[cfe-commits] r152639 - in /cfe/trunk: include/clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp
Daniel Dunbar
daniel at zuster.org
Tue Mar 13 11:21:17 PDT 2012
Author: ddunbar
Date: Tue Mar 13 13:21:17 2012
New Revision: 152639
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=152639&view=rev
[Basic] Stop using a SmallVector<> for Diagnostic. This drops Clang binary size
by ~%.3/~100k in my build -- simply by eliminating the horrible code bloat coming
from the .clear() of the SmallVector<FixItHint>, which does a std::~string, etc.
- My understanding is we don't ever emit arbitrary numbers of fixits, so I just
moved us to using a statically sized array like we do for arguments and
Modified: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h?rev=152639&r1=152638&r2=152639&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h Tue Mar 13 13:21:17 2012
@@ -636,13 +636,22 @@
/// MaxArguments - The maximum number of arguments we can hold. We currently
/// only support up to 10 arguments (%0-%9). A single diagnostic with more
/// than that almost certainly has to be simplified anyway.
- MaxArguments = 10
+ MaxArguments = 10,
+ /// MaxRanges - The maximum number of ranges we can hold.
+ MaxRanges = 10,
+ /// MaxFixItHints - The maximum number of ranges we can hold.
+ MaxFixItHints = 10
/// NumDiagArgs - This contains the number of entries in Arguments.
signed char NumDiagArgs;
- /// NumRanges - This is the number of ranges in the DiagRanges array.
+ /// NumDiagRanges - This is the number of ranges in the DiagRanges array.
unsigned char NumDiagRanges;
+ /// NumDiagFixItHints - This is the number of hints in the DiagFixItHints
+ /// array.
+ unsigned char NumDiagFixItHints;
/// DiagArgumentsKind - This is an array of ArgumentKind::ArgumentKind enum
/// values, with one for each argument. This specifies whether the argument
@@ -660,13 +669,12 @@
/// sort of argument kind it is.
intptr_t DiagArgumentsVal[MaxArguments];
- /// DiagRanges - The list of ranges added to this diagnostic. It currently
- /// only support 10 ranges, could easily be extended if needed.
- CharSourceRange DiagRanges[10];
- /// FixItHints - If valid, provides a hint with some code
- /// to insert, remove, or modify at a particular position.
- SmallVector<FixItHint, 6> FixItHints;
+ /// DiagRanges - The list of ranges added to this diagnostic.
+ CharSourceRange DiagRanges[MaxRanges];
+ /// FixItHints - If valid, provides a hint with some code to insert, remove,
+ /// or modify at a particular position.
+ FixItHint DiagFixItHints[MaxFixItHints];
DiagnosticMappingInfo makeMappingInfo(diag::Mapping Map, SourceLocation L) {
bool isPragma = L.isValid();
@@ -744,13 +752,13 @@
/// for example.
class DiagnosticBuilder {
mutable DiagnosticsEngine *DiagObj;
- mutable unsigned NumArgs, NumRanges;
+ mutable unsigned NumArgs, NumRanges, NumFixits;
void operator=(const DiagnosticBuilder&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
friend class DiagnosticsEngine;
explicit DiagnosticBuilder(DiagnosticsEngine *diagObj)
- : DiagObj(diagObj), NumArgs(0), NumRanges(0) {
- DiagObj->FixItHints.clear();
+ : DiagObj(diagObj), NumArgs(0), NumRanges(0), NumFixits(0) {
+ assert(diagObj && "DiagnosticBuilder requires a valid DiagnosticsEngine!");
friend class PartialDiagnostic;
@@ -766,6 +774,7 @@
D.DiagObj = 0;
NumArgs = D.NumArgs;
NumRanges = D.NumRanges;
+ NumFixits = D.NumFixits;
/// \brief Simple enumeration value used to give a name to the
@@ -775,7 +784,7 @@
/// \brief Create an empty DiagnosticBuilder object that represents
/// no actual diagnostic.
explicit DiagnosticBuilder(SuppressKind)
- : DiagObj(0), NumArgs(0), NumRanges(0) { }
+ : DiagObj(0), NumArgs(0), NumRanges(0), NumFixits(0) { }
/// \brief Force the diagnostic builder to emit the diagnostic now.
@@ -833,16 +842,17 @@
void AddSourceRange(const CharSourceRange &R) const {
- assert(NumRanges <
- sizeof(DiagObj->DiagRanges)/sizeof(DiagObj->DiagRanges[0]) &&
+ assert(NumRanges < DiagnosticsEngine::MaxRanges &&
"Too many arguments to diagnostic!");
if (DiagObj)
DiagObj->DiagRanges[NumRanges++] = R;
void AddFixItHint(const FixItHint &Hint) const {
+ assert(NumFixits < DiagnosticsEngine::MaxFixItHints &&
+ "Too many arguments to diagnostic!");
if (DiagObj)
- DiagObj->FixItHints.push_back(Hint);
+ DiagObj->DiagFixItHints[NumFixits++] = Hint;
@@ -1018,16 +1028,16 @@
unsigned getNumFixItHints() const {
- return DiagObj->FixItHints.size();
+ return DiagObj->NumDiagFixItHints;
const FixItHint &getFixItHint(unsigned Idx) const {
- return DiagObj->FixItHints[Idx];
+ assert(Idx < getNumFixItHints() && "Invalid index!");
+ return DiagObj->DiagFixItHints[Idx];
const FixItHint *getFixItHints() const {
- return getNumFixItHints()?
- DiagObj->FixItHints.data() : 0;
+ return getNumFixItHints()? DiagObj->DiagFixItHints : 0;
/// FormatDiagnostic - Format this diagnostic into a string, substituting the
Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp?rev=152639&r1=152638&r2=152639&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp Tue Mar 13 13:21:17 2012
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
NumDiagArgs = 0;
NumDiagRanges = storedDiag.range_size();
- assert(NumDiagRanges < sizeof(DiagRanges)/sizeof(DiagRanges[0]) &&
+ assert(NumDiagRanges < DiagnosticsEngine::MaxRanges &&
"Too many arguments to diagnostic!");
unsigned i = 0;
for (StoredDiagnostic::range_iterator
@@ -365,11 +365,13 @@
RE = storedDiag.range_end(); RI != RE; ++RI)
DiagRanges[i++] = *RI;
- FixItHints.clear();
+ assert(NumDiagRanges < DiagnosticsEngine::MaxFixItHints &&
+ "Too many arguments to diagnostic!");
+ NumDiagFixItHints = 0;
for (StoredDiagnostic::fixit_iterator
FI = storedDiag.fixit_begin(),
FE = storedDiag.fixit_end(); FI != FE; ++FI)
- FixItHints.push_back(*FI);
+ DiagFixItHints[NumDiagFixItHints++] = *FI;
assert(Client && "DiagnosticConsumer not set!");
Level DiagLevel = storedDiag.getLevel();
@@ -386,6 +388,7 @@
void DiagnosticBuilder::FlushCounts() {
DiagObj->NumDiagArgs = NumArgs;
DiagObj->NumDiagRanges = NumRanges;
+ DiagObj->NumDiagFixItHints = NumFixits;
bool DiagnosticBuilder::Emit() {
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