[PATCH] compiler-rt: build embedded Darwin variants

Tim Northover t.p.northover at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 10:51:07 PST 2013


On 11 November 2013 12:16, Tim Northover <t.p.northover at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The two patches attached here are intended to produce versions of
> libclang_rt suitable for use in various embedded situations in a
> vaguely Darwin-like environment (i.e. still not __aeabi_*)
> 1. Architecture: armv6m, armv7m armv7em, armv7, i386, x86_64
> 2. PICness: we may want to load the resulting program anywhere, or may not care.
> 3. Floatiness: we may want to disallow all FP operations (to save
> context-switching), or it may not matter.
> Within these axes, I'm producing basically anything that makes sense
> from a hardware point of view:
> libclang_rt.soft_static.a: armv6m, armv7m, armv7em, armv7
> libclang_rt.soft_pic.a: armv6m, armv7m, armv7em, armv7
> libclang_rt.hard_static.a: armv7em, armv7, i386, x86_64
> libclang_rt.hard_pic.a: armv7em, armv7, i386, x86_64
> (longer term, it would be good to have soft-float x86 builds but Clang
> currently doesn't honour -msoft-float, so that's not supportable now).
> The patches create another make target, "clang_darwin_embedded", to
> deal with these combinations. There's a lot of overlap between this
> and the cc_kext versions in clang_darwin, but they're not quite the
> same thing and trying to solve different problems so I think a
> separate file is justified.
> These runtime libraries aren't used automatically yet, but we're
> planning to make driver changes in the near future to make them far
> simpler for programmers.
> This is my first foray into compiler-rt and other areas that affect
> install layout, so lots of scrutiny would be welcome.
> Should I commit, or change things?
> Cheers.
> Tim.
-------------- next part --------------
commit 31afdc7aa5106a72954af2f49fba836661f038c5
Author: Tim Northover <tnorthover at apple.com>
Date:   Mon Nov 11 12:14:18 2013 -0800

    Darwin(ish): enable compiler-rt darwin_embedded builds

diff --git a/runtime/compiler-rt/Makefile b/runtime/compiler-rt/Makefile
index 930a8c2..ab35a4f 100644
--- a/runtime/compiler-rt/Makefile
+++ b/runtime/compiler-rt/Makefile
@@ -78,10 +78,12 @@ ifeq ($(shell test -d $(COMPILERRT_SRC_ROOT) && echo OK),OK)
 # support.
 RuntimeDirs :=
 ifeq ($(OS),Darwin)
-RuntimeDirs += darwin
+RuntimeDirs += darwin darwin_embedded
 RuntimeLibrary.darwin.Configs := \
 	eprintf.a 10.4.a osx.a ios.a cc_kext.a cc_kext_ios5.a \
 	profile_osx.a profile_ios.a
+RuntimeLibrary.darwin_embedded.Configs := \
+	soft_static.a hard_static.a soft_pic.a hard_pic.a
 #	Apple Internal: Disable building asan libraries. <rdar://12423266>
 #	asan_osx_dynamic.dylib ubsan_osx.a
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commit b5f55de70e07f6985d2d076cefa4baffaed0445f
Author: Tim Northover <tnorthover at apple.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 29 11:19:45 2013 +0000

    Add clang_darwin_embedded platform for OS-level stuff.

