[PATCH][cxxabi] ARM EHABI zero-cost exception handling for libc++abi

Renato Golin renato.golin at linaro.org
Sun May 4 13:03:48 PDT 2014

On 3 May 2014 17:29, Logan Chien <tzuhsiang.chien at gmail.com> wrote:
> IMO, maybe we can focus on my patch first?  Although, it still relies on the
> unwinding facilities from libgcc, I feel that we can replace them
> step-by-step.

Hi Logan,

This sounds like a good plan. I had a skim through your patch and it
seems good, but I haven't tested any of it.

I modified Clang to include --rtlib=compiler-rt on Linux, but that
still includes both gcc_s and gcc_eh. The idea was to use libc++abi,
or libunwinder as it would be called when moved to compiler-rt bundle.

On Clang, I can only see we replacing each of { gcc_s, gcc_eh }
entirely. It seems to me that doing the unwind move first would be
ideal, especially if we can make it to compiler-rt by that time.

> Once the language-independent unwinding library is complete, we
> can ifdef (or remove) the function call to libgcc.  Does this plan sound
> reasonable?

Yes. Thanks for working on this!


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