[PATCH] Add scan-build python implementation

Anna Zaks zaks.anna at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 10:22:50 PDT 2015

> I think will be nice to have possibility to control output content.

>  When I run scan-build with all checkers enabled on my project, I got ~ 100 Gb of HTML mostly because of deadcode.DeadStores. My solution was to create 

>  CC and CXX wrappers which run Clang-tidy with Analyzer only checkers (producing messages with relevant line only).


These are very valid points and should be considered for future improvements to scan-build. However, these are outside of the scope of this initial patch, which is to match the existing functionality and allow for better build system interposition.

The bloat you get with the HTML output is a known limitation; for example, we produce one HTML file per bug report instead of sharing the same HTML between several bug reports that get reported on the same file. One thing in keep in mind is that the static analyzer contains many path-sensitive checks. When those are reported, you get a pull path through your code, where the problem occurs. You will not get the same experience when consuming reports through clang tidy.



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