[cfe-commits] [patch] change libc++'s string hash function to cityhash64

Howard Hinnant hhinnant at apple.com
Fri Dec 9 06:43:58 PST 2011

Thanks!  And thanks for updating CREDITS.TXT as well.  I will review this patch, hopefully some time today.

Question regarding the llvm Developer's Policy:


I'm not a lawyer, nor even very knowledgeable about copyright issues.  But my understanding is that CityHash is (opensource) copyrighted by Google.  But I'm not seeing such a credit in CREDITS.TXT, nor do I know if such credit would be acceptable to Google.

Are you a representative of Google, and if so can you address these concerns?


On Dec 8, 2011, at 8:16 PM, Craig Silverstein wrote:

> Below is a patch that changes libc++'s hash<string> to use cityhash64
> (http://code.google.com/p/cityhash/) for machines where size_t is 64
> bits.  I did not change the code where size_t is 32 bits; it will
> still use murmur2 for that.  This is because cityhash64 needs a fast
> 64bit x 64bit multiply, which 32-bit systems are unlikely to have.
> I wrote code to test the change, based on Howard's code posted
> earlier.  It's below for reference.  Here is the speed improvement for
> using cityhash, on my linux desktop machine:
>   model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6600  @ 2.40GHz
> All statistics below are averaged over 3 runs.
> RUN TIME (compiled with -O2):
>   old (murmur2):    0:09.20
>   new (cityhash64): 0:08.60   // 6.5% faster
> This is corroborated by lower numbers for the collision rate, as
> emitted by the test program (smaller numbers are better):
> murmur2:
> score = 1.3934
> score = 1.42452
> score = 1.35706
> score = 1.47355
> score = 1.59226
> score = 1.4267
> score = 1.494
> score = 1.56537
> score = 1.63725
> score = 1.71011
> cityhash64:
> score = 1.38081
> score = 1.3898
> score = 1.2847
> score = 1.38114
> score = 1.47815
> score = 1.28579
> score = 1.33372
> score = 1.38128
> score = 1.42893
> score = 1.47695
> The downside: cityhash64 is a non-trivial amount of code (it has
> special-case code for different input sizes, for speed purposes).
> Here is the comparison of compile time and resulting binary size.  The
> compile command I used was:
>   clang++ -std=c++0x -stdlib=libc++ -isystem`pwd`/../include -L`pwd`/../lib -Wl,-rpath `pwd`/../lib /var/tmp/libcxx_test.cc -o /var/tmp/libcxx_test
> COMPILE TIME (no flags):
> old (murmur2): 0:08.82
> new (cityhash64): 0:08.95   // 1.5% slower
> SIZE (no flags):
> murmur2: 78121
> cityhash64: 83082   // 6.4% bigger
> SIZE (-g):
> murmur2: 377745
> cityhash64: 387554  // 2.6% bigger
> SIZE (-g -O2):
> murmur2: 326673
> cityhash64: 342554   // 4.9% bigger
> SIZE (-O2):
> murmur2: 31841
> cityhash64: 36082    // 13.3% bigger
> My viewpoint (for what it's worth), is that the speed increase is
> worth these costs.  If the maintainers disagree, there are other
> points along the speed/size tradeoff, however, including removing the
> special-case code for small strings, or moving from cityhash64 to
> murmur64.
> Here is the test code:
> ---
> #include <unordered_set>
> #include <iostream>
> #include <fstream>
> #include <string>
> #include <vector>
> //  Computes the average number of comparisions per lookup.
> //  A perfect hash will return 1.
> template <class C>
> float
> grade(const C& c)
> {
>    using namespace std;
>    if (c.size() <= 1)
>        return 100;
>    float score = 0;
>    size_t bc = c.bucket_count();
>    for (size_t i = 0; i != bc; ++i)
>    {
>        size_t bs = c.bucket_size(i);
>        score += bs * (bs+1) / 2;
>    }
>    return score / c.size();
> }
> int main()
> {
>    using namespace std;
>    typedef string T;
>    vector<T> words;
>    filebuf fb;
>    fb.open("/usr/share/dict/words",ios::in);
>    for (istream wordstream(&fb); wordstream; )
>    {
>        string word;
>        wordstream >> word;
>        words.push_back(word);
>    }
