r271664 - [clang-format] skip empty lines and comments in the top of the code when inserting new headers.

Eric Liu via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jun 3 05:53:01 PDT 2016

Author: ioeric
Date: Fri Jun  3 07:52:59 2016
New Revision: 271664

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=271664&view=rev
[clang-format] skip empty lines and comments in the top of the code when inserting new headers.

[clang-format] skip empty lines and comments in the top of the code when inserting new headers.

Pair-programmed with @hokein

Reviewers: djasper

Subscribers: ioeric, cfe-commits, hokein, klimek

Differential Revision: http://reviews.llvm.org/D20898


Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/Format/Format.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/lib/Format/Format.cpp?rev=271664&r1=271663&r2=271664&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Format/Format.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Format/Format.cpp Fri Jun  3 07:52:59 2016
@@ -1469,6 +1469,20 @@ fixCppIncludeInsertions(StringRef Code,
   StringRef FileName = Replaces.begin()->getFilePath();
   IncludeCategoryManager Categories(Style, FileName);
+  std::unique_ptr<Environment> Env =
+      Environment::CreateVirtualEnvironment(Code, FileName, /*Ranges=*/{});
+  const SourceManager &SourceMgr = Env->getSourceManager();
+  Lexer Lex(Env->getFileID(), SourceMgr.getBuffer(Env->getFileID()), SourceMgr,
+            getFormattingLangOpts(Style));
+  Token Tok;
+  // All new headers should be inserted after this offset.
+  int MinInsertOffset = Code.size();
+  while (!Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok)) {
+    if (Tok.isNot(tok::comment)) {
+      MinInsertOffset = SourceMgr.getFileOffset(Tok.getLocation());
+      break;
+    }
+  }
   // Record the offset of the end of the last include in each category.
   std::map<int, int> CategoryEndOffsets;
   // All possible priorities.
@@ -1477,10 +1491,11 @@ fixCppIncludeInsertions(StringRef Code,
   for (const auto &Category : Style.IncludeCategories)
   int FirstIncludeOffset = -1;
-  int Offset = 0;
-  int AfterHeaderGuard = 0;
+  bool HeaderGuardFound = false;
+  StringRef TrimmedCode = Code.drop_front(MinInsertOffset);
   SmallVector<StringRef, 32> Lines;
-  Code.split(Lines, '\n');
+  TrimmedCode.split(Lines, '\n');
+  int Offset = MinInsertOffset;
   for (auto Line : Lines) {
     if (IncludeRegex.match(Line, &Matches)) {
       StringRef IncludeName = Matches[2];
@@ -1492,22 +1507,22 @@ fixCppIncludeInsertions(StringRef Code,
     Offset += Line.size() + 1;
     // FIXME: make header guard matching stricter, e.g. consider #ifndef.
-    if (AfterHeaderGuard == 0 && DefineRegex.match(Line))
-      AfterHeaderGuard = Offset;
+    if (!HeaderGuardFound && DefineRegex.match(Line)) {
+      HeaderGuardFound = true;
+      MinInsertOffset = Offset;
+    }
   // Populate CategoryEndOfssets:
   // - Ensure that CategoryEndOffset[Highest] is always populated.
   // - If CategoryEndOffset[Priority] isn't set, use the next higher value that
   //   is set, up to CategoryEndOffset[Highest].
-  // FIXME: skip comment section in the beginning of the code if there is no
-  // existing #include and #define.
   auto Highest = Priorities.begin();
   if (CategoryEndOffsets.find(*Highest) == CategoryEndOffsets.end()) {
     if (FirstIncludeOffset >= 0)
       CategoryEndOffsets[*Highest] = FirstIncludeOffset;
-      CategoryEndOffsets[*Highest] = AfterHeaderGuard;
+      CategoryEndOffsets[*Highest] = MinInsertOffset;
   // By this point, CategoryEndOffset[Highest] is always set appropriately:
   //  - to an appropriate location before/after existing #includes, or

