r235580 - clang-format: Support nested block formatting with ColumnLimit=0.

Daniel Jasper djasper at google.com
Thu Apr 23 02:23:17 PDT 2015

Author: djasper
Date: Thu Apr 23 04:23:17 2015
New Revision: 235580

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=235580&view=rev
clang-format: Support nested block formatting with ColumnLimit=0.


Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp?rev=235580&r1=235579&r2=235580&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp Thu Apr 23 04:23:17 2015
@@ -839,12 +839,26 @@ void ContinuationIndenter::moveStatePast
          (Current.PackingKind == PPK_OnePerLine ||
           (!BinPackInconclusiveFunctions &&
            Current.PackingKind == PPK_Inconclusive)));
-    // If this '[' opens an ObjC call, determine whether all parameters fit
-    // into one line and put one per line if they don't.
-    if (Current.is(TT_ObjCMethodExpr) && Style.ColumnLimit != 0 &&
-        getLengthToMatchingParen(Current) + State.Column >
+    if (Current.is(TT_ObjCMethodExpr) && Current.MatchingParen) {
+      if (Style.ColumnLimit) {
+        // If this '[' opens an ObjC call, determine whether all parameters fit
+        // into one line and put one per line if they don't.
+        if (getLengthToMatchingParen(Current) + State.Column >
-      BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+          BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+      } else {
+        // For ColumnLimit = 0, we have to figure out whether there is or has to
+        // be a line break within this call.
+        for (const FormatToken *Tok = &Current;
+             Tok && Tok != Current.MatchingParen; Tok = Tok->Next) {
+          if (Tok->MustBreakBefore || 
+              (Tok->CanBreakBefore && Tok->NewlinesBefore > 0)) {
+            BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
   bool NoLineBreak = State.Stack.back().NoLineBreak ||
                      (Current.is(TT_TemplateOpener) &&

Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/Format/UnwrappedLineFormatter.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/lib/Format/UnwrappedLineFormatter.cpp?rev=235580&r1=235579&r2=235580&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Format/UnwrappedLineFormatter.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Format/UnwrappedLineFormatter.cpp Thu Apr 23 04:23:17 2015
@@ -303,7 +303,9 @@ private:
 class NoColumnLimitFormatter {
-  NoColumnLimitFormatter(ContinuationIndenter *Indenter) : Indenter(Indenter) {}
+  NoColumnLimitFormatter(ContinuationIndenter *Indenter,
+                         UnwrappedLineFormatter *Formatter)
+      : Indenter(Indenter), Formatter(Formatter) {}
   /// \brief Formats the line starting at \p State, simply keeping all of the
   /// input's line breaking decisions.
@@ -314,12 +316,15 @@ public:
       bool Newline =
           Indenter->mustBreak(State) ||
           (Indenter->canBreak(State) && State.NextToken->NewlinesBefore > 0);
+      unsigned Penalty = 0;
+      Formatter->formatChildren(State, Newline, /*DryRun=*/false, Penalty);
       Indenter->addTokenToState(State, Newline, /*DryRun=*/false);
   ContinuationIndenter *Indenter;
+  UnwrappedLineFormatter *Formatter;
@@ -426,8 +431,7 @@ UnwrappedLineFormatter::format(const Sma
           Indenter->addTokenToState(State, /*Newline=*/false, DryRun);
       } else if (Style.ColumnLimit == 0) {
-        // FIXME: Implement nested blocks for ColumnLimit = 0.
-        NoColumnLimitFormatter Formatter(Indenter);
+        NoColumnLimitFormatter Formatter(Indenter, this);
         if (!DryRun)
           Formatter.format(Indent, &TheLine);
       } else {

Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/Format/UnwrappedLineFormatter.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/lib/Format/UnwrappedLineFormatter.h?rev=235580&r1=235579&r2=235580&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Format/UnwrappedLineFormatter.h (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Format/UnwrappedLineFormatter.h Thu Apr 23 04:23:17 2015
@@ -40,6 +40,30 @@ public:
   unsigned format(const SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *> &Lines, bool DryRun,
                   int AdditionalIndent = 0, bool FixBadIndentation = false);
+  /// \brief If the \p State's next token is an r_brace closing a nested block,
+  /// format the nested block before it.
+  ///
+  /// Returns \c true if all children could be placed successfully and adapts
+  /// \p Penalty as well as \p State. If \p DryRun is false, also directly
+  /// creates changes using \c Whitespaces.
+  ///
+  /// The crucial idea here is that children always get formatted upon
+  /// encountering the closing brace right after the nested block. Now, if we
+  /// are currently trying to keep the "}" on the same line (i.e. \p NewLine is
+  /// \c false), the entire block has to be kept on the same line (which is only
+  /// possible if it fits on the line, only contains a single statement, etc.
+  ///
+  /// If \p NewLine is true, we format the nested block on separate lines, i.e.
+  /// break after the "{", format all lines with correct indentation and the put
+  /// the closing "}" on yet another new line.
+  ///
+  /// This enables us to keep the simple structure of the
+  /// \c UnwrappedLineFormatter, where we only have two options for each token:
+  /// break or don't break.
+  bool formatChildren(LineState &State, bool NewLine, bool DryRun,
+                      unsigned &Penalty);
   /// \brief Formats an \c AnnotatedLine and returns the penalty.
@@ -131,29 +155,6 @@ private:
   void addNextStateToQueue(unsigned Penalty, StateNode *PreviousNode,
                            bool NewLine, unsigned *Count, QueueType *Queue);
-  /// \brief If the \p State's next token is an r_brace closing a nested block,
-  /// format the nested block before it.
-  ///
-  /// Returns \c true if all children could be placed successfully and adapts
-  /// \p Penalty as well as \p State. If \p DryRun is false, also directly
-  /// creates changes using \c Whitespaces.
-  ///
-  /// The crucial idea here is that children always get formatted upon
-  /// encountering the closing brace right after the nested block. Now, if we
-  /// are currently trying to keep the "}" on the same line (i.e. \p NewLine is
-  /// \c false), the entire block has to be kept on the same line (which is only
-  /// possible if it fits on the line, only contains a single statement, etc.
-  ///
-  /// If \p NewLine is true, we format the nested block on separate lines, i.e.
-  /// break after the "{", format all lines with correct indentation and the put
-  /// the closing "}" on yet another new line.
-  ///
-  /// This enables us to keep the simple structure of the
-  /// \c UnwrappedLineFormatter, where we only have two options for each token:
-  /// break or don't break.
-  bool formatChildren(LineState &State, bool NewLine, bool DryRun,
-                      unsigned &Penalty);
   ContinuationIndenter *Indenter;
   WhitespaceManager *Whitespaces;
   FormatStyle Style;

Modified: cfe/trunk/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp?rev=235580&r1=235579&r2=235580&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp Thu Apr 23 04:23:17 2015
@@ -9789,6 +9789,74 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsBlocks) {
+TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsBlocksWithZeroColumnWidth) {
+  FormatStyle ZeroColumn = getLLVMStyle();
+  ZeroColumn.ColumnLimit = 0;
+  verifyFormat("[[SessionService sharedService] "
+               "loadWindowWithCompletionBlock:^(SessionWindow *window) {\n"
+               "  if (window) {\n"
+               "    [self windowDidLoad:window];\n"
+               "  } else {\n"
+               "    [self errorLoadingWindow];\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}];",
+               ZeroColumn);
+  EXPECT_EQ("[[SessionService sharedService]\n"
+            "    loadWindowWithCompletionBlock:^(SessionWindow *window) {\n"
+            "      if (window) {\n"
+            "        [self windowDidLoad:window];\n"
+            "      } else {\n"
+            "        [self errorLoadingWindow];\n"
+            "      }\n"
+            "    }];",
+            format("[[SessionService sharedService]\n"
+                   "loadWindowWithCompletionBlock:^(SessionWindow *window) {\n"
+                   "                if (window) {\n"
+                   "    [self windowDidLoad:window];\n"
+                   "  } else {\n"
+                   "    [self errorLoadingWindow];\n"
+                   "  }\n"
+                   "}];",
+                   ZeroColumn));
+  verifyFormat("[myObject doSomethingWith:arg1\n"
+               "    firstBlock:^(Foo *a) {\n"
+               "      // ...\n"
+               "      int i;\n"
+               "    }\n"
+               "    secondBlock:^(Bar *b) {\n"
+               "      // ...\n"
+               "      int i;\n"
+               "    }\n"
+               "    thirdBlock:^Foo(Bar *b) {\n"
+               "      // ...\n"
+               "      int i;\n"
+               "    }];",
+               ZeroColumn);
+  verifyFormat("f(^{\n"
+               "  @autoreleasepool {\n"
+               "    if (a) {\n"
+               "      g();\n"
+               "    }\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "});",
+               ZeroColumn);
+  verifyFormat("void (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{\n"
+               "  // ...\n"
+               "};",
+               ZeroColumn);
+  ZeroColumn.AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine = true;
+  EXPECT_EQ("void (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{ int i; };",
+            format("void   (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{ int   i; };",
+                   ZeroColumn));
+  ZeroColumn.AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine = false;
+  EXPECT_EQ("void (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{\n"
+            "  int i;\n"
+            "};",
+            format("void   (^largeBlock)(void) = ^{ int   i; };", ZeroColumn));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, SupportsCRLF) {
   EXPECT_EQ("int a;\r\n"
             "int b;\r\n"

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