[all-commits] [llvm/llvm-project] 850b49: [BOLT][binary-analysis] Add initial pac-ret gadget...

Kristof Beyls via All-commits all-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Feb 23 23:26:51 PST 2025

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project
  Commit: 850b49297615a613ac83adca2c9cf823a4b8ef95
  Author: Kristof Beyls <kristof.beyls at arm.com>
  Date:   2025-02-24 (Mon, 24 Feb 2025)

  Changed paths:
    M bolt/docs/BinaryAnalysis.md
    M bolt/include/bolt/Core/MCPlusBuilder.h
    A bolt/include/bolt/Passes/NonPacProtectedRetAnalysis.h
    M bolt/include/bolt/Utils/CommandLineOpts.h
    M bolt/lib/Passes/CMakeLists.txt
    A bolt/lib/Passes/NonPacProtectedRetAnalysis.cpp
    M bolt/lib/Rewrite/RewriteInstance.cpp
    M bolt/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64MCPlusBuilder.cpp
    M bolt/test/binary-analysis/AArch64/cmdline-args.test
    A bolt/test/binary-analysis/AArch64/gs-pacret-autiasp.s
    A bolt/test/binary-analysis/AArch64/gs-pacret-multi-bb.s
    M bolt/test/binary-analysis/AArch64/lit.local.cfg

  Log Message:
  [BOLT][binary-analysis] Add initial pac-ret gadget scanner (#122304)

This adds an initial pac-ret gadget scanner to the

The scanner is taken from the prototype that was published last year at
and has been discussed in RFC

and in the EuroLLVM 2024 keynote "Does LLVM implement security
hardenings correctly? A BOLT-based static analyzer to the rescue?"

In the spirit of incremental development, this PR aims to add a minimal
implementation that is "fully working" on its own, but has major
limitations, as described in the bolt/docs/BinaryAnalysis.md
documentation in this proposed commit. These and other limitations will
be fixed in follow-on PRs, mostly based on code already existing in the
prototype branch. I hope incrementally upstreaming will make it easier
to review the code.

Note that I believe that this could also form the basis of a scanner to
analyze correct implementation of PAuthABI.

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