>    for (int repeat = 0; repeat < 200; ++repeat)
>    {
>        unordered_set<T> table;
>        table.max_load_factor(1);
>        // /usr/dict/words has 98569 words in it
>        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
>        {
>            for (int j = 0; j < 9850; ++j)
>            {
>                table.insert(words[j*10+i]);
>            }
>            if (repeat == 0) cout << "score = " << grade(table) << '\n';
>        }
>    }
> }
> ---
> craig
> Index: include/memory
> ===================================================================
> --- include/memory	(revision 146148)
> +++ include/memory	(working copy)
> @@ -2719,18 +2719,22 @@
> template <class _Tp> struct hash;
> +// We use murmur2 when size_t is 32 bits, and cityhash64 when size_t
> +// is 64 bits.  This is because cityhash64 uses 64bit x 64bit
> +// multiplication, which can be very slow on 32-bit systems.
> template <class _Size, size_t = sizeof(_Size)*__CHAR_BIT__>
> -struct __murmur2;
> +struct __murmur2_or_cityhash;
> template <class _Size>
> -struct __murmur2<_Size, 32>
> +struct __murmur2_or_cityhash<_Size, 32>
> {
>     _Size operator()(const void* __key, _Size __len);
> };
> +// murmur2
> template <class _Size>
> _Size
> -__murmur2<_Size, 32>::operator()(const void* __key, _Size __len)
> +__murmur2_or_cityhash<_Size, 32>::operator()(const void* __key, _Size __len)
> {
>     const _Size __m = 0x5bd1e995;
>     const _Size __r = 24;
> @@ -2762,50 +2766,166 @@
> }
> template <class _Size>
> -struct __murmur2<_Size, 64>
> +struct __murmur2_or_cityhash<_Size, 64>
> {
>     _Size operator()(const void* __key, _Size __len);
> +
> + private:
> +  // Some primes between 2^63 and 2^64.
> +  static const _Size __k0 = 0xc3a5c85c97cb3127ULL;
> +  static const _Size __k1 = 0xb492b66fbe98f273ULL;
> +  static const _Size __k2 = 0x9ae16a3b2f90404fULL;
> +  static const _Size __k3 = 0xc949d7c7509e6557ULL;
> +
> +  static _Size __rotate(_Size __val, int __shift) {
> +    return __shift == 0 ? __val : ((__val >> __shift) | (__val << (64 - __shift)));
> +  }
> +
> +  static _Size __rotate_by_at_least_1(_Size __val, int __shift) {
> +    return (__val >> __shift) | (__val << (64 - __shift));
> +  }
> +
> +  static _Size __shift_mix(_Size __val) {
> +    return __val ^ (__val >> 47);
> +  }
> +
> +  static _Size __hash_len_16(_Size __u, _Size __v) {
> +    const _Size __mul = 0x9ddfea08eb382d69ULL;
> +    _Size __a = (__u ^ __v) * __mul;
> +    __a ^= (__a >> 47);
> +    _Size __b = (__v ^ __a) * __mul;
> +    __b ^= (__b >> 47);
> +    __b *= __mul;
> +    return __b;
> +  }
> +
> +  static _Size __hash_len_0_to_16(const char* __s, _Size __len) {
> +    if (__len > 8) {
> +      const _Size __a = *(const _Size*)__s;
> +      const _Size __b = *(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 8);
> +      return __hash_len_16(__a, __rotate_by_at_least_1(__b + __len, __len)) ^ __b;
> +    }
> +    if (__len >= 4) {
> +      const uint32_t __a = *(const uint32_t*)(__s);
> +      const uint32_t __b = *(const uint32_t*)(__s + __len - 4);
> +      return __hash_len_16(__len + (__a << 3), __b);
> +    }
> +    if (__len > 0) {
> +      const unsigned char __a = __s[0];
> +      const unsigned char __b = __s[__len >> 1];
> +      const unsigned char __c = __s[__len - 1];
> +      const uint32_t __y = static_cast<uint32_t>(__a) +
> +                           (static_cast<uint32_t>(__b) << 8);
> +      const uint32_t __z = __len + (static_cast<uint32_t>(__c) << 2);
> +      return __shift_mix(__y * __k2 ^ __z * __k3) * __k2;
> +    }
> +    return __k2;
> +  }
> +
> +  static _Size __hash_len_17_to_32(const char *__s, _Size __len) {
> +    const _Size __a = *(const _Size*)(__s) * __k1;
> +    const _Size __b = *(const _Size*)(__s + 8);
> +    const _Size __c = *(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 8) * __k2;
