[PATCH][Review request] unix.Malloc checker improvement: +handling new/delete, +memory.MismatchedFree, +memory.MismatchedDelete, +improved display names for allocators/deallocators

Anton Yartsev anton.yartsev at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 20:01:47 PDT 2013

On 14.03.2013 21:42, Anna Zaks wrote:
> One more concern. I do not see any tests with path notes. It's very 
> important to test not only the existence of the warning, but also the 
> notes along the path.
>  - malloc-path.c currently tests the path notes produced by the 
> warnings from the MallocChecker
>  - test/Analysis/diagnostics/deref-track-symbolic-region.c is a good 
> example of how to test for the notes in text and plist formats(used to 
> draw the path in Xcode).
> I'd add a new test file and test the diagnostics in both text and 
> plist format. I am OK with this test and any related work going in as 
> a separate commit.
New test added, MallocChecker::MallocBugVisitor::isAllocated() and 
MallocChecker::MallocBugVisitor::isReleased() changed a little.
Nothing else changed since the last patch.
OK to commit?

> Thanks,
> Anna.
> On Mar 14, 2013, at 8:38 AM, Anton Yartsev <anton.yartsev at gmail.com 
> <mailto:anton.yartsev at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> On 12.03.2013 22:06, Anna Zaks wrote:
>>> Thanks Anton! The patch looks good overall. Have you evaluated it on 
>>> some real C++ codebases?
>> Not yet. Failed to launch scan-build with my Perl 5.16.2.
> Let's do this ASAP. It might point out issues we have not thought of yet.
>>> Below are some comments.
>>> ---
>>> +  // The return value from operator new is already bound and we 
>>> don't want to
>>> +  // break this binding so we call MallocUpdateRefState instead of 
>>> MallocMemAux.
>>> +  State = MallocUpdateRefState(C, NE, State, NE->isArray() ? 
>>> AF_CXXNewArray
>>> +                 : AF_CXXNew);
>>> Why is this different from handling malloc? MallocMemAux does break 
>>> the binding formed by default handling of malloc and forms a new 
>>> binding with more semantic information. (I am fine with addressing 
>>> this after the initial commit/commits.)
>> In case of 'new' the memory can be initialized to a non-default value 
>> (e.g. int *p = new int(3); ). The existing logic ofMallocMemAux() 
>> breaks the binding and information about the initialization value is 
>> lost. This causes several tests to fail.
>> Changed the comment to be more informative.
> I see. I am concerned about the inconsistency of processing malloc and 
> new. On the other hand, it probably does not matter right now.
>>> ---
>>>  def MallocOptimistic : Checker<"MallocWithAnnotations">,
>>> -  HelpText<"Check for memory leaks, double free, and use-after-free 
>>> problems. Assumes that all user-defined functions which might free a 
>>> pointer are annotated.">,
>>> +  HelpText<"Check for memory leaks, double free, and use-after-free 
>>> problems. Traces memory managed by malloc()/free(). Assumes that all 
>>> user-defined functions which might free a pointer are annotated.">,
>>> Shouldn't the MallocWithAnnotations only check the functions which 
>>> are explicitly annotated? I think it might be better to change the 
>>> code rather than the comment.
>> Currently MallocWithAnnotations is designed as extended unix.Malloc 
>> and it is not a single line change to make it distinct. Can we 
>> address this after primary commits?
> Addressing after the initial patch is fine.
>>> ---
>>> +  unsigned K : 2; // Kind enum, but stored as a bitfield.
>>> +  unsigned Family : 30; // Rest of 32-bit word, currently just an 
>>> allocation
>>> +                        // family.
>>> We usually add the comment on a line preceding the declaration, like 
>>> this:
>>> +  // Kind enum, but stored as a bitfield.
>>> +  unsigned K : 2;
>>> +  // Rest of 32-bit word, currently just an allocation family.
>>> +  unsigned Family : 30;
>>> ---
>>> +  // Check if an expected deallocation function matches the real one.
>>> +  if (RsBase &&
>>> +      RsBase->getAllocationFamily() != AF_None &&
>>> +      RsBase->getAllocationFamily() != getAllocationFamily(C, 
>>> ParentExpr) ) {
>>> Is it possible to have AF_None family here? Shouldn't " 
>>> RsBase->getAllocationFamily() != AF_None" be inside an assert?
>> It is possible. In the example below 
>> initWithCharactersNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone takes ownership of 
>> memory allocated by unknown means, RefState with AF_None is bound to 
>> the call and after, when free() is processed, we have 
>> RsBase->getAllocationFamily() == AF_None.
> My understanding is that this API assumes that the memory belongs to 
> the malloc family. So, for example, we would warn on freeing with a 
> regular "free" after freeing with "initWithCharactersNoCopy.. 
> freeWhenDone".
> If the family is unknown, we should not be tracking the memory at all.
Great idea, I'll include corresponding changes in the next patch devoted 
to unix.MismatchedDeallocator

