[cfe-commits] r38616 - in /cfe/cfe/trunk/Lex: Pragma.cpp Preprocessor.cpp

sabre at cs.uiuc.edu sabre at cs.uiuc.edu
Wed Jul 11 09:23:14 PDT 2007

Author: sabre
Date: Wed Jul 11 11:23:14 2007
New Revision: 38616

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=38616&view=rev
Move some Pragma-related methods from Preprocessor.cpp to Pragma.cpp


Modified: cfe/cfe/trunk/Lex/Pragma.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/cfe/trunk/Lex/Pragma.cpp?rev=38616&r1=38615&r2=38616&view=diff

--- cfe/cfe/trunk/Lex/Pragma.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/cfe/trunk/Lex/Pragma.cpp Wed Jul 11 11:23:14 2007
@@ -7,12 +7,17 @@
-// This file implements the PragmaHandler and PragmaTable interfaces.
+// This file implements the PragmaHandler/PragmaTable interfaces and implements
+// pragma related methods of the Preprocessor class.
 #include "clang/Lex/Pragma.h"
 #include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/ScratchBuffer.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
 using namespace llvm;
 using namespace clang;
@@ -32,3 +37,298 @@
   // Otherwise, pass it down.
   Handler->HandlePragma(PP, Tok);
+// Preprocessor Pragma Directive Handling.
+/// HandlePragmaDirective - The "#pragma" directive has been parsed.  Lex the
+/// rest of the pragma, passing it to the registered pragma handlers.
+void Preprocessor::HandlePragmaDirective() {
+  ++NumPragma;
+  // Invoke the first level of pragma handlers which reads the namespace id.
+  LexerToken Tok;
+  PragmaHandlers->HandlePragma(*this, Tok);
+  // If the pragma handler didn't read the rest of the line, consume it now.
+  if (CurLexer->ParsingPreprocessorDirective)
+    DiscardUntilEndOfDirective();
+/// Handle_Pragma - Read a _Pragma directive, slice it up, process it, then
+/// return the first token after the directive.  The _Pragma token has just
+/// been read into 'Tok'.
+void Preprocessor::Handle_Pragma(LexerToken &Tok) {
+  // Remember the pragma token location.
+  SourceLocation PragmaLoc = Tok.getLocation();
+  // Read the '('.
+  Lex(Tok);
+  if (Tok.getKind() != tok::l_paren)
+    return Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err__Pragma_malformed);
+  // Read the '"..."'.
+  Lex(Tok);
+  if (Tok.getKind() != tok::string_literal)
+    return Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err__Pragma_malformed);
+  // Remember the string.
+  std::string StrVal = getSpelling(Tok);
+  SourceLocation StrLoc = Tok.getLocation();
+  // Read the ')'.
+  Lex(Tok);
+  if (Tok.getKind() != tok::r_paren)
+    return Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err__Pragma_malformed);
+  // The _Pragma is lexically sound.  Destringize according to C99
+  if (StrVal[0] == 'L')  // Remove L prefix.
+    StrVal.erase(StrVal.begin());
+  assert(StrVal[0] == '"' && StrVal[StrVal.size()-1] == '"' &&
+         "Invalid string token!");
+  // Remove the front quote, replacing it with a space, so that the pragma
+  // contents appear to have a space before them.
+  StrVal[0] = ' ';
+  // Replace the terminating quote with a \n\0.
+  StrVal[StrVal.size()-1] = '\n';
+  StrVal += '\0';
+  // Remove escaped quotes and escapes.
+  for (unsigned i = 0, e = StrVal.size(); i != e-1; ++i) {
+    if (StrVal[i] == '\\' &&
+        (StrVal[i+1] == '\\' || StrVal[i+1] == '"')) {
+      // \\ -> '\' and \" -> '"'.
+      StrVal.erase(StrVal.begin()+i);
+      --e;
+    }
+  }
+  // Plop the string (including the trailing null) into a buffer where we can
+  // lex it.
+  SourceLocation TokLoc = ScratchBuf->getToken(&StrVal[0], StrVal.size());
+  const char *StrData = SourceMgr.getCharacterData(TokLoc);
+  // FIXME: Create appropriate mapping info for this FileID, so that we know the
+  // tokens are coming out of the input string (StrLoc).
