[cfe-commits] r56266 - in /cfe/trunk: Driver/ASTConsumers.h Driver/RewriteBlocks.cpp clang.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

Steve Naroff snaroff at apple.com
Tue Sep 16 17:13:27 PDT 2008

Author: snaroff
Date: Tue Sep 16 19:13:27 2008
New Revision: 56266

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=56266&view=rev
Add support for rewriting blocks...


Modified: cfe/trunk/Driver/ASTConsumers.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/Driver/ASTConsumers.h?rev=56266&r1=56265&r2=56266&view=diff

--- cfe/trunk/Driver/ASTConsumers.h (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/Driver/ASTConsumers.h Tue Sep 16 19:13:27 2008
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@
                                  const std::string& EmitDir,
                                  Diagnostic &Diags);
+ASTConsumer *CreateBlockRewriter(const std::string& InFile,
+                                 Diagnostic &Diags,
+                                 const LangOptions &LangOpts);
 } // end clang namespace
 #include "AnalysisConsumer.h"

Added: cfe/trunk/Driver/RewriteBlocks.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/Driver/RewriteBlocks.cpp?rev=56266&view=auto

--- cfe/trunk/Driver/RewriteBlocks.cpp (added)
+++ cfe/trunk/Driver/RewriteBlocks.cpp Tue Sep 16 19:13:27 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,907 @@
+//===--- RewriteBlocks.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Hacks and fun related to the closure rewriter.
+#include "ASTConsumers.h"
+#include "clang/Rewrite/Rewriter.h"
+#include "clang/AST/AST.h"
+#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace clang;
+using llvm::utostr;
+namespace {
+class RewriteBlocks : public ASTConsumer {
+  Rewriter Rewrite;
+  Diagnostic &Diags;
+  const LangOptions &LangOpts;
+  unsigned RewriteFailedDiag;
+  unsigned NoNestedBlockCalls;
+  ASTContext *Context;
+  SourceManager *SM;
+  unsigned MainFileID;
+  const char *MainFileStart, *MainFileEnd;
+  // Block expressions.
+  llvm::SmallVector<BlockExpr *, 32> Blocks;
+  llvm::SmallVector<BlockDeclRefExpr *, 32> BlockDeclRefs;
+  llvm::DenseMap<BlockDeclRefExpr *, CallExpr *> BlockCallExprs;
+  // Block related declarations.
+  llvm::SmallPtrSet<ValueDecl *, 8> BlockByCopyDecls;
+  llvm::SmallPtrSet<ValueDecl *, 8> BlockByRefDecls;
+  // The function/method we are rewriting.
+  FunctionDecl *CurFunctionDef;
+  ObjCMethodDecl *CurMethodDef;
+  bool IsHeader;
+  RewriteBlocks(bool isHeader, Diagnostic &D, const LangOptions &LOpts) : 
+    Diags(D), LangOpts(LOpts) {
+    IsHeader = isHeader;
+    CurFunctionDef = 0;
+    CurMethodDef = 0;
+    RewriteFailedDiag = Diags.getCustomDiagID(Diagnostic::Warning, 
+                                              "rewriting failed");
+    NoNestedBlockCalls = Diags.getCustomDiagID(Diagnostic::Warning, 
+      "Rewrite support for closure calls nested within closure blocks is incomplete");
+  }
+  ~RewriteBlocks() {
+    // Get the buffer corresponding to MainFileID.  
+    // If we haven't changed it, then we are done.
+    if (const RewriteBuffer *RewriteBuf = 
+        Rewrite.getRewriteBufferFor(MainFileID)) {
+      std::string S(RewriteBuf->begin(), RewriteBuf->end());
+      printf("%s\n", S.c_str());
+    } else {
+      printf("No changes\n");
+    }
+  }
+  void Initialize(ASTContext &context);
+  void InsertText(SourceLocation Loc, const char *StrData, unsigned StrLen);
+  void ReplaceText(SourceLocation Start, unsigned OrigLength,
+                   const char *NewStr, unsigned NewLength);
+  // Top Level Driver code.
+  virtual void HandleTopLevelDecl(Decl *D);
+  void HandleDeclInMainFile(Decl *D);
+  // Top level 
+  Stmt *RewriteFunctionBody(Stmt *S);
+  void InsertBlockLiteralsWithinFunction(FunctionDecl *FD);
+  void InsertBlockLiteralsWithinMethod(ObjCMethodDecl *MD);
+  // Block specific rewrite rules.
+  void RewriteBlockStmtExpr(BlockStmtExpr *Exp);
+  void RewriteBlockCall(CallExpr *Exp);
+  void RewriteBlockPointerDecl(NamedDecl *VD);
+  void RewriteBlockPointerFunctionArgs(FunctionDecl *FD);
+  std::string SynthesizeBlockFunc(BlockExpr *CE, int i, 
+                                    const char *funcName, std::string Tag);
+  std::string SynthesizeBlockImpl(BlockExpr *CE, std::string Tag);
+  std::string SynthesizeBlockCall(CallExpr *Exp);
+  void SynthesizeBlockLiterals(SourceLocation FunLocStart,
+                                 const char *FunName);
+  void GetBlockDeclRefExprs(Stmt *S);
+  void GetBlockCallExprs(Stmt *S);
+  // We avoid calling Type::isBlockPointerType(), since it operates on the
+  // canonical type. We only care if the top-level type is a closure pointer.
