[all-commits] [llvm/llvm-project] 13b442: [CI] Add queue size, running count metrics (#122714)

Nathan Gauër via All-commits all-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 16 02:42:11 PST 2025

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project
  Commit: 13b44283e90f357ea31c553445527953facccdbf
  Author: Nathan Gauër <brioche at google.com>
  Date:   2025-01-16 (Thu, 16 Jan 2025)

  Changed paths:
    M .ci/metrics/metrics.py

  Log Message:
  [CI] Add queue size, running count metrics (#122714)

This commits allows the container to report 3 additional metrics at
every sampling event:
- a heartbeat
- the size of the workflow queue (filtered)
- the number of running workflows (filtered)

The heartbeat is a simple metric allowing us to monitor the metrics
health. Before this commit, a new metrics was pushed only when a
workflow was completed. This meant we had to wait a few hours
before noticing if the metrics container was unable to push metrics.

In addition to this, this commits adds a sampling of the workflow
queue size and running count. This should allow us to better understand
the load, and improve the autoscale values we pick for the cluster.


Signed-off-by: Nathan Gauër <brioche at google.com>

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