+  unsigned FileID = TokLoc.getFileID();
+  assert(FileID && "Could not create FileID for predefines?");
+  // Make and enter a lexer object so that we lex and expand the tokens just
+  // like any others.
+  Lexer *TL = new Lexer(SourceMgr.getBuffer(FileID), FileID, *this,
+                        StrData, StrData+StrVal.size()-1 /* no null */);
+  EnterSourceFileWithLexer(TL, 0);
+  // Ensure that the lexer thinks it is inside a directive, so that end \n will
+  // return an EOM token.
+  TL->ParsingPreprocessorDirective = true;
+  // This lexer really is for _Pragma.
+  TL->Is_PragmaLexer = true;
+  // With everything set up, lex this as a #pragma directive.
+  HandlePragmaDirective();
+  // Finally, return whatever came after the pragma directive.
+  return Lex(Tok);
+/// HandlePragmaOnce - Handle #pragma once.  OnceTok is the 'once'.
+void Preprocessor::HandlePragmaOnce(LexerToken &OnceTok) {
+  if (isInPrimaryFile()) {
+    Diag(OnceTok, diag::pp_pragma_once_in_main_file);
+    return;
+  }
+  // Get the current file lexer we're looking at.  Ignore _Pragma 'files' etc.
+  unsigned FileID = getCurrentFileLexer()->getCurFileID();
+  // Mark the file as a once-only file now.
+  getFileInfo(SourceMgr.getFileEntryForFileID(FileID)).isImport = true;
+/// HandlePragmaPoison - Handle #pragma GCC poison.  PoisonTok is the 'poison'.
+void Preprocessor::HandlePragmaPoison(LexerToken &PoisonTok) {
+  LexerToken Tok;
+  assert(!SkippingContents && "Why are we handling pragmas while skipping?");
+  while (1) {
+    // Read the next token to poison.  While doing this, pretend that we are
+    // skipping while reading the identifier to poison.
+    // This avoids errors on code like:
+    //   #pragma GCC poison X
+    //   #pragma GCC poison X
+    SkippingContents = true;
+    LexUnexpandedToken(Tok);
+    SkippingContents = false;
+    // If we reached the end of line, we're done.
+    if (Tok.getKind() == tok::eom) return;
+    // Can only poison identifiers.
+    if (Tok.getKind() != tok::identifier) {
+      Diag(Tok, diag::err_pp_invalid_poison);
+      return;
+    }
+    // Look up the identifier info for the token.
+    std::string TokStr = getSpelling(Tok);
+    IdentifierTokenInfo *II = 
+      getIdentifierInfo(&TokStr[0], &TokStr[0]+TokStr.size());
+    // Already poisoned.
+    if (II->isPoisoned()) continue;
+    // If this is a macro identifier, emit a warning.
+    if (II->getMacroInfo())
+      Diag(Tok, diag::pp_poisoning_existing_macro);
+    // Finally, poison it!
+    II->setIsPoisoned();
+  }
+/// HandlePragmaSystemHeader - Implement #pragma GCC system_header.  We know
+/// that the whole directive has been parsed.
+void Preprocessor::HandlePragmaSystemHeader(LexerToken &SysHeaderTok) {
+  if (isInPrimaryFile()) {
+    Diag(SysHeaderTok, diag::pp_pragma_sysheader_in_main_file);
+    return;
+  }
+  // Get the current file lexer we're looking at.  Ignore _Pragma 'files' etc.
+  Lexer *TheLexer = getCurrentFileLexer();
+  // Mark the file as a system header.
+  const FileEntry *File = 
+    SourceMgr.getFileEntryForFileID(TheLexer->getCurFileID());
+  getFileInfo(File).DirInfo = DirectoryLookup::SystemHeaderDir;
+  // Notify the client, if desired, that we are in a new source file.
+  if (FileChangeHandler)
+    FileChangeHandler(TheLexer->getSourceLocation(TheLexer->BufferPtr),
+                      SystemHeaderPragma, DirectoryLookup::SystemHeaderDir);
+/// HandlePragmaDependency - Handle #pragma GCC dependency "foo" blah.
+void Preprocessor::HandlePragmaDependency(LexerToken &DependencyTok) {
+  LexerToken FilenameTok;
+  std::string Filename = CurLexer->LexIncludeFilename(FilenameTok);
+  // If the token kind is EOM, the error has already been diagnosed.
