[PATCH] D23471: [Documentation] Improve checks groups descriptions in clang-tidy/index.rst

Eugene Zelenko via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Aug 12 15:49:15 PDT 2016

Eugene.Zelenko created this revision.
Eugene.Zelenko added reviewers: alexfh, aaron.ballman.
Eugene.Zelenko added a subscriber: cfe-commits.
Eugene.Zelenko set the repository for this revision to rL LLVM.

Use table to avoid tautology. List all existing checks groups. Use alphabetical order.

Recent Sphinx documentation claims that syntax is valid, but will be good idea to test it with actually used Sphinx.

Will be good idea if native English speaker will check wording.




Index: docs/clang-tidy/index.rst
--- docs/clang-tidy/index.rst
+++ docs/clang-tidy/index.rst
@@ -50,25 +50,24 @@
 There are currently the following groups of checks:
-* Checks related to the LLVM coding conventions have names starting with
-  ``llvm-``.
+====================== =========================================================
+Name prefix            Description
+====================== =========================================================
+``boost-``             Checks related to Boost library.
+``cert-``              Checks related to CERT Secure Coding Guidelines.
+``cppcoreguidelines-`` Checks related to C++ Core Guidelines.
+``clang-analyzer-``    Clang Static Analyzer checks.
+``google-``            Checks related to the Google coding conventions.
+``llvm-``              Checks related to the LLVM coding conventions.
+``misc-``              Checks that we didn't have a better category for.
+``modernize-``         Checks that advocate usage of modern (currently "modern"
+                       means "C++11") language constructs.
+``mpi-``               Checks related to MPI (Message Passing Interface).
+``performance-``       Checks that target performance-related issues.
+``readability-``       Checks that target readability-related issues that don't
+                       relate to any particular coding style.
+====================== =========================================================
-* Checks related to the Google coding conventions have names starting with
-  ``google-``.
-* Checks named ``modernize-*`` advocate the usage of modern (currently "modern"
-  means "C++11") language constructs.
-* The ``readability-`` checks target readability-related issues that don't
-  relate to any particular coding style.
-* Checks with names starting with ``misc-`` the checks that we didn't have a
-  better category for.
-* Clang static analyzer checks are named starting with ``clang-analyzer-``.
-* Checks related to Boost library starts with ``boost-``. 
 Clang diagnostics are treated in a similar way as check diagnostics. Clang
 diagnostics are displayed by clang-tidy and can be filtered out using
 ``-checks=`` option. However, the ``-checks=`` option does not affect

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