[PATCH] Add attributes for AMDGPU register limits.

Aaron Ballman aaron at aaronballman.com
Wed Dec 3 11:55:57 PST 2014

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:48 PM, Matt Arsenault <arsenm2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Nov 17, 2014, at 1:32 PM, Aaron Ballman <aaron at aaronballman.com> wrote:
> +  let Args = [UnsignedArgument<"NumVGPR">];
> +  let Documentation = [AMDGPURegisterDocs];
> +  let Subjects = SubjectList<[KernelFunction], ErrorDiag,
> +                             "ExpectedKernelFunction">;
> +}
> +
> +def AMDGPUNumSGPR : InheritableAttr, TargetSpecificAttr<TargetAMDGPU> {
> +  let Spellings = [GCC<"amdgpu_num_sgpr">];
> Same comment here as above.
> +  let Args = [UnsignedArgument<"NumSGPR">];
> +  let Documentation = [AMDGPURegisterDocs];
> This will render the same documentation a second time. The usual
> approach is to create a category in the docs, and then generate
> different docs in the same category. See the calling convention
> attributes as an example.
> It turns out they aren’t being rendered at all now. I’m not sure why, I
> don’t see what I’m doing differently from the interrupt attributes which I
> followed as an example. It seems many of the attributes documented here are
> not actually getting generated into the attribute documentation, such as
> align_value. This i when I attempt to generate the docs, the ones on the
> website seem to have them.

How are you attempting to generate the docs? Are you running the
tablegen pass first, and then sphinx-build?


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