[cfe-commits] Fix handling of ARM homogenous aggregates

Bob Wilson bob.wilson at apple.com
Fri Mar 30 11:37:34 PDT 2012

On Mar 30, 2012, at 11:08 AM, Anton Korobeynikov <anton at korobeynikov.info> wrote:

> Hi Bob
>> * Given that ABIArgInfo::Expand will only be used for unions that are homogeneous, does it really make sense to put code in CodeGenTypes::GetExpandedTypes and CodeGenFunction::ExpandTypeToArgs to search through members of a union to find the largest field?  For the current usage, it should be sufficient to just grab the first one.
> No. Consider e.g.
> union {
>  float bar[3];
>  struct {
>    float baz[4];
>  };
> };
> Here we should select float[4] as proper h. aggregate.

You're right.  I didn't think about that case.

>> * When I first implemented this, I intentionally limited it for C++ to aggregate-like types.  Can you give an example of a non-aggregate-like C++ type that you think should be passed as a homogeneous aggregate?  Certainly anything with a vtable pointer isn't going to work.
> Easily. Consider e.g.
> class Vector2 {
> float32x2_t vec;
> };
> Vector2 foo(const Vector2 &v) { return v; }
> Vector2 is not C++ aggregate, because it contains private fields.
> However, it's h. aggregate per ARM specs, because check for
> homogeneity should be performed w/o language-specific restrictions.

It seems that I misunderstood the meaning of the "isAggregate" method.  I didn't realize that having private fields would cause that to return false.  As long as you exclude classes with vtables, that should be fine.

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