diff --git a/lib/arm/Makefile.mk b/lib/arm/Makefile.mk
index 04dec88..a2df115 100644
--- a/lib/arm/Makefile.mk
+++ b/lib/arm/Makefile.mk
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ModuleName := builtins
 SubDirs := 
-OnlyArchs := armv5 armv6 armv7 armv7f armv7k armv7s
+OnlyArchs := armv5 armv6 armv7 armv7f armv7k armv7m armv7em armv7s
 AsmSources := $(foreach file,$(wildcard $(Dir)/*.S),$(notdir $(file)))
 Sources := $(foreach file,$(wildcard $(Dir)/*.c),$(notdir $(file)))
diff --git a/lib/int_util.c b/lib/int_util.c
index 6d8922a..323e461 100644
--- a/lib/int_util.c
+++ b/lib/int_util.c
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ void compilerrt_abort_impl(const char *file, int line, const char *function) {
   panic("%s:%d: abort in %s", file, line, function);
-#elif __APPLE__ && !__STATIC__
+#elif __APPLE__
 /* from libSystem.dylib */
 extern void __assert_rtn(const char *func, const char *file, 
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ void compilerrt_abort_impl(const char *file, int line, const char *function) {
   __assert_rtn(function, file, line, "libcompiler_rt abort");
 /* Get the system definition of abort() */
diff --git a/make/platform/clang_darwin_embedded.mk b/make/platform/clang_darwin_embedded.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edf8198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/platform/clang_darwin_embedded.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+# These are the functions which clang needs when it is targetting a previous
+# version of the OS. The issue is that the backend may use functions which were
+# not present in the libgcc that shipped on the platform. In such cases, we link
+# with a version of the library which contains private_extern definitions of all
+# the extra functions which might be referenced.
+Description := Static runtime libraries for embedded clang/Darwin
+XCRun = \
+  $(shell \
+    result=`xcrun -find $(1) 2> /dev/null`; \
+    if [ "$$?" != "0" ]; then result=$(1); fi; \
+    echo $$result)
+CC       := $(call XCRun,clang)
+AR       := $(call XCRun,ar)
+RANLIB   := $(call XCRun,ranlib)
+STRIP    := $(call XCRun,strip)
+LIPO     := $(call XCRun,lipo)
+DSYMUTIL := $(call XCRun,dsymutil)
+Configs :=
+UniversalArchs :=
+# Soft-float version of the runtime. No floating-point instructions will be used
+# and the ABI (out of necessity) passes floating values in normal registers:
+# non-VFP variant of the AAPCS.
+Configs += soft_static
+UniversalArchs.soft_static := armv6m armv7m armv7em armv7
+# Hard-float version of the runtime. On ARM VFP instructions and registers are
+# allowed, and floating point values get passed in them. VFP variant of the
+Configs += hard_static
+UniversalArchs.hard_static := armv7em armv7 i386 x86_64
+Configs += soft_pic
+UniversalArchs.soft_pic := armv6m armv7m armv7em armv7
+Configs += hard_pic
+UniversalArchs.hard_pic := armv7em armv7 i386 x86_64
+CFLAGS := -Wall -Werror -Oz -fomit-frame-pointer -ffreestanding
+STATIC_CFLAGS := -static
+CFLAGS_SOFT := -mfloat-abi=soft
+CFLAGS_HARD := -mfloat-abi=hard
+CFLAGS_ARMV7 := -target thumbv7-apple-darwin-eabi
+CFLAGS_I386  := -march=pentium
+CFLAGS.soft_static.armv7 := $(CFLAGS.soft_static) $(CFLAGS_ARMV7)
+CFLAGS.hard_static.armv7 := $(CFLAGS.hard_static) $(CFLAGS_ARMV7)
+CFLAGS.soft_pic.armv7    := $(CFLAGS.soft_pic) $(CFLAGS_ARMV7)
+CFLAGS.hard_pic.armv7    := $(CFLAGS.hard_pic) $(CFLAGS_ARMV7)
+# x86 platforms ignore -mfloat-abi options and complain about doing so. Despite
+# this they're hard-float.
+CFLAGS.hard_static.i386   := $(CFLAGS) $(STATIC_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_I386)
+CFLAGS.hard_pic.i386      := $(CFLAGS) $(PIC_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_I386)
+CFLAGS.hard_static.x86_64 := $(CFLAGS) $(STATIC_CFLAGS)
+CFLAGS.hard_pic.x86_64    := $(CFLAGS) $(PIC_CFLAGS)
+# Functions not wanted:
+#   + eprintf is obsolete anyway