+  bool isBlockPointerType(QualType T) { return isa<BlockPointerType>(T); }
+  // FIXME: This predicate seems like it would be useful to add to ASTContext.
+  bool isObjCType(QualType T) {
+    if (!LangOpts.ObjC1 && !LangOpts.ObjC2)
+      return false;
+    QualType OCT = Context->getCanonicalType(T).getUnqualifiedType();
+    if (OCT == Context->getCanonicalType(Context->getObjCIdType()) ||
+        OCT == Context->getCanonicalType(Context->getObjCClassType()))
+      return true;
+    if (const PointerType *PT = OCT->getAsPointerType()) {
+      if (isa<ObjCInterfaceType>(PT->getPointeeType()) || 
+          isa<ObjCQualifiedIdType>(PT->getPointeeType()))
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  // ObjC rewrite methods.
+  void RewriteInterfaceDecl(ObjCInterfaceDecl *ClassDecl);
+  void RewriteCategoryDecl(ObjCCategoryDecl *CatDecl);
+  void RewriteProtocolDecl(ObjCProtocolDecl *PDecl);
+  void RewriteMethodDecl(ObjCMethodDecl *MDecl);
+static bool IsHeaderFile(const std::string &Filename) {
+  std::string::size_type DotPos = Filename.rfind('.');
+  if (DotPos == std::string::npos) {
+    // no file extension
+    return false; 
+  }
+  std::string Ext = std::string(Filename.begin()+DotPos+1, Filename.end());
+  // C header: .h
+  // C++ header: .hh or .H;
+  return Ext == "h" || Ext == "hh" || Ext == "H";
+ASTConsumer *clang::CreateBlockRewriter(const std::string& InFile,
+                                        Diagnostic &Diags,
+                                        const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
+  return new RewriteBlocks(IsHeaderFile(InFile), Diags, LangOpts);
+void RewriteBlocks::Initialize(ASTContext &context) {
+  Context = &context;
+  SM = &Context->getSourceManager();
+  // Get the ID and start/end of the main file.
+  MainFileID = SM->getMainFileID();
+  const llvm::MemoryBuffer *MainBuf = SM->getBuffer(MainFileID);
+  MainFileStart = MainBuf->getBufferStart();
+  MainFileEnd = MainBuf->getBufferEnd();
+  Rewrite.setSourceMgr(Context->getSourceManager());
+  const char *s = "#pragma once\n"
+  "#ifndef CLOSURE_IMPL\n"
+  "struct __closure_impl {\n"
+  "  long Reserved;\n"
+  "  int Flags;\n"
+  "  int Size;\n"
+  "  void *Invoke;\n"
+  "};\n"
+  "enum {\n"
+  "  HAS_NONPOD = (1<<25),\n"
+  "  HAS_BYREF = (1<<26)\n"
+  "};\n"
+  "#define CLOSURE_IMPL\n"
+  "#endif\n";
+  if (IsHeader) {
+    // insert the whole string when rewriting a header file
+    InsertText(SourceLocation::getFileLoc(MainFileID, 0), s, strlen(s));
+  }
+  else {
+    // Not rewriting header, exclude the #pragma once pragma
+    const char *p = s + strlen("#pragma once\n");
+    InsertText(SourceLocation::getFileLoc(MainFileID, 0), p, strlen(p));
+  }
+void RewriteBlocks::InsertText(SourceLocation Loc, const char *StrData, 
+                                 unsigned StrLen)
+  if (!Rewrite.InsertText(Loc, StrData, StrLen))
+    return;
+  Diags.Report(Context->getFullLoc(Loc), RewriteFailedDiag);
+void RewriteBlocks::ReplaceText(SourceLocation Start, unsigned OrigLength,
+                                  const char *NewStr, unsigned NewLength) {
+  if (!Rewrite.ReplaceText(Start, OrigLength, NewStr, NewLength))
+    return;
+  Diags.Report(Context->getFullLoc(Start), RewriteFailedDiag);
+void RewriteBlocks::RewriteMethodDecl(ObjCMethodDecl *Method) {
+  bool haveBlockPtrs = false;
+  for (ObjCMethodDecl::param_iterator I = Method->param_begin(), 
+       E = Method->param_end(); I != E; ++I)
+    if (isBlockPointerType((*I)->getType()))
+      haveBlockPtrs = true;
+  if (!haveBlockPtrs)
+    return;
+  // Do a fuzzy rewrite.
+  // We have 1 or more arguments that have closure pointers.
+  SourceLocation Loc = Method->getLocStart();
+  SourceLocation LocEnd = Method->getLocEnd();
+  const char *startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(Loc);
+  const char *endBuf = SM->getCharacterData(LocEnd);
+  const char *methodPtr = startBuf;
+  std::string Tag = "struct __closure_impl *";
+  while (*methodPtr++ && (methodPtr != endBuf)) {
+    switch (*methodPtr) {
+      case ':':
+        methodPtr++;
+        if (*methodPtr == '(') {
+          const char *scanType = ++methodPtr;
+          bool foundBlockPointer = false;
+          unsigned parenCount = 1;
+          while (parenCount) {
+            switch (*scanType) {
+              case '(': 
+                parenCount++; 
+                break;
+              case ')': 
+                parenCount--;
+                break;
+              case '^':
+                foundBlockPointer = true;
+                break;
+            }
+            scanType++;
+          }
+          if (foundBlockPointer) {
+            // advance the location to startArgList.
