLiteral *SL = *SLPtr;
+ return std::string(SL->getBytes());
+ }
+ return None;
+ }
+ Optional<std::string> VisitSymIntExpr(const SymIntExpr *S) {
+ if (auto Str = Visit(S->getLHS()))
+ return (*Str + " " + BinaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(S->getOpcode()) + " " +
+ std::to_string(S->getRHS().getLimitedValue()) +
+ (S->getRHS().isUnsigned() ? "U" : ""))
+ .str();
+ return None;
+ }
+ Optional<std::string> VisitSymSymExpr(const SymSymExpr *S) {
+ if (auto Str1 = Visit(S->getLHS()))
+ if (auto Str2 = Visit(S->getRHS()))
+ return (*Str1 + " " + BinaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(S->getOpcode()) +
+ " " + *Str2).str();
+ return None;
+ }
+void ExprInspectionChecker::analyzerExpress(const CallExpr *CE,
+ CheckerContext &C) const {
+ if (CE->getNumArgs() == 0) {
+ reportBug("clang_analyzer_express() requires a symbol", C);
+ return;
+ }
+ SymbolRef Sym = C.getSVal(CE->getArg(0)).getAsSymbol();
+ if (!Sym) {
+ reportBug("Not a symbol", C);
+ return;
+ }
+ SymbolExpressor V(C.getState());
+ auto Str = V.Visit(Sym);
+ if (!Str) {
+ reportBug("Unable to express", C);
+ return;
+ }
+ reportBug(*Str, C);
void ento::registerExprInspectionChecker(CheckerManager &Mgr) {
Added: cfe/trunk/test/Analysis/expr-inspection.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/test/Analysis/expr-inspection.cpp?rev=343048&view=auto
--- cfe/trunk/test/Analysis/expr-inspection.cpp (added)
+++ cfe/trunk/test/Analysis/expr-inspection.cpp Tue Sep 25 16:50:53 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -x c++ -analyzer-checker=debug.ExprInspection -verify %s
+// Self-tests for the debug.ExprInspection checker.
+void clang_analyzer_denote(int x, const char *str);
+void clang_analyzer_express(int x);
+// Invalid declarations to test sanity checks.
+void clang_analyzer_denote();
+void clang_analyzer_denote(int x);
+void clang_analyzer_express();
+void foo(int x, unsigned y) {
+ clang_analyzer_denote(); // expected-warning{{clang_analyzer_denote() requires a symbol and a string literal}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(); // expected-warning{{clang_analyzer_express() requires a symbol}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x); // expected-warning{{clang_analyzer_denote() requires a symbol and a string literal}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning{{Unable to express}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x + y); // expected-warning{{$x + $y}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(1, "$z"); // expected-warning{{Not a symbol}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(1); // expected-warning{{Not a symbol}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x + 1, "$w"); // expected-warning{{Not an atomic symbol}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x + 1); // expected-warning{{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y + 1); // expected-warning{{$y + 1U}}
Modified: cfe/trunk/test/Analysis/svalbuilder-rearrange-comparisons.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/test/Analysis/svalbuilder-rearrange-comparisons.c?rev=343048&r1=343047&r2=343048&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/test/Analysis/svalbuilder-rearrange-comparisons.c (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/test/Analysis/svalbuilder-rearrange-comparisons.c Tue Sep 25 16:50:53 2018
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=debug.ExprInspection,core.builtin -analyzer-config aggressive-binary-operation-simplification=true -verify -analyzer-config eagerly-assume=false %s
-// Temporary xfailing, as debug printing functionality has changed.
