[all-commits] [llvm/llvm-project] b7279e: [SystemZ][XRay] Make xray work with gcc (#126154)

Kai Nacke via All-commits all-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 6 16:00:42 PST 2025

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project
  Commit: b7279ed5b3ae3e7b0fd61e0f08c86fb1958f0b6f
  Author: Kai Nacke <kai.peter.nacke at ibm.com>
  Date:   2025-02-06 (Thu, 06 Feb 2025)

  Changed paths:
    M compiler-rt/lib/xray/CMakeLists.txt
    M compiler-rt/lib/xray/xray_tsc.h

  Log Message:
  [SystemZ][XRay] Make xray work with gcc (#126154)

It seems that depending on the platform, gcc acceptts or does not accept
`-mvx` without specifying an architecture actually having vector
instructions. The solution which seems to work across different versions
of gcc and clang is to specify the least architecture which has vector

In addition, initialization of the unused variable CPU prevents a
compiler warning from gcc.

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