[PATCH] Better implementation of JavaScript === and !== operators.

Alexander Kornienko alexfh at google.com
Thu Nov 21 03:36:48 PST 2013

  Diff of the FormatTest.cpp file:

    Index: unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
    --- unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp     (revision 195336)
    +++ unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp     (working copy)
    @@ -7326,12 +7326,19 @@
       verifyFormat("A<A<int>>();", Spaces);

    +TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsJavaScript) {
    +  verifyFormat("a == = b;");
    +  verifyFormat("a != = b;");

    -TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsJavaScript) {
       verifyFormat("a === b;");
    -  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa === b;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10));
    +  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa ===\n    b;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10));
       verifyFormat("a !== b;");
    -  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa !== b;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10));
    +  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa !==\n    b;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10));
    +  verifyFormat("if (a + b + c +\n"
    +               "        d !==\n"
    +               "    e + f + g)\n"
    +               "  q();",
    +               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));

     } // end namespace tooling


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