-// XFAIL: *
-void clang_analyzer_dump(int x);
void clang_analyzer_eval(int x);
+void clang_analyzer_denote(int x, const char *literal);
+void clang_analyzer_express(int x);
void exit(int);
@@ -29,907 +27,951 @@ int f() {
void compare_different_symbol_equal() {
int x = f(), y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 0}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y == 0}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_int_equal() {
- int x = f()+1, y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 1}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x += 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x == 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_int_equal() {
- int x = f()-1, y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 1}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x -= 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y == 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_right_int_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = f()+2;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 2}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ y += 2;
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y == 2}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_right_int_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = f()-2;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 2}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ y -= 2;
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x == 2}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_equal() {
- int x = f()+2, y = f()+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 1}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x += 2;
+ y += 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x == 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_equal() {
- int x = f()+2, y = f()-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 3}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x += 2;
+ y -= 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x == 3}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_equal() {
- int x = f()-2, y = f()+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 3}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x -= 2;
+ y += 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y == 3}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_equal() {
- int x = f()-2, y = f()-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 1}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x -= 2;
+ y -= 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y == 1}}
void compare_same_symbol_equal() {
int x = f(), y = x;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x == y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_int_equal() {
int x = f(), y = x;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x == y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_int_equal() {
int x = f(), y = x;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x == y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_right_int_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = x+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ int x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x == y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_right_int_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = x-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ int x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x == y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = x+1;
+ int x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x == y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = x-1;
+ int x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x == y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = x+1;
+ int x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x == y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = x-1;
+ int x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x == y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_different_symbol_less_or_equal() {
int x = f(), y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 0}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y <= 0}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f()+1, y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 1}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x += 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x >= 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f()-1, y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 1}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x -= 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y <= 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = f()+2;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 2}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ y += 2;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y <= 2}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = f()-2;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 2}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ y -= 2;
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x >= 2}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f()+2, y = f()+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 1}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x += 2;
+ y += 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x >= 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f()+2, y = f()-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 3}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x += 2;
+ y -= 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x >= 3}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f()-2, y = f()+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 3}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x -= 2;
+ y += 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y <= 3}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f()-2, y = f()-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 1}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x -= 2;
+ y -= 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y <= 1}}
void compare_same_symbol_less_or_equal() {
int x = f(), y = x;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_int_less_or_equal() {
int x = f(), y = x;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_int_less_or_equal() {
int x = f(), y = x;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = x+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ int x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = x-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ int x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = x+1;
+ int x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = x-1;
+ int x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = x+1;
+ int x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
- int x = f(), y = x-1;
+ int x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_different_symbol_less() {
int x = f(), y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 0}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y < 0}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_int_less() {
- int x = f()+1, y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 1}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x += 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x > 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_int_less() {
- int x = f()-1, y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 1}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x -= 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y < 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_right_int_less() {
- int x = f(), y = f()+2;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 2}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ y += 2;
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y < 2}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_right_int_less() {
- int x = f(), y = f()-2;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 2}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ y -= 2;
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x > 2}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less() {
- int x = f()+2, y = f()+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 1}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x += 2;
+ y += 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x > 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less() {
- int x = f()+2, y = f()-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 3}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x += 2;
+ y -= 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x > 3}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less() {
- int x = f()-2, y = f()+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 3}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x -= 2;
+ y += 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y < 3}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less() {
- int x = f()-2, y = f()-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 1}}
+ int x = f(), y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ x -= 2;
+ y -= 1;
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y < 1}}
void compare_same_symbol_less() {
int x = f(), y = x;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x < y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_int_less() {
int x = f(), y = x;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x < y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_int_less() {
int x = f(), y = x;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x < y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_right_int_less() {
- int x = f(), y = x+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ int x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x < y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_right_int_less() {
- int x = f(), y = x-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ int x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x < y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less() {
- int x = f(), y = x+1;
+ int x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x < y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less() {
- int x = f(), y = x-1;
+ int x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x < y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less() {
- int x = f(), y = x+1;
+ int x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x < y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less() {
- int x = f(), y = x-1;
+ int x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x < y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_different_symbol_equal_unsigned() {
unsigned x = f(), y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 0}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y == 0}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()+1, y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 1}}
+ unsigned x = f() + 1, y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x - 1, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x == 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()-1, y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 1}}
+ unsigned x = f() - 1, y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x + 1, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y == 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = f()+2;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 2}}
+ unsigned x = f(), y = f() + 2;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y - 2, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y == 2}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = f()-2;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 2}}
