[PATCH] Improve diagnostic message for misplaced square brackets

Richard Smith richard at metafoo.co.uk
Wed Jun 11 16:41:20 PDT 2014

+    if (Tok.is(tok::l_square)) {
+      //if (ParseMisplacedBracketDeclarator(D)) {
+      ParseMisplacedBracketDeclarator(D);
+      //  goto PastIdentifier;
+      return;

Remove comments here; maybe just

if (Tok.is(tok::l_square))
  return ParseMisplacedBracketDeclarator(D);

+  // Sometimes, parentheses are needed.  Determine if they are needed by
+  // looking at the current token.  If they are needed, store the location
+  // of the left parentheses in SuggestParenLoc.
+  SourceLocation SuggestParenLoc;
+  if (Tok.isNot(tok::identifier) && Tok.isNot(tok::l_paren) &&
+      Tok.isNot(tok::semi)) {
+    SuggestParenLoc = Tok.getLocation();
+    D.getName().EndLocation = SourceLocation();
+  }
+  // Now that the brackets are removed, try parsing the declarator again.
+  ParseDeclaratorInternal(D, &Parser::ParseDirectDeclarator);

This logic for determining whether parens are needed doesn't seem to cover
all cases. In particular:

  int [3] T::*p;

needs parens but starts with an identifier. Conversely,

  int [3] ::n;

doesn't need parens, but gets them. Instead, how about something like:

SourceLocation LocBeforeDeclarator = Tok.getLocation();
ParseDeclaratorInternal(D, &Parser::ParseDirectDeclarator);

bool NeedParens = false;
if (D.getNumTypeObjects()) {
  switch (D.getTypeObject(D.getNumTypeObjects())) {
    case DeclaratorChunk::Pointer:
    case DeclaratorChunk::Reference:
    case DeclaratorChunk::BlockPointer:
    case DeclaratorChunk::MemberPointer:
      NeedParens = true;
    case /* all the rest */

// ...

+  // Adding back the bracket info to the end of the Declarator.

If you've detected that you need parens, it'd be nice to fabricate a
DeclaratorChunk for the parens, just in case something downstream is making
assumptions about what DeclaratorChunks can exist based on how types can be

+  // The missing identifier would have been diagnosed in
+  // If parentheses are required, always suggest them.
+  if (!D.getIdentifier() && !SuggestParenLoc.isValid())
+    return;

It would be nice to assert !D.mayOmitIdentifier() somewhere in this
function, maybe right next to this check, since you're relying on that
here. (I could certainly imagine this code getting reused for parsing
abstract declarators at some point.)

+  SourceLocation EndBracketLoc =
+      TempDeclarator.getTypeObject(TempDeclarator.getNumTypeObjects() - 1)
+          .EndLoc;

Is this just 'TempDeclarator.getLocEnd()'?

+  // When suggesting parentheses, the closing paren should not be before
+  // opening paren.
+  if (SuggestParenLoc.isValid() && EndLoc < SuggestParenLoc)

This kind of SourceLocation comparison won't work in general (for instance,
it will do weird things if the two locations have different FileIDs). Does
this error case really happen?

Also, you still need to produce some kind of diagnostic on this code path.


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