[PATCH] D11059: [OPENMP] Info in release notes about OpenMP support in clang.

Jack Howarth howarth.mailing.lists at apple.com
Thu Jul 23 07:37:19 PDT 2015

jhowarth added a comment.

For comparison, the results from the ctest of OpenMP3.1_Validation test suite using the current -fopenmp=libgomp default in 3.7.0 branch are very poor as expected since clang doesn't emit any OpenMP code generation for the libgomp case...

  #Tested Directive         	t	ct	ot	oct
  has_openmp                	0	-	0	-
  omp_atomic                	100	0	100	0
  omp_barrier               	0	-	0	-
  omp_critical              	100	0	100	0
  omp_flush                 	0	-	0	-
  omp_for_firstprivate      	100	0	100	0
  omp_for_lastprivate       	100	0	100	0
  omp_for_ordered           	100	0	100	0
  omp_for_private           	100	0	100	0
  omp_for_reduction         	100	0	100	0
  omp_for_schedule_dynamic  	100	0	100	0
  omp_for_schedule_guided   	0	-	0	-
  omp_for_schedule_static   	0	-	0	-
  omp_for_nowait            	0	-	0	-
  omp_get_num_threads       	100	100	100	100
  omp_get_wtick             	100	100	100	100
  omp_get_wtime             	100	100	100	100
  omp_in_parallel           	0	-	0	-
  omp_lock                  	100	0	100	0
  omp_master                	100	0	100	0
  omp_nest_lock             	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_copyin       	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_for_firstprivate 	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_for_lastprivate 	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_for_ordered  	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_for_private  	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_for_reduction 	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_num_threads  	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_sections_firstprivate 	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_sections_lastprivate 	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_sections_private 	100	100	100	100
  omp_parallel_sections_reduction 	100	0	100	0
  omp_section_firstprivate  	100	0	100	0
  omp_section_lastprivate   	100	0	100	0
  omp_section_private       	100	100	100	100
  omp_sections_reduction    	100	0	100	0
  omp_sections_nowait       	0	-	0	-
  omp_parallel_for_if       	100	0	100	0
  omp_single_copyprivate    	100	0	100	0
  omp_single_nowait         	100	0	100	0
  omp_single_private        	0	-	0	-
  omp_single                	100	0	100	0
  omp_test_lock             	100	0	100	0
  omp_test_nest_lock        	100	0	100	0
  omp_threadprivate         	100	0	-	-
  omp_parallel_default      	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_shared       	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_private      	100	100	100	100
  omp_parallel_firstprivate 	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_if           	100	0	100	0
  omp_parallel_reduction    	100	0	100	0
  omp_for_collapse          	100	0	100	0
  omp_master_3              	100	0	100	0
  omp_task                  	0	-	0	-
  omp_task_if               	100	0	100	0
  omp_task_untied           	0	-	0	-
  omp_task_shared           	100	0	100	0
  omp_task_private          	100	100	100	100
  omp_task_firstprivate     	0	-	0	-
  omp_taskwait              	100	0	100	0
  omp_taskyield             	0	-	0	-
  omp_task_final            	0	-	0	-
  S Number of tested Open MP constructs: 62
  S Number of used tests:                123
  S Number of failed tests:              28
  S Number of successful tests:          95
  S + from this were verified:           14
  Normal tests:
  N Number of failed tests:              14
  N + from this fail compilation:        0
  N + from this timed out                0
  N Number of successful tests:          48
  N + from this were verified:           7
  Orphaned tests:
  O Number of failed tests:              14
  O + from this fail compilation:        0
  O + from this timed out                0
  O Number of successful tests:          47
  O + from this were verified:           7


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