> +    const _Size __d = *(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 16) * __k0;
> +    return __hash_len_16(__rotate(__a - __b, 43) + __rotate(__c, 30) + __d,
> +                         __a + __rotate(__b ^ __k3, 20) - __c + __len);
> +  }
> +
> +  // Return a 16-byte hash for 48 bytes.  Quick and dirty.
> +  // Callers do best to use "random-looking" values for a and b.
> +  static pair<_Size, _Size> __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(
> +      _Size __w, _Size __x, _Size __y, _Size __z, _Size __a, _Size __b) {
> +    __a += __w;
> +    __b = __rotate(__b + __a + __z, 21);
> +    const _Size __c = __a;
> +    __a += __x;
> +    __a += __y;
> +    __b += __rotate(__a, 44);
> +    return pair<_Size, _Size>(__a + __z, __b + __c);
> +  }
> +
> +  // Return a 16-byte hash for s[0] ... s[31], a, and b.  Quick and dirty.
> +  static pair<_Size, _Size> __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(
> +      const char* __s, _Size __a, _Size __b) {
> +    return __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(*(const _Size*)(__s),
> +                                         *(const _Size*)(__s + 8),
> +                                         *(const _Size*)(__s + 16),
> +                                         *(const _Size*)(__s + 24),
> +                                         __a,
> +                                         __b);
> +  }
> +
> +  // Return an 8-byte hash for 33 to 64 bytes.
> +  static _Size __hash_len_33_to_64(const char *__s, size_t __len) {
> +    _Size __z = *(const _Size*)(__s + 24);
> +    _Size __a = *(const _Size*)(__s) +
> +                (__len + *(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 16)) * __k0;
> +    _Size __b = __rotate(__a + __z, 52);
> +    _Size __c = __rotate(__a, 37);
> +    __a += *(const _Size*)(__s + 8);
> +    __c += __rotate(__a, 7);
> +    __a += *(const _Size*)(__s + 16);
> +    _Size __vf = __a + __z;
> +    _Size __vs = __b + __rotate(__a, 31) + __c;
> +    __a = *(const _Size*)(__s + 16) + *(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 32);
> +    __z += *(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 8);
> +    __b = __rotate(__a + __z, 52);
> +    __c = __rotate(__a, 37);
> +    __a += *(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 24);
> +    __c += __rotate(__a, 7);
> +    __a += *(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 16);
> +    _Size __wf = __a + __z;
> +    _Size __ws = __b + __rotate(__a, 31) + __c;
> +    _Size __r = __shift_mix((__vf + __ws) * __k2 + (__wf + __vs) * __k0);
> +    return __shift_mix(__r * __k0 + __vs) * __k2;
> +  }
> };
> +// cityhash64
> template <class _Size>
> _Size
> -__murmur2<_Size, 64>::operator()(const void* __key, _Size __len)
> +__murmur2_or_cityhash<_Size, 64>::operator()(const void* __key, _Size __len)
> {
> -    const _Size __m = 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995ull;
> -    const _Size __r = 47;
> -    _Size __h = __len * __m;
> -    const unsigned char* __data = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(__key);
> -    for (; __len >= 8; __data += 8, __len -= 8)
> -    {
> -        _Size __k = *(const _Size*)__data;
> -        __k *= __m;
> -        __k ^= __k >> __r;
> -        __k *= __m;
> -        __h ^= __k;
> -        __h *= __m;
> +  const char* __s = static_cast<const char*>(__key);
> +  if (__len <= 32) {
> +    if (__len <= 16) {
> +      return __hash_len_0_to_16(__s, __len);
> +    } else {
> +      return __hash_len_17_to_32(__s, __len);
>     }
> -    switch (__len)
> -    {
> -    case 7:
> -        __h ^= __data[6] << 48;
> -    case 6:
> -        __h ^= __data[5] << 40;
> -    case 5:
> -        __h ^= __data[4] << 32;
> -    case 4:
> -        __h ^= __data[3] << 24;
> -    case 3:
> -        __h ^= __data[2] << 16;
> -    case 2:
> -        __h ^= __data[1] << 8;
> -    case 1:
> -        __h ^= __data[0];
> -        __h *= __m;