+  if (FilenameTok.getKind() == tok::eom)
+    return;
+  // Find out whether the filename is <x> or "x".
+  bool isAngled = Filename[0] == '<';
+  // Remove the quotes.
+  Filename = std::string(Filename.begin()+1, Filename.end()-1);
+  // Search include directories.
+  const DirectoryLookup *CurDir;
+  const FileEntry *File = LookupFile(Filename, isAngled, 0, CurDir);
+  if (File == 0)
+    return Diag(FilenameTok, diag::err_pp_file_not_found);
+  unsigned FileID = getCurrentFileLexer()->getCurFileID();
+  const FileEntry *CurFile = SourceMgr.getFileEntryForFileID(FileID);
+  // If this file is older than the file it depends on, emit a diagnostic.
+  if (CurFile && CurFile->getModificationTime() < File->getModificationTime()) {
+    // Lex tokens at the end of the message and include them in the message.
+    std::string Message;
+    Lex(DependencyTok);
+    while (DependencyTok.getKind() != tok::eom) {
+      Message += getSpelling(DependencyTok) + " ";
+      Lex(DependencyTok);
+    }
+    Message.erase(Message.end()-1);
+    Diag(FilenameTok, diag::pp_out_of_date_dependency, Message);
+  }
+/// AddPragmaHandler - Add the specified pragma handler to the preprocessor.
+/// If 'Namespace' is non-null, then it is a token required to exist on the
+/// pragma line before the pragma string starts, e.g. "STDC" or "GCC".
+void Preprocessor::AddPragmaHandler(const char *Namespace, 
+                                    PragmaHandler *Handler) {
+  PragmaNamespace *InsertNS = PragmaHandlers;
+  // If this is specified to be in a namespace, step down into it.
+  if (Namespace) {
+    IdentifierTokenInfo *NSID = getIdentifierInfo(Namespace);
+    // If there is already a pragma handler with the name of this namespace,
+    // we either have an error (directive with the same name as a namespace) or
+    // we already have the namespace to insert into.
+    if (PragmaHandler *Existing = PragmaHandlers->FindHandler(NSID)) {
+      InsertNS = Existing->getIfNamespace();
+      assert(InsertNS != 0 && "Cannot have a pragma namespace and pragma"
+             " handler with the same name!");
+    } else {
+      // Otherwise, this namespace doesn't exist yet, create and insert the
+      // handler for it.
+      InsertNS = new PragmaNamespace(NSID);
+      PragmaHandlers->AddPragma(InsertNS);
+    }
+  }
+  // Check to make sure we don't already have a pragma for this identifier.
+  assert(!InsertNS->FindHandler(Handler->getName()) &&
+         "Pragma handler already exists for this identifier!");
+  InsertNS->AddPragma(Handler);
+namespace {
+struct PragmaOnceHandler : public PragmaHandler {
+  PragmaOnceHandler(const IdentifierTokenInfo *OnceID) : PragmaHandler(OnceID){}
+  virtual void HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP, LexerToken &OnceTok) {
+    PP.CheckEndOfDirective("#pragma once");
+    PP.HandlePragmaOnce(OnceTok);
+  }
+struct PragmaPoisonHandler : public PragmaHandler {
+  PragmaPoisonHandler(const IdentifierTokenInfo *ID) : PragmaHandler(ID) {}
+  virtual void HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP, LexerToken &PoisonTok) {
+    PP.HandlePragmaPoison(PoisonTok);
+  }
+struct PragmaSystemHeaderHandler : public PragmaHandler {
+  PragmaSystemHeaderHandler(const IdentifierTokenInfo *ID) : PragmaHandler(ID){}
+  virtual void HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP, LexerToken &SHToken) {
+    PP.HandlePragmaSystemHeader(SHToken);
+    PP.CheckEndOfDirective("#pragma");
+  }
+struct PragmaDependencyHandler : public PragmaHandler {
+  PragmaDependencyHandler(const IdentifierTokenInfo *ID) : PragmaHandler(ID) {}
+  virtual void HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP, LexerToken &DepToken) {
+    PP.HandlePragmaDependency(DepToken);
+  }
+}  // end anonymous namespace
+/// RegisterBuiltinPragmas - Install the standard preprocessor pragmas:
+/// #pragma GCC poison/system_header/dependency and #pragma once.