+            Loc = Loc.getFileLocWithOffset(methodPtr-startBuf);
+            assert((Loc.isValid()) && "Invalid Loc");
+            ReplaceText(Loc, scanType-methodPtr-1, Tag.c_str(), Tag.size());
+            // Advance startBuf. Since the underlying buffer has changed,
+            // it's very important to advance startBuf (so we can correctly
+            // compute a relative Loc the next time around).
+            startBuf = methodPtr;
+          }
+          // Advance the method ptr to the end of the type.
+          methodPtr = scanType;
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+void RewriteBlocks::RewriteInterfaceDecl(ObjCInterfaceDecl *ClassDecl) {
+  for (ObjCInterfaceDecl::instmeth_iterator I = ClassDecl->instmeth_begin(), 
+       E = ClassDecl->instmeth_end(); I != E; ++I)
+    RewriteMethodDecl(*I);
+  for (ObjCInterfaceDecl::classmeth_iterator I = ClassDecl->classmeth_begin(), 
+       E = ClassDecl->classmeth_end(); I != E; ++I)
+    RewriteMethodDecl(*I);
+void RewriteBlocks::RewriteCategoryDecl(ObjCCategoryDecl *CatDecl) {
+  for (ObjCCategoryDecl::instmeth_iterator I = CatDecl->instmeth_begin(), 
+       E = CatDecl->instmeth_end(); I != E; ++I)
+    RewriteMethodDecl(*I);
+  for (ObjCCategoryDecl::classmeth_iterator I = CatDecl->classmeth_begin(), 
+       E = CatDecl->classmeth_end(); I != E; ++I)
+    RewriteMethodDecl(*I);
+void RewriteBlocks::RewriteProtocolDecl(ObjCProtocolDecl *PDecl) {
+  for (ObjCProtocolDecl::instmeth_iterator I = PDecl->instmeth_begin(), 
+       E = PDecl->instmeth_end(); I != E; ++I)
+    RewriteMethodDecl(*I);
+  for (ObjCProtocolDecl::classmeth_iterator I = PDecl->classmeth_begin(), 
+       E = PDecl->classmeth_end(); I != E; ++I)
+    RewriteMethodDecl(*I);
+// Top Level Driver Code
+void RewriteBlocks::HandleTopLevelDecl(Decl *D) {
+  // Two cases: either the decl could be in the main file, or it could be in a
+  // #included file.  If the former, rewrite it now.  If the later, check to see
+  // if we rewrote the #include/#import.
+  SourceLocation Loc = D->getLocation();
+  Loc = SM->getLogicalLoc(Loc);
+  // If this is for a builtin, ignore it.
+  if (Loc.isInvalid()) return;
+  if (ObjCInterfaceDecl *MD = dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(D))
+    RewriteInterfaceDecl(MD);
+  else if (ObjCCategoryDecl *CD = dyn_cast<ObjCCategoryDecl>(D))
+    RewriteCategoryDecl(CD);
+  else if (ObjCProtocolDecl *PD = dyn_cast<ObjCProtocolDecl>(D))
+    RewriteProtocolDecl(PD);
+  // If we have a decl in the main file, see if we should rewrite it.
+  if (SM->getDecomposedFileLoc(Loc).first == MainFileID)
+    HandleDeclInMainFile(D);
+  return;
+std::string RewriteBlocks::SynthesizeBlockFunc(BlockExpr *CE, int i,
+                                                   const char *funcName,
+                                                   std::string Tag) {
+  const FunctionType *AFT = CE->getFunctionType();
+  QualType RT = AFT->getResultType();
+  std::string S = "static " + RT.getAsString() + " __" +
+                  funcName + "_" + "closure_" + utostr(i);
+  if (isa<FunctionTypeNoProto>(AFT)) {
+    S += "()";
+  } else if (CE->arg_empty()) {
+    S += "(" + Tag + " *__cself)";
+  } else {
+    const FunctionTypeProto *FT = cast<FunctionTypeProto>(AFT);
+    assert(FT && "SynthesizeBlockFunc: No function proto");
+    S += '(';
+    // first add the implicit argument.
+    S += Tag + " *__cself, ";
+    std::string ParamStr;
+    for (BlockStmtExpr::arg_iterator AI = CE->arg_begin(),
+         E = CE->arg_end(); AI != E; ++AI) {
+      if (AI != CE->arg_begin()) S += ", ";
+      ParamStr = (*AI)->getName();
+      (*AI)->getType().getAsStringInternal(ParamStr);
+      S += ParamStr;
+    }
+    if (FT->isVariadic()) {
+      if (!CE->arg_empty()) S += ", ";
+      S += "...";
+    }
+    S += ')';
+  }
+  S += " {\n";
+  bool haveByRefDecls = false;
+  // Create local declarations to avoid rewriting all closure decl ref exprs.
