[all-commits] [llvm/llvm-project] 556eb8: [CIR] Function type return type improvements (#128...
David Olsen via All-commits
all-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 26 20:59:11 PST 2025
Branch: refs/heads/main
Home: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project
Commit: 556eb8244201a81fff7b246561a677a782b69fa0
Author: David Olsen <dolsen at nvidia.com>
Date: 2025-02-26 (Wed, 26 Feb 2025)
Changed paths:
M clang/include/clang/CIR/Dialect/IR/CIROps.td
M clang/include/clang/CIR/Dialect/IR/CIRTypes.td
M clang/lib/CIR/CodeGen/CIRGenTypes.cpp
M clang/lib/CIR/Dialect/IR/CIRDialect.cpp
M clang/lib/CIR/Dialect/IR/CIRTypes.cpp
M clang/test/CIR/IR/func.cir
M clang/test/CIR/IR/global.cir
M clang/test/CIR/func-simple.cpp
M clang/test/CIR/global-var-simple.cpp
Log Message:
[CIR] Function type return type improvements (#128787)
When a C or C++ function has a return type of `void`, the function type
is now represented in MLIR as having no return type rather than having a
return type of `!cir.void`. This avoids breaking MLIR invariants that
require the number of return types and the number of return values to
Change the assembly format for `cir::FuncType` from having a leading
return type to having a trailing return type. In other words, change
!cir.func<!returnType (!argTypes)>
!cir.func<(!argTypes) -> !returnType)>
Unless the function returns `void`, in which case change
!cir.func<!cir.void (!argTypes)>
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