+void Preprocessor::RegisterBuiltinPragmas() {
+  AddPragmaHandler(0, new PragmaOnceHandler(getIdentifierInfo("once")));
+  AddPragmaHandler("GCC", new PragmaPoisonHandler(getIdentifierInfo("poison")));
+  AddPragmaHandler("GCC", new PragmaSystemHeaderHandler(
+                                          getIdentifierInfo("system_header")));
+  AddPragmaHandler("GCC", new PragmaDependencyHandler(
+                                          getIdentifierInfo("dependency")));

Modified: cfe/cfe/trunk/Lex/Preprocessor.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/cfe/trunk/Lex/Preprocessor.cpp?rev=38616&r1=38615&r2=38616&view=diff

--- cfe/cfe/trunk/Lex/Preprocessor.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/cfe/trunk/Lex/Preprocessor.cpp Wed Jul 11 11:23:14 2007
@@ -1454,297 +1454,3 @@
-// Preprocessor Pragma Directive Handling.
-/// HandlePragmaDirective - The "#pragma" directive has been parsed.  Lex the
-/// rest of the pragma, passing it to the registered pragma handlers.
-void Preprocessor::HandlePragmaDirective() {
-  ++NumPragma;
-  // Invoke the first level of pragma handlers which reads the namespace id.
-  LexerToken Tok;
-  PragmaHandlers->HandlePragma(*this, Tok);
-  // If the pragma handler didn't read the rest of the line, consume it now.
-  if (CurLexer->ParsingPreprocessorDirective)
-    DiscardUntilEndOfDirective();
-/// Handle_Pragma - Read a _Pragma directive, slice it up, process it, then
-/// return the first token after the directive.  The _Pragma token has just
-/// been read into 'Tok'.
-void Preprocessor::Handle_Pragma(LexerToken &Tok) {
-  // Remember the pragma token location.
-  SourceLocation PragmaLoc = Tok.getLocation();
-  // Read the '('.
-  Lex(Tok);
-  if (Tok.getKind() != tok::l_paren)
-    return Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err__Pragma_malformed);
-  // Read the '"..."'.
-  Lex(Tok);
-  if (Tok.getKind() != tok::string_literal)
-    return Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err__Pragma_malformed);
-  // Remember the string.
-  std::string StrVal = getSpelling(Tok);
-  SourceLocation StrLoc = Tok.getLocation();
-  // Read the ')'.
-  Lex(Tok);
-  if (Tok.getKind() != tok::r_paren)
-    return Diag(PragmaLoc, diag::err__Pragma_malformed);
-  // The _Pragma is lexically sound.  Destringize according to C99
-  if (StrVal[0] == 'L')  // Remove L prefix.
-    StrVal.erase(StrVal.begin());
-  assert(StrVal[0] == '"' && StrVal[StrVal.size()-1] == '"' &&
-         "Invalid string token!");
-  // Remove the front quote, replacing it with a space, so that the pragma
-  // contents appear to have a space before them.
-  StrVal[0] = ' ';
-  // Replace the terminating quote with a \n\0.
-  StrVal[StrVal.size()-1] = '\n';
-  StrVal += '\0';
-  // Remove escaped quotes and escapes.
-  for (unsigned i = 0, e = StrVal.size(); i != e-1; ++i) {
-    if (StrVal[i] == '\\' &&
-        (StrVal[i+1] == '\\' || StrVal[i+1] == '"')) {
-      // \\ -> '\' and \" -> '"'.
-      StrVal.erase(StrVal.begin()+i);
-      --e;
-    }
-  }
-  // Plop the string (including the trailing null) into a buffer where we can
-  // lex it.
-  SourceLocation TokLoc = ScratchBuf->getToken(&StrVal[0], StrVal.size());
-  const char *StrData = SourceMgr.getCharacterData(TokLoc);
-  // FIXME: Create appropriate mapping info for this FileID, so that we know the
-  // tokens are coming out of the input string (StrLoc).
-  unsigned FileID = TokLoc.getFileID();
-  assert(FileID && "Could not create FileID for predefines?");
-  // Make and enter a lexer object so that we lex and expand the tokens just
-  // like any others.
-  Lexer *TL = new Lexer(SourceMgr.getBuffer(FileID), FileID, *this,
-                        StrData, StrData+StrVal.size()-1 /* no null */);
-  EnterSourceFileWithLexer(TL, 0);
-  // Ensure that the lexer thinks it is inside a directive, so that end \n will
-  // return an EOM token.