>> void test(unichar *characters) {
>>   NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] 
>> initWithCharactersNoCopy:characters length:12 freeWhenDone:1];
>>   if (!string) {free(characters);}
>> }
>>> ---
>>> +// Used to check correspondence between allocators and deallocators.
>>> +enum AllocationFamily {
>>> The comment should describe what family is. It is a central notion 
>>> for the checker and I do not think we explain it anywhere.
>>> ---
>>> The patch is very long. Is it possible to split it up into smaller 
>>> chunks 
>>> (http://llvm.org/docs/DeveloperPolicy.html#incremental-development)?
>> Committed the initial refactoring as r176949.
>> Let's start! Attached is the cplusplus.NewDelete checker separated 
>> from the patch.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Anna.
>>> On Mar 12, 2013, at 8:56 AM, Anton Yartsev <anton.yartsev at gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:anton.yartsev at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> On 12.03.2013 2:24, Jordan Rose wrote:
>>>>> Looking over this one last time...
>>>>>> -  os << "Argument to free() is offset by "
>>>>>> +  os << "Argument to ";
>>>>>> +  if (!printAllocDeallocName(os, C, DeallocExpr))
>>>>>> +    os << "deallocator";
>>>>>> +  os << " is offset by "
>>>>>> << offsetBytes
>>>>>> << " "
>>>>>> << ((abs(offsetBytes) > 1) ? "bytes" : "byte")
>>>>>> -     << " from the start of memory allocated by malloc()";
>>>>>> +     << " from the start of ";
>>>>>> +  if (AllocExpr) {
>>>>>> +    SmallString<100> TempBuf;
>>>>>> +    llvm::raw_svector_ostream TempOs(TempBuf);
>>>>>> +    if (printAllocDeallocName(TempOs, C, AllocExpr))
>>>>>> +        os << "memory allocated by " << TempOs.str();
>>>>>> +      else
>>>>>> +        os << "allocated memory";
>>>>>> +  } else
>>>>>> +    printExpectedAllocName(os, C, DeallocExpr);
>>>>>> +
>>>>> The way you've set it up, AllocExpr will never be NULL (which is 
>>>>> good, because otherwise you'd get "...from the start of malloc()" 
>>>>> rather than "from the start of memory allocated by malloc()").
>>>> Strange logic. Fixed.
>>>>>> + at interface Wrapper : NSData
>>>>>> +- (id)initWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)bytes length:(NSUInteger)len;
>>>>>> + at end
>>>>> As I discovered with the rest of the ObjC patch, this isn't a 
>>>>> great test case because the analyzer doesn't consider it a system 
>>>>> method. However, I don't see you use it anywhere in the file 
>>>>> anyway, so you can probably just remove it.
>>>>>> +void testNew11(NSUInteger dataLength) {
>>>>>> +  int *data = new int;
>>>>>> +  NSData *nsdata = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:data 
>>>>>> length:sizeof(int) freeWhenDone:1]; // expected-warning{{Memory 
>>>>>> allocated by 'new' should be deallocated by 'delete', not 
>>>>>> +dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:}}
>>>>>> +}
>>>>> Hm, that is rather unwieldy, but what bothers me more is that 
>>>>> +dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:/doesn't/ free the 
>>>>> memory; it just takes ownership of it. I guess it's okay to leave 
>>>>> that as a FIXME for now, but in the long run we should say 
>>>>> something like "+dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone: cannot 
>>>>> take ownership of memory allocated by 'new'." (In the "hold" 
>>>>> cases, most likely the user wasn't intending to free
>>>>> But, this doesn't have to block the patch; you/we can fix it 
>>>>> post-commit.
>>>>>> +  delete x; // FIXME: Shoud detect pointer escape and keep 
>>>>>> silent. checkPointerEscape() is not currently invoked for delete.
>>>>> Pedantic note: the real issue here is that we don't model delete 
>>>>> at all (see ExprEngine::VisitCXXDeleteExpr). The correct model 
>>>>> won't explicitly invoke checkPointerEscape, but it will construct 
>>>>> a CallEvent for the deletion operator and then try to evaluate 
>>>>> that call—or at least invalidate the arguments like 
>>>>> VisitCXXNewExpr does for placement args—which will cause the 
>>>>> argument region to get invalidated and checkPointerEscape to be 
>>>>> triggered.
>>>>> Jordan
>>>> Updated patch attached.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Anton
>>>> <MallocChecker_v11.patch>
>> -- 
>> Anton
>> <cplusplus.NewDelete_v1.patch>


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