Modified: cfe/trunk/unittests/Format/CleanupTest.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/unittests/Format/CleanupTest.cpp?rev=271664&r1=271663&r2=271664&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/unittests/Format/CleanupTest.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/unittests/Format/CleanupTest.cpp Fri Jun  3 07:52:59 2016
@@ -465,13 +465,13 @@ TEST_F(CleanUpReplacementsTest, InsertMu
 TEST_F(CleanUpReplacementsTest, InsertMultipleNewHeadersAndSortLLVM) {
   std::string Code = "\nint x;";
-  std::string Expected = "#include \"fix.h\"\n"
+  std::string Expected = "\n#include \"fix.h\"\n"
                          "#include \"a.h\"\n"
                          "#include \"b.h\"\n"
                          "#include \"c.h\"\n"
                          "#include <list>\n"
                          "#include <vector>\n"
-                         "\nint x;";
+                         "int x;";
   tooling::Replacements Replaces = {createInsertion("#include \"a.h\""),
                                     createInsertion("#include \"c.h\""),
                                     createInsertion("#include \"b.h\""),
@@ -483,13 +483,13 @@ TEST_F(CleanUpReplacementsTest, InsertMu
 TEST_F(CleanUpReplacementsTest, InsertMultipleNewHeadersAndSortGoogle) {
   std::string Code = "\nint x;";
-  std::string Expected = "#include \"fix.h\"\n"
+  std::string Expected = "\n#include \"fix.h\"\n"
                          "#include <list>\n"
                          "#include <vector>\n"
                          "#include \"a.h\"\n"
                          "#include \"b.h\"\n"
                          "#include \"c.h\"\n"
-                         "\nint x;";
+                         "int x;";
   tooling::Replacements Replaces = {createInsertion("#include \"a.h\""),
                                     createInsertion("#include \"c.h\""),
                                     createInsertion("#include \"b.h\""),
@@ -502,21 +502,22 @@ TEST_F(CleanUpReplacementsTest, InsertMu
 TEST_F(CleanUpReplacementsTest, FormatCorrectLineWhenHeadersAreInserted) {
   std::string Code = "\n"
+                     "int x;\n"
                      "int    a;\n"
                      "int    a;\n"
                      "int    a;";
-  std::string Expected = "#include \"x.h\"\n"
+  std::string Expected = "\n#include \"x.h\"\n"
                          "#include \"y.h\"\n"
                          "#include \"clang/x/x.h\"\n"
                          "#include <list>\n"
                          "#include <vector>\n"
-                         "\n"
+                         "int x;\n"
                          "int    a;\n"
                          "int b;\n"
                          "int    a;";
   tooling::Replacements Replaces = {
-      createReplacement(getOffset(Code, 3, 8), 1, "b"),
+      createReplacement(getOffset(Code, 4, 8), 1, "b"),
       createInsertion("#include <vector>"),
       createInsertion("#include <list>"),
       createInsertion("#include \"clang/x/x.h\""),
@@ -537,6 +538,76 @@ TEST_F(CleanUpReplacementsTest, NotConfu
   EXPECT_EQ(Expected, formatAndApply(Code, Replaces));
+TEST_F(CleanUpReplacementsTest, SkippedTopComment) {
+  std::string Code = "// comment\n"
+                     "\n"
+                     "   // comment\n";
+  std::string Expected = "// comment\n"
+                         "\n"
+                         "   // comment\n"
+                         "#include <vector>\n";
+  tooling::Replacements Replaces = {createInsertion("#include <vector>")};
+  EXPECT_EQ(Expected, apply(Code, Replaces));
+TEST_F(CleanUpReplacementsTest, SkippedMixedComments) {
+  std::string Code = "// comment\n"
+                     "// comment \\\n"
+                     " comment continued\n"
+                     "/*\n"
+                     "* comment\n"
+                     "*/\n";
+  std::string Expected = "// comment\n"
+                         "// comment \\\n"
+                         " comment continued\n"
+                         "/*\n"
+                         "* comment\n"
+                         "*/\n"
+                         "#include <vector>\n";
+  tooling::Replacements Replaces = {createInsertion("#include <vector>")};
+  EXPECT_EQ(Expected, apply(Code, Replaces));
+TEST_F(CleanUpReplacementsTest, MultipleBlockCommentsInOneLine) {
+  std::string Code = "/*\n"
+                     "* comment\n"
+                     "*/ /* comment\n"
+                     "*/\n"
+                     "\n\n"
+                     "/* c1 */ /*c2 */\n";
+  std::string Expected = "/*\n"
+                         "* comment\n"
+                         "*/ /* comment\n"
+                         "*/\n"
+                         "\n\n"
+                         "/* c1 */ /*c2 */\n"
+                         "#include <vector>\n";
+  tooling::Replacements Replaces = {createInsertion("#include <vector>")};
+  EXPECT_EQ(Expected, apply(Code, Replaces));
+TEST_F(CleanUpReplacementsTest, CodeAfterComments) {
+  std::string Code = "/*\n"
+                     "* comment\n"
+                     "*/ /* comment\n"
+                     "*/\n"
+                     "\n\n"
+                     "/* c1 */ /*c2 */\n"
+                     "\n"
+                     "int x;\n";
+  std::string Expected = "/*\n"
+                         "* comment\n"
+                         "*/ /* comment\n"
+                         "*/\n"
+                         "\n\n"
+                         "/* c1 */ /*c2 */\n"
+                         "\n"
+                         "#include <vector>\n"
+                         "int x;\n";
+  tooling::Replacements Replaces = {createInsertion("#include <vector>")};
+  EXPECT_EQ(Expected, apply(Code, Replaces));
 } // end namespace
 } // end namespace format
 } // end namespace clang

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