+ unsigned x = f(), y = f() - 2;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y + 2, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x == 2}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()+2, y = f()+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 1}}
+ unsigned x = f() + 2, y = f() + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x - 2, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y - 1, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x == 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()+2, y = f()-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 3}}
+ unsigned x = f() + 2, y = f() - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x - 2, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y + 1, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x == 3}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()-2, y = f()+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 3}}
+ unsigned x = f() - 2, y = f() + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x + 2, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y - 1, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y == 3}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()-2, y = f()-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 1}}
+ unsigned x = f() - 2, y = f() - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x + 2, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y + 1, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y == 1}}
void compare_same_symbol_equal_unsigned() {
unsigned x = f(), y = x;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x == y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_int_equal_unsigned() {
unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) + 1U) == (conj_$2{int})}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1U == $x}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_int_equal_unsigned() {
unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - 1U) == (conj_$2{int})}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1U == $x}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{(conj_$2{int}) == ((conj_$2{int}) + 1U)}}
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x == $x + 1U}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{(conj_$2{int}) == ((conj_$2{int}) - 1U)}}
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x == $x - 1U}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x == y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) + 1U) == ((conj_$2{int}) - 1U)}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1U == $x - 1U}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - 1U) == ((conj_$2{int}) + 1U)}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x == y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1U == $x + 1U}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x == y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_different_symbol_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
unsigned x = f(), y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 0}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y <= 0}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()+1, y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 1}}
+ unsigned x = f() + 1, y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x - 1, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x >= 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()-1, y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 1}}
+ unsigned x = f() - 1, y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x + 1, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y <= 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = f()+2;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 2}}
+ unsigned x = f(), y = f() + 2;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y - 2, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y <= 2}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = f()-2;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 2}}
+ unsigned x = f(), y = f() - 2;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y + 2, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x >= 2}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()+2, y = f()+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 1}}
+ unsigned x = f() + 2, y = f() + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x - 2, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y - 1, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x >= 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()+2, y = f()-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 3}}
+ unsigned x = f() + 2, y = f() - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x - 2, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y + 1, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x >= 3}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()-2, y = f()+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 3}}
+ unsigned x = f() - 2, y = f() + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x + 2, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y - 1, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y <= 3}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()-2, y = f()-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 1}}
+ unsigned x = f() - 2, y = f() - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x + 2, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y + 1, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y <= 1}}
void compare_same_symbol_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
unsigned x = f(), y = x;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) + 1U) <= (conj_$2{int})}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1U <= $x}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - 1U) <= (conj_$2{int})}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1U <= $x}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{(conj_$2{int}) <= ((conj_$2{int}) + 1U)}}
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x <= $x + 1U}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{(conj_$2{int}) <= ((conj_$2{int}) - 1U)}}
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x <= $x - 1U}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) + 1U) <= ((conj_$2{int}) - 1U)}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1U <= $x - 1U}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - 1U) <= ((conj_$2{int}) + 1U)}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x <= y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1U <= $x + 1U}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{TRUE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y); // expected-warning {{TRUE}}
void compare_different_symbol_less_unsigned() {
unsigned x = f(), y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 0}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y < 0}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()+1, y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 1}}
+ unsigned x = f() + 1, y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x - 1, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x > 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()-1, y = f();
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 1}}
+ unsigned x = f() - 1, y = f();
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x + 1, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y < 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = f()+2;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 2}}
+ unsigned x = f(), y = f() + 2;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y - 2, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y < 2}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = f()-2;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 2}}
+ unsigned x = f(), y = f() - 2;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y + 2, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x > 2}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()+2, y = f()+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 1}}
+ unsigned x = f() + 2, y = f() + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x - 2, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y - 1, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x > 1}}
void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()+2, y = f()-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 3}}
+ unsigned x = f() + 2, y = f() - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x - 2, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y + 1, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$y - $x > 3}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()-2, y = f()+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 3}}
+ unsigned x = f() - 2, y = f() + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x + 2, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y - 1, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y < 3}}
void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f()-2, y = f()-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 1}}
+ unsigned x = f() - 2, y = f() - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x + 2, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_denote(y + 1, "$y");
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 2}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$y - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x - $y < 1}}
void compare_same_symbol_less_unsigned() {
unsigned x = f(), y = x;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x < y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_int_less_unsigned() {
unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) + 1U) < (conj_$2{int})}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1U < $x}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_int_less_unsigned() {
unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - 1U) < (conj_$2{int})}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1U < $x}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{(conj_$2{int}) < ((conj_$2{int}) + 1U)}}
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x < $x + 1U}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{(conj_$2{int}) < ((conj_$2{int}) - 1U)}}
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x < $x - 1U}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x < y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) + 1U) < ((conj_$2{int}) - 1U)}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1U < $x - 1U}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x + 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{((conj_$2{int}) - 1U) < ((conj_$2{int}) + 1U)}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x + 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x < y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1U < $x + 1U}}
void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
- unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+ unsigned x = f(), y = x - 1;
+ clang_analyzer_denote(x, "$x");
- clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
- clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
- // expected-warning at -1{{FALSE}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(x); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_express(y); // expected-warning {{$x - 1}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(x < y); // expected-warning {{FALSE}}
void overflow(signed char n, signed char m) {
if (n + 0 > m + 0) {
- clang_analyzer_eval(n - 126 == m + 3); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
+ clang_analyzer_eval(n - 126 == m + 3); // expected-warning {{UNKNOWN}}
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