-  TL->ParsingPreprocessorDirective = true;
-  // This lexer really is for _Pragma.
-  TL->Is_PragmaLexer = true;
-  // With everything set up, lex this as a #pragma directive.
-  HandlePragmaDirective();
-  // Finally, return whatever came after the pragma directive.
-  return Lex(Tok);
-/// HandlePragmaOnce - Handle #pragma once.  OnceTok is the 'once'.
-void Preprocessor::HandlePragmaOnce(LexerToken &OnceTok) {
-  if (isInPrimaryFile()) {
-    Diag(OnceTok, diag::pp_pragma_once_in_main_file);
-    return;
-  }
-  // Get the current file lexer we're looking at.  Ignore _Pragma 'files' etc.
-  unsigned FileID = getCurrentFileLexer()->getCurFileID();
-  // Mark the file as a once-only file now.
-  getFileInfo(SourceMgr.getFileEntryForFileID(FileID)).isImport = true;
-/// HandlePragmaPoison - Handle #pragma GCC poison.  PoisonTok is the 'poison'.
-void Preprocessor::HandlePragmaPoison(LexerToken &PoisonTok) {
-  LexerToken Tok;
-  assert(!SkippingContents && "Why are we handling pragmas while skipping?");
-  while (1) {
-    // Read the next token to poison.  While doing this, pretend that we are
-    // skipping while reading the identifier to poison.
-    // This avoids errors on code like:
-    //   #pragma GCC poison X
-    //   #pragma GCC poison X
-    SkippingContents = true;
-    LexUnexpandedToken(Tok);
-    SkippingContents = false;
-    // If we reached the end of line, we're done.
-    if (Tok.getKind() == tok::eom) return;
-    // Can only poison identifiers.
-    if (Tok.getKind() != tok::identifier) {
-      Diag(Tok, diag::err_pp_invalid_poison);
-      return;
-    }
-    // Look up the identifier info for the token.
-    std::string TokStr = getSpelling(Tok);
-    IdentifierTokenInfo *II = 
-      getIdentifierInfo(&TokStr[0], &TokStr[0]+TokStr.size());
-    // Already poisoned.
-    if (II->isPoisoned()) continue;
-    // If this is a macro identifier, emit a warning.
-    if (II->getMacroInfo())
-      Diag(Tok, diag::pp_poisoning_existing_macro);
-    // Finally, poison it!
-    II->setIsPoisoned();
-  }
-/// HandlePragmaSystemHeader - Implement #pragma GCC system_header.  We know
-/// that the whole directive has been parsed.
-void Preprocessor::HandlePragmaSystemHeader(LexerToken &SysHeaderTok) {
-  if (isInPrimaryFile()) {
-    Diag(SysHeaderTok, diag::pp_pragma_sysheader_in_main_file);
-    return;
-  }
-  // Get the current file lexer we're looking at.  Ignore _Pragma 'files' etc.
-  Lexer *TheLexer = getCurrentFileLexer();
-  // Mark the file as a system header.
-  const FileEntry *File = 
-    SourceMgr.getFileEntryForFileID(TheLexer->getCurFileID());
-  getFileInfo(File).DirInfo = DirectoryLookup::SystemHeaderDir;
-  // Notify the client, if desired, that we are in a new source file.
-  if (FileChangeHandler)
-    FileChangeHandler(TheLexer->getSourceLocation(TheLexer->BufferPtr),
-                      SystemHeaderPragma, DirectoryLookup::SystemHeaderDir);
-/// HandlePragmaDependency - Handle #pragma GCC dependency "foo" blah.
-void Preprocessor::HandlePragmaDependency(LexerToken &DependencyTok) {
-  LexerToken FilenameTok;
-  std::string Filename = CurLexer->LexIncludeFilename(FilenameTok);
-  // If the token kind is EOM, the error has already been diagnosed.
-  if (FilenameTok.getKind() == tok::eom)
-    return;
-  // Find out whether the filename is <x> or "x".
-  bool isAngled = Filename[0] == '<';
-  // Remove the quotes.
-  Filename = std::string(Filename.begin()+1, Filename.end()-1);
-  // Search include directories.
