[all-commits] [llvm/llvm-project] 6c3110: [Modules] No transitive source location change (#8...

Chuanqi Xu via All-commits all-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Apr 30 00:58:21 PDT 2024

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project
  Commit: 6c3110464bac3600685af9650269b0b2b8669d34
  Author: Chuanqi Xu <yedeng.yd at linux.alibaba.com>
  Date:   2024-04-30 (Tue, 30 Apr 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M clang/include/clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h
    M clang/include/clang/Serialization/ASTBitCodes.h
    M clang/include/clang/Serialization/ASTReader.h
    M clang/include/clang/Serialization/ASTWriter.h
    M clang/include/clang/Serialization/ModuleFile.h
    M clang/include/clang/Serialization/SourceLocationEncoding.h
    M clang/lib/Frontend/ASTUnit.cpp
    M clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReader.cpp
    M clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReaderDecl.cpp
    M clang/lib/Serialization/ASTWriter.cpp
    M clang/lib/Serialization/ASTWriterDecl.cpp
    M clang/lib/Serialization/ModuleFile.cpp
    A clang/test/Modules/no-transitive-source-location-change.cppm
    M clang/test/Modules/pr61067.cppm
    M clang/unittests/Serialization/SourceLocationEncodingTest.cpp

  Log Message:
  [Modules] No transitive source location change (#86912)

This is part of "no transitive change" patch series, "no transitive
source location change". I talked this with @Bigcheese in the tokyo's
WG21 meeting.

The idea comes from @jyknight posted on LLVM discourse. That for:

// A.cppm
export module A;

// B.cppm
export module B;
import A;

//--- C.cppm
export module C;
import C;

Almost every time A.cppm changes, we need to recompile `B`. Due to we
think the source location is significant to the semantics. But it may be
good if we can avoid recompiling `C` if the change from `A` wouldn't
change the BMI of B.

# Motivation Example

This patch only cares source locations. So let's focus on source
location's example. We can see the full example from the attached test.

//--- A.cppm
export module A;
export template <class T>
struct C {
    T func() {
        return T(43);
export int funcA() {
    return 43;

//--- A.v1.cppm
export module A;

export template <class T>
struct C {
    T func() {
        return T(43);
export int funcA() {
    return 43;

//--- B.cppm
export module B;
import A;

export int funcB() {
    return funcA();

//--- C.cppm
export module C;
import A;
export void testD() {
    C<int> c;

Here the only difference between `A.cppm` and `A.v1.cppm` is that
`A.v1.cppm` has an additional blank line. Then the test shows that two
BMI of `B.cppm`, one specified `-fmodule-file=A=A.pcm` and the other
specified `-fmodule-file=A=A.v1.pcm`, should have the bit-wise same

However, it is a different story for C, since C instantiates templates
from A, and the instantiation records the source information from module
A, which is different from `A` and `A.v1`, so it is expected that the
BMI `C.pcm` and `C.v1.pcm` can and should differ.

# Internal perspective of status quo

To fully understand the patch, we need to understand how we encodes
source locations and how we serialize and deserialize them.

For source locations, we encoded them as:

| _____ base offset of an imported module
|_____ base offset of another imported module
| ___ 0

As the diagram shows, we encode the local (unloaded) source location
from 0 to higher bits. And we allocate the space for source locations
from the loaded modules from high bits to 0. Then the source locations
from the loaded modules will be mapped to our source location space
according to the allocated offset.

For example, for,

// a.cppm
export module a;

// b.cppm
export module b;
import a;

Assuming the offset of a source location (let's name the location as
`S`) in a.cppm is 45 and we will record the value `45` into the BMI
`a.pcm`. Then in b.cppm, when we import a, the source manager will
allocate a space for module 'a' (according to the recorded number of
source locations) as the base offset of module 'a' in the current source
location spaces. Let's assume the allocated base offset as 90 in this
example. Then when we want to get the location in the current source
location space for `S`, we can get it simply by adding `45` to `90` to
`135`. Finally we can get the source location for `S` in module B as

And when we want to write module `b`, we would also write the source
location of `S` as `135` directly in the BMI. And to clarify the
location `S` comes from module `a`, we also need to record the base
offset of module `a`, 90 in the BMI of `b`.