+  // First, emit a declaration for all "by ref" decls.
+  for (llvm::SmallPtrSet<ValueDecl*,8>::iterator I = BlockByRefDecls.begin(), 
+       E = BlockByRefDecls.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    // Note: It is not possible to have "by ref" closure pointer decls.
+    haveByRefDecls = true;
+    S += "  ";
+    std::string Name = (*I)->getName();
+    Context->getPointerType((*I)->getType()).getAsStringInternal(Name);
+    S += Name + " = __cself->" + (*I)->getName() + "; // bound by ref\n";
+  }    
+  // Next, emit a declaration for all "by copy" declarations.
+  for (llvm::SmallPtrSet<ValueDecl*,8>::iterator I = BlockByCopyDecls.begin(), 
+       E = BlockByCopyDecls.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    S += "  ";
+    std::string Name = (*I)->getName();
+    // Handle nested closure invocation. For example:
+    //
+    //   void (^myImportedClosure)(void);
+    //   myImportedClosure  = ^(void) { setGlobalInt(x + y); };
+    // 
+    //   void (^anotherClosure)(void);
+    //   anotherClosure = ^(void) {
+    //     myImportedClosure(); // import and invoke the closure
+    //   };
+    //
+    if (isBlockPointerType((*I)->getType()))
+      S += "struct __closure_impl *";
+    else
+      (*I)->getType().getAsStringInternal(Name);
+    S += Name + " = __cself->" + (*I)->getName() + "; // bound by copy\n";
+  }    
+  if (BlockStmtExpr *CBE = dyn_cast<BlockStmtExpr>(CE)) {
+    std::string BodyBuf;
+    SourceLocation BodyLocStart = CBE->getBody()->getLocStart();
+    SourceLocation BodyLocEnd = CBE->getBody()->getLocEnd();
+    const char *BodyStartBuf = SM->getCharacterData(BodyLocStart);
+    const char *BodyEndBuf = SM->getCharacterData(BodyLocEnd);
+    BodyBuf.append(BodyStartBuf, BodyEndBuf-BodyStartBuf+1);
+    if (BlockDeclRefs.size()) {
+      unsigned int nCharsAdded = 0;
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < BlockDeclRefs.size(); i++) {
+        if (BlockDeclRefs[i]->isByRef()) {
+          // Add a level of indirection! The code below assumes
+          // the closure decl refs/locations are in strictly ascending
+          // order. The traversal performed by GetBlockDeclRefExprs()
+          // currently does this. FIXME: Wrap the *x with parens,
+          // just in case x is a more complex expression, like x->member,
+          // which needs to be rewritten to (*x)->member.
+          SourceLocation StarLoc = BlockDeclRefs[i]->getLocStart();
+          const char *StarBuf = SM->getCharacterData(StarLoc);
+          BodyBuf.insert(StarBuf-BodyStartBuf+nCharsAdded, 1, '*');
+          // Get a fresh buffer, the insert might have caused it to grow.
+          BodyStartBuf = SM->getCharacterData(BodyLocStart);
+          nCharsAdded++;
+        } else if (isBlockPointerType(BlockDeclRefs[i]->getType())) {
+          Diags.Report(NoNestedBlockCalls);
+          GetBlockCallExprs(CE);
+          // Rewrite the closure in place.
+          // The character based equivalent of RewriteBlockCall().
+          // Need to get the CallExpr associated with this BlockDeclRef.
+          std::string BlockCall = SynthesizeBlockCall(BlockCallExprs[BlockDeclRefs[i]]);
+          SourceLocation CallLocStart = BlockCallExprs[BlockDeclRefs[i]]->getLocStart();
+          SourceLocation CallLocEnd = BlockCallExprs[BlockDeclRefs[i]]->getLocEnd();
+          const char *CallStart = SM->getCharacterData(CallLocStart);
+          const char *CallEnd = SM->getCharacterData(CallLocEnd);
+          unsigned CallBytes = CallEnd-CallStart;
+          BodyBuf.replace(CallStart-BodyStartBuf, CallBytes, BlockCall.c_str());
+          nCharsAdded += CallBytes;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (haveByRefDecls) {
+      // Remove |...|.
+      const char *firstBarPtr = strchr(BodyStartBuf, '|');
+      const char *secondBarPtr = strchr(firstBarPtr+1, '|');
+      BodyBuf.replace(firstBarPtr-BodyStartBuf, secondBarPtr-firstBarPtr+1, "");
+    } 
+    S += "  ";
+    S += BodyBuf;
+  }
+  S += "\n}\n";
+  return S;
+std::string RewriteBlocks::SynthesizeBlockImpl(BlockExpr *CE, 
+                                                   std::string Tag) {
+  std::string S = Tag + " {\n  struct __closure_impl impl;\n";
+  GetBlockDeclRefExprs(CE);
+  if (BlockDeclRefs.size()) {
+    // Unique all "by copy" declarations.
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < BlockDeclRefs.size(); i++)
+      if (!BlockDeclRefs[i]->isByRef())
+        BlockByCopyDecls.insert(BlockDeclRefs[i]->getDecl());
+    // Unique all "by ref" declarations.
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < BlockDeclRefs.size(); i++)
+      if (BlockDeclRefs[i]->isByRef())
+        BlockByRefDecls.insert(BlockDeclRefs[i]->getDecl());
+    // Output all "by copy" declarations.