-  const DirectoryLookup *CurDir;
-  const FileEntry *File = LookupFile(Filename, isAngled, 0, CurDir);
-  if (File == 0)
-    return Diag(FilenameTok, diag::err_pp_file_not_found);
-  unsigned FileID = getCurrentFileLexer()->getCurFileID();
-  const FileEntry *CurFile = SourceMgr.getFileEntryForFileID(FileID);
-  // If this file is older than the file it depends on, emit a diagnostic.
-  if (CurFile && CurFile->getModificationTime() < File->getModificationTime()) {
-    // Lex tokens at the end of the message and include them in the message.
-    std::string Message;
-    Lex(DependencyTok);
-    while (DependencyTok.getKind() != tok::eom) {
-      Message += getSpelling(DependencyTok) + " ";
-      Lex(DependencyTok);
-    }
-    Message.erase(Message.end()-1);
-    Diag(FilenameTok, diag::pp_out_of_date_dependency, Message);
-  }
-/// AddPragmaHandler - Add the specified pragma handler to the preprocessor.
-/// If 'Namespace' is non-null, then it is a token required to exist on the
-/// pragma line before the pragma string starts, e.g. "STDC" or "GCC".
-void Preprocessor::AddPragmaHandler(const char *Namespace, 
-                                    PragmaHandler *Handler) {
-  PragmaNamespace *InsertNS = PragmaHandlers;
-  // If this is specified to be in a namespace, step down into it.
-  if (Namespace) {
-    IdentifierTokenInfo *NSID = getIdentifierInfo(Namespace);
-    // If there is already a pragma handler with the name of this namespace,
-    // we either have an error (directive with the same name as a namespace) or
-    // we already have the namespace to insert into.
-    if (PragmaHandler *Existing = PragmaHandlers->FindHandler(NSID)) {
-      InsertNS = Existing->getIfNamespace();
-      assert(InsertNS != 0 && "Cannot have a pragma namespace and pragma"
-             " handler with the same name!");
-    } else {
-      // Otherwise, this namespace doesn't exist yet, create and insert the
-      // handler for it.
-      InsertNS = new PragmaNamespace(NSID);
-      PragmaHandlers->AddPragma(InsertNS);
-    }
-  }
-  // Check to make sure we don't already have a pragma for this identifier.
-  assert(!InsertNS->FindHandler(Handler->getName()) &&
-         "Pragma handler already exists for this identifier!");
-  InsertNS->AddPragma(Handler);
-namespace {
-struct PragmaOnceHandler : public PragmaHandler {
-  PragmaOnceHandler(const IdentifierTokenInfo *OnceID) : PragmaHandler(OnceID){}
-  virtual void HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP, LexerToken &OnceTok) {
-    PP.CheckEndOfDirective("#pragma once");
-    PP.HandlePragmaOnce(OnceTok);
-  }
-struct PragmaPoisonHandler : public PragmaHandler {
-  PragmaPoisonHandler(const IdentifierTokenInfo *ID) : PragmaHandler(ID) {}
-  virtual void HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP, LexerToken &PoisonTok) {
-    PP.HandlePragmaPoison(PoisonTok);
-  }
-struct PragmaSystemHeaderHandler : public PragmaHandler {
-  PragmaSystemHeaderHandler(const IdentifierTokenInfo *ID) : PragmaHandler(ID){}
-  virtual void HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP, LexerToken &SHToken) {
-    PP.HandlePragmaSystemHeader(SHToken);
-    PP.CheckEndOfDirective("#pragma");
-  }
-struct PragmaDependencyHandler : public PragmaHandler {
-  PragmaDependencyHandler(const IdentifierTokenInfo *ID) : PragmaHandler(ID) {}
-  virtual void HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP, LexerToken &DepToken) {
-    PP.HandlePragmaDependency(DepToken);
-  }
-/// RegisterBuiltinPragmas - Install the standard preprocessor pragmas:
-/// #pragma GCC poison/system_header/dependency and #pragma once.
-void Preprocessor::RegisterBuiltinPragmas() {
-  AddPragmaHandler(0, new PragmaOnceHandler(getIdentifierInfo("once")));
-  AddPragmaHandler("GCC", new PragmaPoisonHandler(getIdentifierInfo("poison")));
-  AddPragmaHandler("GCC", new PragmaSystemHeaderHandler(
-                                          getIdentifierInfo("system_header")));
-  AddPragmaHandler("GCC", new PragmaDependencyHandler(
-                                          getIdentifierInfo("dependency")));

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