+#   + *vfp: designed for Thumb1 CPUs with VFPv2
+	absvdi2 \
+	absvsi2 \
+	addvdi3 \
+	addvsi3 \
+	ashldi3 \
+	ashrdi3 \
+	bswapdi2 \
+	bswapsi2 \
+	clzdi2 \
+	clzsi2 \
+	cmpdi2 \
+	ctzdi2 \
+	ctzsi2 \
+	divdc3 \
+	divdi3 \
+	divsc3 \
+	divmodsi4 \
+	udivmodsi4 \
+	do_global_dtors \
+	ffsdi2 \
+	fixdfdi \
+	fixsfdi \
+	fixunsdfdi \
+	fixunsdfsi \
+	fixunssfdi \
+	fixunssfsi \
+	floatdidf \
+	floatdisf \
+	floatundidf \
+	floatundisf \
+	gcc_bcmp \
+	lshrdi3 \
+	moddi3 \
+	muldc3 \
+	muldi3 \
+	mulsc3 \
+	mulvdi3 \
+	mulvsi3 \
+	negdi2 \
+	negvdi2 \
+	negvsi2 \
+	paritydi2 \
+	paritysi2 \
+	popcountdi2 \
+	popcountsi2 \
+	powidf2 \
+	powisf2 \
+	subvdi3 \
+	subvsi3 \
+	ucmpdi2 \
+	udiv_w_sdiv \
+	udivdi3 \
+	udivmoddi4 \
+	umoddi3 \
+	adddf3 \
+	addsf3 \
+	cmpdf2 \
+	cmpsf2 \
+	div0 \
+	divdf3 \
+	divsf3 \
+	divsi3 \
+	extendsfdf2 \
+	ffssi2 \
+	fixdfsi \
+	fixsfsi \
+	floatsidf \
+	floatsisf \
+	floatunsidf \
+	floatunsisf \
+	comparedf2 \
+	comparesf2 \
+	modsi3 \
+	muldf3 \
+	mulsf3 \
+	negdf2 \
+	negsf2 \
+	subdf3 \
+	subsf3 \
+	truncdfsf2 \
+	udivsi3 \
+	umodsi3 \
+	unorddf2 \
+	unordsf2
+	aeabi_cdcmpeq \
+	aeabi_cdrcmple \
+	aeabi_cfcmpeq \
+	aeabi_cfrcmple \
+	aeabi_dcmpeq \
+	aeabi_dcmpge \
+	aeabi_dcmpgt \
+	aeabi_dcmple \
+	aeabi_dcmplt \
+	aeabi_drsub \
+	aeabi_fcmpeq \
+	aeabi_fcmpge \
+	aeabi_fcmpgt \
+	aeabi_fcmple \
+	aeabi_fcmplt \
+	aeabi_frsub \
+	aeabi_idivmod \
+	aeabi_uidivmod \
+# ARM Assembly implementation which requires Thumb2 (i.e. won't work on v6M).
+	switch16 \
+	switch32 \
+	switch8 \
+	switchu8 \
+	sync_fetch_and_add_4 \
+	sync_fetch_and_sub_4 \
+	sync_fetch_and_and_4 \
+	sync_fetch_and_or_4 \
+	sync_fetch_and_xor_4 \
+	sync_fetch_and_nand_4 \
+	sync_fetch_and_max_4 \
+	sync_fetch_and_umax_4 \
+	sync_fetch_and_min_4 \
+	sync_fetch_and_umin_4 \
+	sync_fetch_and_add_8 \
+	sync_fetch_and_sub_8 \
+	sync_fetch_and_and_8 \
+	sync_fetch_and_or_8 \
+	sync_fetch_and_xor_8 \
+	sync_fetch_and_nand_8 \
+	sync_fetch_and_max_8 \
+	sync_fetch_and_umax_8 \
+	sync_fetch_and_min_8 \
+	sync_fetch_and_umin_8
+I386_FUNCTIONS :=  \
+	i686.get_pc_thunk.eax \
+	i686.get_pc_thunk.ebp \
+	i686.get_pc_thunk.ebx \
+	i686.get_pc_thunk.ecx \
+	i686.get_pc_thunk.edi \
+	i686.get_pc_thunk.edx \
+	i686.get_pc_thunk.esi
+# FIXME: Currently, compiler-rt is missing implementations for a number of the
+# functions. Filter them out for now.
+	cmpdf2 cmpsf2 div0 \
+	ffssi2 \
+	udiv_w_sdiv unorddf2 unordsf2 bswapdi2 \
+	bswapsi2 \
+	gcc_bcmp \
+	do_global_dtors \
+	i686.get_pc_thunk.eax i686.get_pc_thunk.ebp i686.get_pc_thunk.ebx \
+	i686.get_pc_thunk.ecx i686.get_pc_thunk.edi i686.get_pc_thunk.edx \
+	i686.get_pc_thunk.esi \
+	aeabi_cdcmpeq aeabi_cdrcmple aeabi_cfcmpeq aeabi_cfrcmple aeabi_dcmpeq \
+	aeabi_dcmpge aeabi_dcmpgt aeabi_dcmple aeabi_dcmplt aeabi_drsub \
+	aeabi_fcmpeq \ aeabi_fcmpge aeabi_fcmpgt aeabi_fcmple aeabi_fcmplt \
+	aeabi_frsub aeabi_idivmod aeabi_uidivmod
+FUNCTIONS_I386 := \
+	$(filter-out $(MISSING_FUNCTIONS),$(FUNCTIONS_I386))
+FUNCTIONS_X86_64 := \
+	$(filter-out $(MISSING_FUNCTIONS),$(FUNCTIONS_X86_64))
+FUNCTIONS.soft_static.armv6m := $(FUNCTIONS_ARMV6M)
+FUNCTIONS.soft_pic.armv6m    := $(FUNCTIONS_ARMV6M)
+FUNCTIONS.soft_static.armv7m := $(FUNCTIONS_ARM_ALL)
+FUNCTIONS.soft_pic.armv7m    := $(FUNCTIONS_ARM_ALL)
+FUNCTIONS.soft_static.armv7em := $(FUNCTIONS_ARM_ALL)
+FUNCTIONS.hard_static.armv7em := $(FUNCTIONS_ARM_ALL)
+FUNCTIONS.soft_pic.armv7em    := $(FUNCTIONS_ARM_ALL)
+FUNCTIONS.hard_pic.armv7em    := $(FUNCTIONS_ARM_ALL)
+FUNCTIONS.soft_static.armv7 := $(FUNCTIONS_ARM_ALL)
+FUNCTIONS.hard_static.armv7 := $(FUNCTIONS_ARM_ALL)
+FUNCTIONS.soft_pic.armv7    := $(FUNCTIONS_ARM_ALL)
+FUNCTIONS.hard_pic.armv7    := $(FUNCTIONS_ARM_ALL)
+FUNCTIONS.hard_static.i386 := $(FUNCTIONS_I386)
+FUNCTIONS.hard_pic.i386    := $(FUNCTIONS_I386)
+FUNCTIONS.hard_static.x86_64 := $(FUNCTIONS_X86_64)
+FUNCTIONS.hard_pic.x86_64    := $(FUNCTIONS_X86_64)

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