Then the problem comes. Since the base offset of module 'a' is computed
by the number source locations in module 'a'. In module 'b', the
recorded base offset of module 'a' will change every time the number of
source locations in module 'a' increase or decrease. In other words, the
contents of BMI of B will change every time the number of locations in
module 'a' changes. This is pretty sensitive. Almost every change will
change the number of locations. So this is the problem this patch want
to solve.

Let's continue with the existing design to understand what's going on.
Another interesting case is:

// c.cppm
export module c;
import whatever;
import a;
import b;

In `c.cppm`, when we import `a`, we still need to allocate a base
location offset for it, let's say the value becomes to `200` somehow.
Then when we reach the location `S` recorded in module `b`, we need to
translate it into the current source location space. The solution is
quite simple, we can get it by `135 + (200 - 90) = 245`. In another
word, the offset of a source location in current module can be computed
as `Recorded Offset + Base Offset of the its module file - Recorded Base

Then we're almost done about how we handle the offset of source
locations in serializers.

# The high level design of current patch

>From the abstract level, what we want to do is to remove the hardcoded
base offset of imported modules and remain the ability to calculate the
source location in a new module unit. To achieve this, we need to be
able to find the module file owning a source location from the encoding
of the source location.

So in this patch, for each source location, we will store the local
offset of the location and the module file index. For the above example,
in `b.pcm`, the source location of `S` will be recorded as `135`
directly. And in the new design, the source location of `S` will be
recorded as `<1, 45>`. Here `1` stands for the module file index of `a`
in module `b`. And `45` means the offset of `S` to the base offset of
module `a`.

So the trade-off here is that, to make the BMI more independent, we need
to record more abstract information. And I feel it is worthy. The
recompilation problem of modules is really annoying and there are still
people complaining this. But if we can make this (including stopping
other changes transitively), I think this may be a killer feature for
modules. And from @Bigcheese , this should be helpful for clang explicit
modules too.

And the benchmarking side, I tested this patch against
https://github.com/alibaba/async_simple/tree/CXX20Modules. No
significant change on compilation time. The size of .pcm files becomes
to 204M from 200M. I think the trade-off is pretty fair.

# Some low level details

I didn't use another slot to record the module file index. I tried to
use the higher 32 bits of the existing source location encodings to
store that information. This design may be safe. Since we use `unsigned`
to store source locations but we use uint64_t in serialization. And
generally `unsigned` is 32 bit width in most platforms. So it might not
be a safe problem. Since all the bits we used to store the module file
index is not used before. So the new encodings may be:

   |           A           |         B         | C |

  * A: 32 bit. The index of the module file in the module manager + 1. The +1
          here is necessary since we wish 0 stands for the current module file.
  * B: 31 bit. The offset of the source location to the module file containing it.
  * C: The macro bit. We rotate it to the lowest bit so that we can save some 
          space in case the index of the module file is 0.

(The B and C is the existing raw encoding for source locations)

Another reason to reuse the same slot of the source location is to
reduce the impact of the patch. Since there are a lot of places assuming
we can store and get a source location from a slot. And if I tried to
add another slot, a lot of codes breaks. I don't feel it is worhty.

Another impact of this decision is that, the existing small
optimizations for encoding source location may be invalided. The key of
the optimization is that we can turn large values into small values then
we can use VBR6 format to reduce the size. But if we decided to put the
module file index into the higher bits, then maybe it simply doesn't
work. An example may be the `SourceLocationSequence` optimization.

This will only affect the size of on-disk .pcm files. I don't expect
this impact the speed and memory use of compilations. And seeing my
small experiments above, I feel this trade off is worthy.

# Correctness

The mental model for handling source location offsets is not so complex
and I believe we can solve it by adding module file index to each stored
source location.

For the practical side, since the source location is pretty sensitive,
and the patch can pass all the in-tree tests and a small scale projects,
I feel it should be correct.

# Future Plans

I'll continue to work on no transitive decl change and no transitive
identifier change (if matters) to achieve the goal to stop the
propagation of unnecessary changes. But all of this depends on this
patch. Since, clearly, the source locations are the most sensitive


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