+    for (llvm::SmallPtrSet<ValueDecl*,8>::iterator I = BlockByCopyDecls.begin(), 
+         E = BlockByCopyDecls.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+      S += "  ";
+      std::string Name = (*I)->getName();
+      // Handle nested closure invocation. For example:
+      //
+      //   void (^myImportedBlock)(void);
+      //   myImportedBlock  = ^(void) { setGlobalInt(x + y); };
+      // 
+      //   void (^anotherBlock)(void);
+      //   anotherBlock = ^(void) {
+      //     myImportedBlock(); // import and invoke the closure
+      //   };
+      //
+      if (isBlockPointerType((*I)->getType()))
+        S += "struct __closure_impl *";
+      else 
+        (*I)->getType().getAsStringInternal(Name);
+      S += Name + ";\n";
+    }
+    // Output all "by ref" declarations.
+    for (llvm::SmallPtrSet<ValueDecl*,8>::iterator I = BlockByRefDecls.begin(), 
+         E = BlockByRefDecls.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+      S += "  ";
+      std::string Name = (*I)->getName();
+      if (isBlockPointerType((*I)->getType()))
+        S += "struct __closure_impl *";
+      else 
+        Context->getPointerType((*I)->getType()).getAsStringInternal(Name);
+      S += Name + "; // by ref\n";
+    }    
+  }
+  S += "};\n";
+  return S;
+void RewriteBlocks::SynthesizeBlockLiterals(SourceLocation FunLocStart,
+                                                const char *FunName) {
+  // Insert closures that were part of the function.
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Blocks.size(); i++) {
+    std::string Tag = "struct __" + std::string(FunName) + 
+                      "_closure_impl_" + utostr(i);
+    std::string CI = SynthesizeBlockImpl(Blocks[i], Tag);
+    InsertText(FunLocStart, CI.c_str(), CI.size());
+    std::string CF = SynthesizeBlockFunc(Blocks[i], i, FunName, Tag);
+    InsertText(FunLocStart, CF.c_str(), CF.size());
+    BlockDeclRefs.clear();
+    BlockByRefDecls.clear();
+    BlockByCopyDecls.clear();
+    BlockCallExprs.clear();
+  }
+  Blocks.clear();
+void RewriteBlocks::InsertBlockLiteralsWithinFunction(FunctionDecl *FD) {
+  SourceLocation FunLocStart = FD->getLocation();
+  const char *FuncName = FD->getName();
+  SynthesizeBlockLiterals(FunLocStart, FuncName);
+void RewriteBlocks::InsertBlockLiteralsWithinMethod(ObjCMethodDecl *MD) {
+  SourceLocation FunLocStart = MD->getLocStart();
+  std::string FuncName = std::string(MD->getSelector().getName());
+  // Convert colons to underscores.
+  std::string::size_type loc = 0;
+  while ((loc = FuncName.find(":", loc)) != std::string::npos)
+    FuncName.replace(loc, 1, "_");
+  SynthesizeBlockLiterals(FunLocStart, FuncName.c_str());
+/// HandleDeclInMainFile - This is called for each top-level decl defined in the
+/// main file of the input.
+void RewriteBlocks::HandleDeclInMainFile(Decl *D) {
+  if (FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
+    // Since function prototypes don't have ParmDecl's, we check the function
+    // prototype. This enables us to rewrite function declarations and
+    // definitions using the same code.
+    QualType funcType = FD->getType();
+    if (FunctionTypeProto *fproto = dyn_cast<FunctionTypeProto>(funcType)) {
+      for (FunctionTypeProto::arg_type_iterator I = fproto->arg_type_begin(), 
+           E = fproto->arg_type_end(); I && (I != E); ++I)
+        if (isBlockPointerType(*I)) {
+          // All the args are checked/rewritten. Don't call twice!
+          RewriteBlockPointerDecl(FD);
+          break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (Stmt *Body = FD->getBody()) {
+      CurFunctionDef = FD;
+      FD->setBody(RewriteFunctionBody(Body));
+      InsertBlockLiteralsWithinFunction(FD);
+      CurFunctionDef = 0;
+    } 
+    return;
+  }
+  if (ObjCMethodDecl *MD = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodDecl>(D)) {
+    RewriteMethodDecl(MD);
+    if (Stmt *Body = MD->getBody()) {
+      CurMethodDef = MD;
+      RewriteFunctionBody(Body);
+      InsertBlockLiteralsWithinMethod(MD);
+      CurMethodDef = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  if (ValueDecl *ND = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(D)) {
+    if (isBlockPointerType(ND->getType()))
+      RewriteBlockPointerDecl(ND);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (TypedefDecl *TD = dyn_cast<TypedefDecl>(D)) {
+    if (isBlockPointerType(TD->getUnderlyingType()))
+      RewriteBlockPointerDecl(TD);
+    return;
+  }
+void RewriteBlocks::GetBlockDeclRefExprs(Stmt *S) {
+  for (Stmt::child_iterator CI = S->child_begin(), E = S->child_end();
+       CI != E; ++CI)
+    if (*CI) 
+      GetBlockDeclRefExprs(*CI);
+  // Handle specific things.
