Test failure: copy-constructor-elim.cpp on AArch64

Oliver Stannard oliver.stannard at arm.com
Wed Feb 4 06:20:36 PST 2015


ARM is experiencing a failure in the new clang test
test/CodeGenCXX/copy-constructor-elim.cpp (added last night in r228061),
when clang is compiled with the default triple aarch64--none-eabi (so that
that's what %itanium_abi_triple expands to when running the test).

The check that's failing is this one:

// CHECK-LABEL: define i32 @f

because AArch64 clang generally expands returned structure types into a full
64-bit register, and hence emits this instead, which doesn't match the above

define i64 @f() #0 {

It looks to me as if the main point of the test is checking the details of
the memcpy call inside f, so that loosening the CHECK-LABEL to permit f to
return i64 should not defeat the test's actual purpose?


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