[cfe-commits] [PATCH] Implements support to run standalone tools
Douglas Gregor
dgregor at apple.com
Mon Mar 26 06:56:26 PDT 2012
On Mar 26, 2012, at 4:08 AM, Manuel Klimek <klimek at google.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 10:44 PM, Marshall Clow <mclow.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 8:07 AM, Manuel Klimek wrote:
>>> On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Marshall Clow <mclow.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 6:25 AM, Manuel Klimek wrote:
>> I think I understand now. The point that I was trying to make is that I think that for simple tools we (or at least I) would like to be able to forego building some kind of database (JSON, Makefile, Ninja), and just specify the options and source files on the command line.
>> $ ./oneOffTool -I blah -Dblix=4 -I other_dir -o output_dir -someCustomFlag *.cpp
>> As long as we're abstracting the idea of a "compilation database", I think that generating such a db from an argc/argv pair seems like a good idea (and not very hard).
>> Hopefully what I'm trying to convey is clearer now.
> Well, the interesting thing is how to design this. From a design point
> of view, the command line becomes very different depending on whether
> you basically want to "forward all args to clang in the tool" or "find
> the args for the specified files and run the clang tool over them".
> The first one inherently means I can only specify the command line for
> a single invocation, so it is also pretty limited. I agree it is an
> important use case though.
> A possible solution would be to allow for a command line flag that
> switches to use the command line arguments directly as arguments for
> the clang tools. My problem is that I don't really see a good way to
> handle that with llvm-provided command line abstractions (perhaps I'm
> missing something there?)
> What I basically want would be:
> <tool> -d <build directory> <file1 ... fileN>
> <tool> --use-args <clang command line>
> But I don't want to roll my own command line parsing if possible.
I could be something as trivial as
<tool> <tool arguments> -- <clang command line>
where the lack of "--" means that the tool should expect a build directory in <tool arguments>. You'd need to look through argv to find the "--" and split at that point, but the rest of the command-line parsing would be unchanged.
>> Then again, when you say "CompilationDatabase", I think of something that I can extract a set { commands, arguments, source file } tuples to be executed.
>> Maybe that's where we are are talking past each other.
> When I say CompilationDatabase I think of a map<filename, { command,
> arguments, path}>. Does that make sense?
Makes sense to me, although of course this could end up being a multimap.
- Doug
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