r176333 - Add one more sanity check in SourceManager::getFileIDLoaded().

Rafael EspĂ­ndola rafael.espindola at gmail.com
Sat Mar 2 05:40:40 PST 2013

> I'm concerned that this kind of development approach doesn't actually
> make code more robust if we're designing the program to continue down
> other untested code paths (OK - so it doesn't infloop here, it does
> something else unexpected later). Are clients of this API intending to
> account for invalid FileIDs being returned, for example.

Having worked on a codebase that went down this path a long time ago I
must second this concern. Changes like this make bug easier to ignore,
and the result is just that, they are ignored.

In other codebases what I have seen is a assert-like macro that causes
crashes on non debug builds too. That makes bugs easier to reproduce
and much harder to ignore. Could we do something like that in here?


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