+  if (BlockDeclRefExpr *CDRE = dyn_cast<BlockDeclRefExpr>(S))
+    // FIXME: Handle enums.
+    if (!isa<FunctionDecl>(CDRE->getDecl()))
+      BlockDeclRefs.push_back(CDRE);
+  return;
+void RewriteBlocks::GetBlockCallExprs(Stmt *S) {
+  for (Stmt::child_iterator CI = S->child_begin(), E = S->child_end();
+       CI != E; ++CI)
+    if (*CI) 
+      GetBlockCallExprs(*CI);
+  if (CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(S)) {
+    if (CE->getCallee()->getType()->isBlockPointerType())
+      BlockCallExprs[dyn_cast<BlockDeclRefExpr>(CE->getCallee())] = CE;
+  }
+  return;
+// Function Body / Expression rewriting
+Stmt *RewriteBlocks::RewriteFunctionBody(Stmt *S) {
+  // Start by rewriting all children.
+  for (Stmt::child_iterator CI = S->child_begin(), E = S->child_end();
+       CI != E; ++CI)
+    if (*CI) {
+      if (BlockStmtExpr *CBE = dyn_cast<BlockStmtExpr>(*CI)) {
+        // We intentionally avoid rewritting the contents of a closure block
+        // expr. InsertBlockLiteralsWithinFunction() will rewrite the body.
+        RewriteBlockStmtExpr(CBE);
+      } else {
+        Stmt *newStmt = RewriteFunctionBody(*CI);
+        if (newStmt) 
+          *CI = newStmt;
+      }
+    }
+  // Handle specific things.
+  if (CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(S)) {
+    if (CE->getCallee()->getType()->isBlockPointerType())
+      RewriteBlockCall(CE);
+  }
+  if (DeclStmt *DS = dyn_cast<DeclStmt>(S)) {
+    ScopedDecl *SD = DS->getDecl();
+    if (ValueDecl *ND = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(SD)) {
+      if (isBlockPointerType(ND->getType()))
+        RewriteBlockPointerDecl(ND);
+    }
+    if (TypedefDecl *TD = dyn_cast<TypedefDecl>(SD)) {
+      if (isBlockPointerType(TD->getUnderlyingType()))
+        RewriteBlockPointerDecl(TD);
+    }
+  }
+  // Return this stmt unmodified.
+  return S;
+std::string RewriteBlocks::SynthesizeBlockCall(CallExpr *Exp) {
+  // Navigate to relevant type information.
+  const char *closureName;
+  const BlockPointerType *CPT;
+  if (const DeclRefExpr *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(Exp->getCallee())) {
+    closureName = DRE->getDecl()->getName();
+    CPT = DRE->getType()->getAsBlockPointerType();
+  } else if (BlockDeclRefExpr *CDRE = dyn_cast<BlockDeclRefExpr>(Exp->getCallee())) {
+    closureName = CDRE->getDecl()->getName();
+    CPT = CDRE->getType()->getAsBlockPointerType();
+  } else {
+    assert(1 && "RewriteBlockClass: Bad type");
+  }
+  assert(CPT && "RewriteBlockClass: Bad type");
+  const FunctionType *FT = CPT->getPointeeType()->getAsFunctionType();
+  assert(FT && "RewriteBlockClass: Bad type");
+  const FunctionTypeProto *FTP = dyn_cast<FunctionTypeProto>(FT);
+  // FTP will be null for closures that don't take arguments.
+  // Build a closure call - start with a paren expr to enforce precedence.
+  std::string BlockCall = "(";
+  // Synthesize the cast.  
+  BlockCall += "(" + Exp->getType().getAsString() + "(*)";
+  BlockCall += "(struct __closure_impl *";
+  if (FTP) {
+    for (FunctionTypeProto::arg_type_iterator I = FTP->arg_type_begin(), 
+         E = FTP->arg_type_end(); I && (I != E); ++I)
+      BlockCall += ", " + (*I).getAsString();
+  }
+  BlockCall += "))"; // close the argument list and paren expression.
+  // Invoke the closure.
+  BlockCall += closureName;
+  BlockCall += "->Invoke)";
+  // Add the arguments.
+  BlockCall += "(";
+  BlockCall += closureName;
+  for (CallExpr::arg_iterator I = Exp->arg_begin(), 
+       E = Exp->arg_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    std::string syncExprBufS;
+    llvm::raw_string_ostream Buf(syncExprBufS);
+    (*I)->printPretty(Buf);
+    BlockCall += ", " + Buf.str();
+  }
+  return BlockCall;
+void RewriteBlocks::RewriteBlockCall(CallExpr *Exp) {
+  std::string BlockCall = SynthesizeBlockCall(Exp);
+  const char *startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(Exp->getLocStart());
+  const char *endBuf = SM->getCharacterData(Exp->getLocEnd());
+  ReplaceText(Exp->getLocStart(), endBuf-startBuf, 
+              BlockCall.c_str(), BlockCall.size());
+void RewriteBlocks::RewriteBlockPointerFunctionArgs(FunctionDecl *FD) {
+  SourceLocation DeclLoc = FD->getLocation();
+  unsigned parenCount = 0, nArgs = 0;
+  // We have 1 or more arguments that have closure pointers.
