[PATCH] [ARM] Handle conflicts between -mfpu and -mfloat-abi options

Asiri Rathnayake asiri.rathnayake at arm.com
Wed Oct 1 10:21:10 PDT 2014

Hi Renato,

> My concern was that you've only added tests for armv8, so for example, the CHECK-SOFT-FLOAT should probably check for -vfp* too.

I already have the following tests:

// SOFT-ABI-FP: "-target-feature" "-neon"                                                                                                                                         
// SOFT-ABI-FP: "-target-feature" "-crypto"                                                                                                                                       
// SOFT-ABI-FP: "-target-feature" "-vfp2"                                                                                                                                         
// SOFT-ABI-FP: "-target-feature" "-vfp3"                                                                                                                                         
// SOFT-ABI-FP: "-target-feature" "-vfp4"

AFAICS The architecture does not play a role in determining the floating point ABI / ops. The underlying platform sometimes infer floating point ABI / ops, and I have a test for that (DEFAULT-FP).

Do you want me to add tests for pre-v8 architectures anyways?




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