> -    }
> -    __h ^= __h >> __r;
> -    __h *= __m;
> -    __h ^= __h >> __r;
> -    return __h;
> +  } else if (__len <= 64) {
> +    return __hash_len_33_to_64(__s, __len);
> +  }
> +
> +  // For strings over 64 bytes we hash the end first, and then as we
> +  // loop we keep 56 bytes of state: v, w, x, y, and z.
> +  _Size __x = *(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 40);
> +  _Size __y = *(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 16) +
> +              *(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 56);
> +  _Size __z = __hash_len_16(*(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 48) + __len,
> +                          *(const _Size*)(__s + __len - 24));
> +  pair<_Size, _Size> __v = __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(__s + __len - 64, __len, __z);
> +  pair<_Size, _Size> __w = __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(__s + __len - 32, __y + __k1, __x);
> +  __x = __x * __k1 + *(const _Size*)(__s);
> +
> +  // Decrease len to the nearest multiple of 64, and operate on 64-byte chunks.
> +  __len = (__len - 1) & ~static_cast<_Size>(63);
> +  do {
> +    __x = __rotate(__x + __y + __v.first + *(const _Size*)(__s + 8), 37) * __k1;
> +    __y = __rotate(__y + __v.second + *(const _Size*)(__s + 48), 42) * __k1;
> +    __x ^= __w.second;
> +    __y += __v.first + *(const _Size*)(__s + 40);
> +    __z = __rotate(__z + __w.first, 33) * __k1;
> +    __v = __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(__s, __v.second * __k1, __x + __w.first);
> +    __w = __weak_hash_len_32_with_seeds(__s + 32, __z + __w.second,
> +                                        __y + *(const _Size*)(__s + 16));
> +    std::swap(__z, __x);
> +    __s += 64;
> +    __len -= 64;
> +  } while (__len != 0);
> +  return __hash_len_16(
> +      __hash_len_16(__v.first, __w.first) + __shift_mix(__y) * __k1 + __z,
> +      __hash_len_16(__v.second, __w.second) + __x);
> }
> template <class _Tp, size_t = sizeof(_Tp) / sizeof(size_t)>
> @@ -2863,7 +2983,7 @@
>             };
>         } __u;
>         __u.__t = __v;
> -        return __murmur2<size_t>()(&__u, sizeof(__u));
> +        return __murmur2_or_cityhash<size_t>()(&__u, sizeof(__u));
>     }
> };
> @@ -2885,7 +3005,7 @@
>             };
>         } __u;
>         __u.__t = __v;
> -        return __murmur2<size_t>()(&__u, sizeof(__u));
> +        return __murmur2_or_cityhash<size_t>()(&__u, sizeof(__u));
>     }
> };
> @@ -2908,7 +3028,7 @@
>             };
>         } __u;
>         __u.__t = __v;
> -        return __murmur2<size_t>()(&__u, sizeof(__u));
> +        return __murmur2_or_cityhash<size_t>()(&__u, sizeof(__u));
>     }
> };
> Index: include/string
> ===================================================================
> --- include/string	(revision 146148)
> +++ include/string	(working copy)
> @@ -3916,7 +3916,7 @@
> size_t _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY __do_string_hash(_Ptr __p, _Ptr __e)
> {
>     typedef typename iterator_traits<_Ptr>::value_type value_type;
> -    return __murmur2<size_t>()(__p, (__e-__p)*sizeof(value_type));
> +    return __murmur2_or_cityhash<size_t>()(__p, (__e-__p)*sizeof(value_type));
> }
> template<class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Allocator>
> ===================================================================
> --- CREDITS.TXT	(revision 146148)
> +++ CREDITS.TXT	(working copy)
> @@ -32,3 +32,7 @@
> N: Arvid Picciani
> E: aep at exys dot org
> D: Minor patches and musl port.
> +
> +N: Craig Silverstein
> +E: csilvers at google.com
> +D: Implemented Cityhash as the string hash function on 64-bit machines
> _______________________________________________
> cfe-commits mailing list
> cfe-commits at cs.uiuc.edu
> http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/cfe-commits

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