Compilation errors with Visual Studio 10

Free styler freestyler_du_94 at
Tue Jan 29 02:04:05 PST 2013

I'm using llvm for the first time and I've 10 errors in the compilation.
I read and made all steps from the documentation mixed to for the library that I will use.
The file  ".sln" has been created successfully but when I want compile it for get release files, I've these errors:
"C:\llvm-clang\build\LLVM.sln" (default target) (1) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (2) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\lib\Analysis\LLVMAnalysis.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (12) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\lib\IR\LLVMCore.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (13) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\include\llvm\IR\intrinsics_gen.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (14) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\utils\TableGen\llvm-tblgen.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (15) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\utils\TableGen\llvm-tblgen.vcxproj" (default target) (18) ->(ClCompile target) ->  c:\llvm-clang\llvm\utils\tablegen\intrinsicemitter.cpp(280): warning C4748: /GS ne peut pas protéger les paramètres et les variables locales contre le dépassement de mémoire tampon locale, car les optimisations sont désactivées dans la fonction [C:\llvm-clang\build\utils\TableGen\llvm-tblgen.vcxproj]

"C:\llvm-clang\build\LLVM.sln" (default target) (1) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (2) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\lib\Analysis\LLVMAnalysis.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (12) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\lib\IR\LLVMCore.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (13) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\lib\IR\LLVMCore.vcxproj" (default target) (20) ->  cl : Ligne de commande warning D9035: l'option 'Og-' est déconseillée et sera supprimée dans une version ultérieure [C:\llvm-clang\build\lib\IR\LLVMCore.vcxproj]

"C:\llvm-clang\build\LLVM.sln" (default target) (1) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (355) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj" (default target) (356) ->(CustomBuild target) ->  CUSTOMBUILD : cygwin warning :  [C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj]

"C:\llvm-clang\build\LLVM.sln" (default target) (1) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (355) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj" (default target) (356) ->(CustomBuild target) ->  CUSTOMBUILD : fatal error : error in backend: IO failure on output stream. [C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj]  CUSTOMBUILD : fatal error : error in backend: IO failure on output stream. [C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj]  CUSTOMBUILD : fatal error : error in backend: IO failure on output stream. [C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj]  CUSTOMBUILD : fatal error : error in backend: IO failure on output stream. [C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj]  CUSTOMBUILD : fatal error : error in backend: IO failure on output stream. [C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj]  CUSTOMBUILD : fatal error : error in backend: IO failure on output stream. [C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj]  CUSTOMBUILD : fatal error : error in backend: IO failure on output stream. [C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj]  CUSTOMBUILD : error : no expected directives found: consider use of 'expected-no-diagnostics' [C:\llvm-clang\build\tools\clang\test\check-clang.vcxproj]

"C:\llvm-clang\build\LLVM.sln" (default target) (1) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\test\check-llvm.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (357) ->"C:\llvm-clang\build\test\check-llvm.vcxproj" (default target) (358) ->  CUSTOMBUILD : error : program not executable [C:\llvm-clang\build\test\check-llvm.vcxproj]  CUSTOMBUILD : error : program not executable [C:\llvm-clang\build\test\check-llvm.vcxproj]
    3 Warning(s)    10 Error(s)

Can you help to resolve this issue please? Because I don't know where are the errors...

Thank you, Kevin
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