+  const char *startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(DeclLoc);
+  const char *startArgList = strchr(startBuf, '(');
+  assert((*startArgList == '(') && "Rewriter fuzzy parser confused");
+  parenCount++;
+  // advance the location to startArgList.
+  DeclLoc = DeclLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(startArgList-startBuf+1);
+  assert((DeclLoc.isValid()) && "Invalid DeclLoc");
+  const char *topLevelCommaCursor = 0;
+  const char *argPtr = startArgList;
+  bool scannedBlockDecl = false;
+  std::string Tag = "struct __closure_impl *";
+  while (*argPtr++ && parenCount) {
+    switch (*argPtr) {
+      case '^': 
+        scannedBlockDecl = true; 
+        break;
+      case '(': 
+        parenCount++; 
+        break;
+      case ')': 
+        parenCount--;
+        if (parenCount == 0) {
+          if (scannedBlockDecl) {
+            // If we are rewriting a definition, don't forget the arg name.
+            if (FD->getBody())
+              Tag += FD->getParamDecl(nArgs)->getName();
+            // The last argument is a closure pointer decl, rewrite it!
+            if (topLevelCommaCursor)
+              ReplaceText(DeclLoc, argPtr-topLevelCommaCursor-2, Tag.c_str(), Tag.size());
+            else
+              ReplaceText(DeclLoc, argPtr-startArgList-1, Tag.c_str(), Tag.size());
+            scannedBlockDecl = false; // reset.
+          }
+          nArgs++;
+        }
+        break;
+      case ',':
+        if (parenCount == 1) {
+          // Make sure the function takes more than one argument.
+          assert((FD->getNumParams() > 1) && "Rewriter fuzzy parser confused");
+          if (scannedBlockDecl) {
+            // If we are rewriting a definition, don't forget the arg name.
+            if (FD->getBody())
+              Tag += FD->getParamDecl(nArgs)->getName();
+            // The current argument is a closure pointer decl, rewrite it!
+            if (topLevelCommaCursor)
+              ReplaceText(DeclLoc, argPtr-topLevelCommaCursor-1, Tag.c_str(), Tag.size());
+            else
+              ReplaceText(DeclLoc, argPtr-startArgList-1, Tag.c_str(), Tag.size());
+            scannedBlockDecl = false;
+          }
+          nArgs++;
+          // advance the location to topLevelCommaCursor.
+          if (topLevelCommaCursor)
+            DeclLoc = DeclLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(argPtr-topLevelCommaCursor);
+          else
+            DeclLoc = DeclLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(argPtr-startArgList+1);
+          topLevelCommaCursor = argPtr;
+          assert((DeclLoc.isValid()) && "Invalid DeclLoc");
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+void RewriteBlocks::RewriteBlockPointerDecl(NamedDecl *ND) {
+  SourceLocation DeclLoc = ND->getLocation();
+  const char *startBuf, *endBuf;
+  if (FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(ND)) {
+    RewriteBlockPointerFunctionArgs(FD);
+    return;
+  } else if (VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(ND)) {
+    DeclLoc = VD->getLocation();
+    startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(DeclLoc);
+    endBuf = startBuf;
+  } else if (TypedefDecl *TDD = dyn_cast<TypedefDecl>(ND)) {
+    DeclLoc = TDD->getLocation();
+    startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(DeclLoc);
+    if (!strncmp("typedef ", startBuf, 8)) {
+      startBuf += 8; // skip the typedef...
+      DeclLoc = DeclLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(8);
+    }
+    endBuf = startBuf;
+  }  
+  // FIXME: need to skip past the argument list...then check for ','.
+  while (*endBuf && *endBuf != '=' && *endBuf != ';')
+    endBuf++;
+  SourceLocation DeclEndLoc = DeclLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(endBuf-startBuf);
+  std::string Tag = "struct __closure_impl *" + std::string(ND->getName());
+  ReplaceText(DeclLoc, endBuf-startBuf, Tag.c_str(), Tag.size());
+  return;
+void RewriteBlocks::RewriteBlockStmtExpr(BlockStmtExpr *Exp) {
+  Blocks.push_back(Exp);
+  bool haveByRefDecls = false;
+  // Add initializers for any closure decl refs.
+  GetBlockDeclRefExprs(Exp);
+  if (BlockDeclRefs.size()) {
+    // Unique all "by copy" declarations.
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < BlockDeclRefs.size(); i++)
+      if (!BlockDeclRefs[i]->isByRef())
+        BlockByCopyDecls.insert(BlockDeclRefs[i]->getDecl());
+    // Unique all "by ref" declarations.
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < BlockDeclRefs.size(); i++)
+      if (BlockDeclRefs[i]->isByRef()) {
+        haveByRefDecls = true;
+        BlockByRefDecls.insert(BlockDeclRefs[i]->getDecl());
+      }
+  }
+  std::string FuncName;
+  if (CurFunctionDef)
+    FuncName = std::string(CurFunctionDef->getName());
+  else if (CurMethodDef) {
+    FuncName = std::string(CurMethodDef->getSelector().getName());
+    // Convert colons to underscores.
