r210013 - clang-format: No space between ")" and braced init list.

Adam Strzelecki ono at java.pl
Tue Jun 10 09:17:19 PDT 2014


I believe this commit broke formatting removing space before function body and ")", running latest clang-format on my code introduced following unexpected changes:

   Kernel(Detector<F> detector, ErrorsModel<F> errors_model)
-      : detector_(detector), errors_model_(errors_model) {};
+      : detector_(detector), errors_model_(errors_model){}; 

 template <int N, typename F> class Vector {
-  Vector() {};
+  Vector(){};

 template <int N, typename F = double>
-Point<N, F> operator+(const Vector<N, F>& v, const Point<N, F>& p) {};
+Point<N, F> operator+(const Vector<N, F>& v, const Point<N, F>& p){};

Can you please have a look?


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