+    std::string::size_type loc = 0;
+    while ((loc = FuncName.find(":", loc)) != std::string::npos)
+      FuncName.replace(loc, 1, "_");
+  }
+  std::string BlockNumber = utostr(Blocks.size()-1);
+  std::string Tag = "struct __" + FuncName + "_closure_impl_" + BlockNumber;
+  std::string Func = "__" + FuncName + "_" + "closure_" + BlockNumber;
+  // Rewrite the closure block with a compound literal. The first cast is
+  // to prevent warnings from the C compiler.
+  std::string Init = "(struct __closure_impl *)&(" + Tag + "){{0,";
+  // Initialize the Flags, Size, and Invoke fields.
+  Init += (haveByRefDecls ? "HAS_BYREF," : "0,");
+  Init += "sizeof(" + Tag + ")," + Func + "}";
+  // Add initializers for any closure decl refs.
+  if (BlockDeclRefs.size()) {
+    // Output all "by copy" declarations.
+    for (llvm::SmallPtrSet<ValueDecl*,8>::iterator I = BlockByCopyDecls.begin(), 
+         E = BlockByCopyDecls.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+      Init += ",";
+      if (isObjCType((*I)->getType())) {
+        Init += "[[";
+        Init += (*I)->getName();
+        Init += " retain] autorelease]";
+      } else {
+        Init += (*I)->getName();
+      }
+    }
+    // Output all "by ref" declarations.
+    for (llvm::SmallPtrSet<ValueDecl*,8>::iterator I = BlockByRefDecls.begin(), 
+         E = BlockByRefDecls.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+      Init += ",&";
+      Init += (*I)->getName();
+    }
+  }
+  Init += "}";
+  BlockDeclRefs.clear();
+  BlockByRefDecls.clear();
+  BlockByCopyDecls.clear();
+  // Do the rewrite.
+  const char *startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(Exp->getLocStart());
+  const char *endBuf = SM->getCharacterData(Exp->getLocEnd());
+  ReplaceText(Exp->getLocStart(), endBuf-startBuf+1, Init.c_str(), Init.size());
+  return;

Modified: cfe/trunk/clang.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/clang.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj?rev=56266&r1=56265&r2=56266&view=diff

--- cfe/trunk/clang.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/clang.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj Tue Sep 16 19:13:27 2008
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
 		84AF36A10CB17A3B00C820A5 /* DeclObjC.h in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 84AF36A00CB17A3B00C820A5 /* DeclObjC.h */; };
 		84D9A8880C1A57E100AC7ABC /* AttributeList.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 84D9A8870C1A57E100AC7ABC /* AttributeList.cpp */; };
 		84D9A88C0C1A581300AC7ABC /* AttributeList.h in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 84D9A88B0C1A581300AC7ABC /* AttributeList.h */; };
+		9030C10A0E807A9300941490 /* RewriteBlocks.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9030C1090E807A9300941490 /* RewriteBlocks.cpp */; };
 		DE01DA490B12ADA300AC22CE /* PPCallbacks.h in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DE01DA480B12ADA300AC22CE /* PPCallbacks.h */; };
 		DE06756C0C051CFE00EBBFD8 /* ParseExprCXX.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DE06756B0C051CFE00EBBFD8 /* ParseExprCXX.cpp */; };
 		DE06B73E0A8307640050E87E /* LangOptions.h in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DE06B73D0A8307640050E87E /* LangOptions.h */; };
@@ -366,6 +367,7 @@
 		84D9A8870C1A57E100AC7ABC /* AttributeList.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = AttributeList.cpp; path = lib/Parse/AttributeList.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		84D9A88B0C1A581300AC7ABC /* AttributeList.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = AttributeList.h; path = clang/Parse/AttributeList.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		8DD76F6C0486A84900D96B5E /* clang */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = "compiled.mach-o.executable"; includeInIndex = 0; path = clang; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
+		9030C1090E807A9300941490 /* RewriteBlocks.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = RewriteBlocks.cpp; path = Driver/RewriteBlocks.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		DE01DA480B12ADA300AC22CE /* PPCallbacks.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PPCallbacks.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		DE06756B0C051CFE00EBBFD8 /* ParseExprCXX.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = ParseExprCXX.cpp; path = lib/Parse/ParseExprCXX.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		DE06B73D0A8307640050E87E /* LangOptions.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; indentWidth = 2; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LangOptions.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; tabWidth = 2; };
@@ -846,6 +848,7 @@
 		DEAEECAE0A5AF0FA0045101B /* Driver */ = {
 			isa = PBXGroup;
 			children = (
+				9030C1090E807A9300941490 /* RewriteBlocks.cpp */,
 				DE5932CD0AD60FF400BC794C /* clang.cpp */,
 				DE5932CE0AD60FF400BC794C /* clang.h */,
 				359DBBE20E1ACD4700F43FA0 /* AnalysisConsumer.h */,
@@ -1221,6 +1224,7 @@
 				359763260E633C7500B68AB7 /* HTMLDiagnostics.cpp in Sources */,
 				358CFBB80E65AB04002A8E19 /* BasicConstraintManager.cpp in Sources */,
 				35475B200E79973F0000BFE4 /* CGCall.cpp in Sources */,
+				9030C10A0E807A9300941490 /* RewriteBlocks.cpp in Sources */,
 			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;

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